Wed 25 Jul 2018 10:10AM

social.coop GitLab accounts now accessible!

NS Nick S Public Seen by 17

So, following up on our membership of Web Architects coop:

  • We discover our payment hasn't (yet) gone through, Mayel and I are currently trying to get this sorted.
  • However, @chriscroome has whitelisted accounts created with social.coop email addresses in anticipation of this being sorted (thanks!)
  • This isn't currently very easy or scalable: we use a free Zoho account currently which has a max of 25 mail addresses that can receive mail and forward it externally.
  • Therefore, for now, anyone who wants access, please send me your email addresses (privately or however) and I'll add you as a forwarding recipient for tech.group@social.coop (which is intended as a means to contact us anyway)
  • You can then create a GitLab account using that address and subsequently change it to your personal one on receiving the confirmation. (Yes, this may get confusing if registrations overlap... but I have limited time to sort out anything better)

My time is limited because I shall be going away on holiday this weekend (and is also why I can't make it to Open: 2018 this year :( )

The payment requires some help from Alanna at OpenCollective, since it seems neither Mayel or I can amend the expense claim to add Web Architect's email address so they can pay it!

My main aim is to get people access so they can start browsing the GitLab services and potentially self-organising there. I have some ideas which I aim to put on GitLab, either as documents or tickets.

Also, I hope GitLab may be useful to people outside the core Tech WG, even to other working groups, so please don't exclude yourself if you have any inclination to look and comment on the process.


Jake Beamish Wed 25 Jul 2018 10:35AM

Oh cool, nice work, thanks for the update too. I'm really interested in using version control for docs like the Code of Conduct to make changes easier to inspect/demonstrate - but don't have an urgent need for the privilege of an account so will wait a bit so actual tech people who do can get registered. :)


Nick S Wed 25 Jul 2018 11:56AM

I'd actually like to encourage people to do this :) so please don't hold back. I'm not expecting such a rush it won't work out! After all, even if you click on someone else's link, probably not that much harm done.