Sean Tilley Sun 16 Sep 2012 5:57PM
@groovehunter: Hey man, just checking in. I've done a fair bit of theme development on my server, but I think to take the next step, we need to think about duplication of effort. The way I see it, we have two options to keep this convenient for the both of us:
1.) I export my theme, panels, and the Views I've created, and upload them to your server. I'll need to have some modules enabled, for the sake of convenience (I'll list them, if you want me to go with Option 1)
2.) You can port over the work you've done from your server to mine.
I just don't want to create a situation where we're both working on two different versions of the same thing, as that can get messy. ;) Just let me know what you're most comfortable with doing, and we can come up with a game plan for it.
groovehunter Wed 26 Sep 2012 6:46AM
will write asap
Jason Robinson Fri 23 Nov 2012 8:25PM
Awesome progress guys. Just thinking of the supporters page and a few things bug me.. Firstly, it's called "Supporters" :) Wouldn't "Community" be a little more descriptive? Supporters sounds like fans of some web service..
The other thing is the categories. Hackers, Designers, Podmins and Packagers are ok - but what is Collaborators? Who are these people collaborating with? :) What about Enthusiasts or or something, not sure what..
Documentation Editors is kind of also a little weird, maybe Documenters or Writers?
Sean Tilley Sun 25 Nov 2012 10:09PM
Yeah, I'm totally willing to tweak and throw in whatever categories are necessary.
Also, Community does make more sense than supporters. I'll update it. :)
groovehunter · Wed 12 Sep 2012 4:16PM
cu in some hours, does the admin login work?