Free talk on community forest gardening

We all need to eat, so what better way to connect people than through food. Food forests are low maintenance, biodiverse & nutrient rich systems. So they feed us, as well as give us medicines, craft materials, soaps, and so much more, but in a way that also enriches nature (biodiversity). It really is a Win-Win-Win solution.
Creating community forest gardens, helps us to connect and build community where we can share and inspire each other think about food sovereignty as well as its impact on our planet and how we can work together to create truly abundant systems for all.
During this conversation we will discuss
- What is a forest garden
- What are the benefits to people
- What are the benefits to nature
- Where can we find examples
- How do we get started
If you have a community forest garden we want to hear from you and give you an opportunity to share some of you stories during this talk.
REGISTRATION for the talk / discussion via
26th April 7-9pm (uk time)
2nd May 7-9pm (uk time)
My desire is to help get community forest gardens off the ground, and support each other and inspire more people to co-create community food forests. To get a wider reach I have just set up a facebook group for people who are making, wanting to make or are just mildly interested in community forest gardens
So if you are an experienced forest garden designer or a beginner, we would love to hear from you.
In May we also have a 2 month long online course to help people step by step design their own forest gardens. Payment is by conscious contribution, so people pay what that can afford and feel is fair
Alison Harper Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:33AM
Would love to join the Sunday talk, where are the details please

Rakesh B Mon 26 Apr 2021 10:10AM
Reminder of the free talk on community forest gardens is happening tonight (and repeated on Sunday). My idea is for the first half is to discuss what is a forest garden, why make community forest gardens, how to start and then to give people time to tell us about their projects, followed by an opportunity to network and meet each other. Hopefully make some good connections.

Rakesh B Wed 21 Apr 2021 9:27PM
Wonderful. Look forward to hearing from you on the 26th.

Jake Rayson Wed 21 Apr 2021 6:59PM
I'll be there for the 26th 🙂 I'm helping to get a new build community forest garden off the ground, so can talk about my experiences so far
Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Wed 21 Apr 2021 6:35PM
I can make the 2nd May.

Rakesh B Wed 21 Apr 2021 6:08PM
Glad you enjoyed it and hopefully found it useful. BTW If there is any value in you coming to do the course again, then please do come along. No worries about payment, anyone who does a course with me is entitled to come to following courses. I have no expectations on people paying again, so it is totally their choice to pay again or not. My motivation is make things happen. So if it is useful for you please do come again.

Rakesh B Wed 21 Apr 2021 6:04PM
Would love it if you can give some feedback to the group on how your project is coming along during the talk. The last hour is mainly to get people taking and connecting. So more the merrier.
Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Wed 21 Apr 2021 6:01PM
Sounds like a great talk! I’ll try and join you and thank you for being such a Forest gardening advocate. I was really hooked by your course!
Rakesh B · Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:44AM
Hi Alson
Full details are on this facebook promo
Registration on zoom is via this link
We all need to eat, so what better way to connect people than through food. Food forests are low maintenance, biodiverse & nutrient rich systems. So they feed us, as well as give us medicines, craft materials, soaps, and so much more, but in a way that also enriches nature (biodiversity). It really is a Win-Win-Win solution.
Creating community forest gardens, helps us to connect and build community where we can share and inspire each other think about food sovereignty as well as its impact on our planet and how we can work together to create truly abundant systems for all.
During this conversation we will discuss
- What is a forest garden
- What are the benefits to people
- What are the benefits to nature
- Where can we find examples
- How do we get started
If you have a community forest garden we want to hear from you and give you an opportunity to share some of you stories.
REGISTRATION for the talk / discussion via
26th April 7-9pm (uk time)
2nd May 7-9pm (uk time)
My desire is to help build a network to support each other in these efforts, so we can support each other and inspire more people to co-create community food forests. I have just now set up a new facebook group to help facilitate this
So if you are an experienced forest garden designer or a beginner, we would love to hear from you.
In May we also have a 2 month long online course to help people step by step design their own forest gardens. Payment is by conscious contribution, so people pay what that can afford and feel is fair