Wed 12 Aug 2020 8:50AM

Incident Reporting Policy

DU Aleks Jovanovic Public Seen by 39

Hi everyone,

These are under review at the moment but I don't expect that much of the content will need to change. Just bringing it to the forefront. Especially for the members working in the NDIS space.

The risk Jedi and friends have updated the ‘Jeder Incident and injury Reporting Policy-Procedure’. There’s a copy saved on SharePoint here: Incident and Reporting Policy on SharePoint

Please take the time to familiarise yourselves with the policy and provide feedback here. The board will endorse the policy update after members have had an opportunity to provide then. Until then, please use this policy to guide you as needed.

The associated Incident Report Form can be found here: Incident form on SharePoint

Cheers Aleks


Michelle Dunscombe Wed 12 Aug 2020 1:35PM

@Aleks Jovanovic Sorry had no idea you were doing this as the P & P conversation has been happening on Loomio for a couple of weeks and this wasn't flagged. This policy/procedure was allocated to @Lorna McKenzie @Yvonne and Llewellyn, I guess they can cross it off their list.


Vic Tyler Thu 13 Aug 2020 10:23PM

https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/0AHrH4nUSDoXCUk9PVA Hi all please find attached new incident report form for feedback.

Cheers Vic


Vic Tyler Thu 13 Aug 2020 10:31PM

Please find attached PDF version for easier viewing for feedback.


Aleks Jovanovic Mon 17 Aug 2020 12:52AM

Thanks Vic. Looks good to me.


Lynn Lennon Mon 17 Aug 2020 6:48AM

Hi, I think this doc may need a little more work. eg lots of words in there that Jeder doesn't use, eg client, staff, employee.

I note Reference Number (administration logged into Echidna), where/how is this occurring?

First Aider Nam has 2 boxes next to it, are these to be ticked or are we listing a person's name?

Location: Team again has a box - should these be a place for text?

Heading - Date Time Description - should we add the words of Event?

Status of Injured Parties - seems to be a lot of space taken up with very few words - could we not incorporate this into Date/Time/Description of Event as a free text space?

Injured Party Details - again lots of space taken up that could be tidied up a little.

Details of Injury - Much of this information is already asked in the areas above?

Details listing action taken - can we put these in 2 columns to save a bit of space.

And lastly, not sure of the relevance of the last few questions, they seem a bit ambiguous, eg the health of the first aid responder? if they were knocked unconscious, if they had more than 2 days off work. I've not seen this kind of info in an incident form before, and if we're going to add these few things in there's probably a lot more that can be added.

Sorry for the long ramble, happy to clarify any of the above.


Aleks Jovanovic Mon 17 Aug 2020 7:03AM

Thanks @Lynn Lennon . Good points. And I said "looks good to me Vic" LOL. I'll leave this for Vic to respond to. Can't wait til you get around to the policy :)


Lynn Lennon Mon 17 Aug 2020 7:06AM

Oh I’m all about making forms simple...😂

Get Outlook for iOS ( https://aka.ms/o0ukef )


Vic Tyler Mon 17 Aug 2020 10:58PM

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for your response. This is exactly what we need. Your welcome to join us anytime at the Risk Jedi to carry through your suggestions. Greatly appreciated. Cheers Vic


Deleted account Sun 16 Aug 2020 7:36AM

Would a Participants death need to be recorded on this Accident and Incident Form?


Aleks Jovanovic Mon 17 Aug 2020 12:54AM

Hi Meredith. I think that this would be a good document to record and notify of a participants death. Our position, our relationship, the circumstances and timing of the death may need an extended report to be attached.

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