Sun 11 Sep 2022 1:30PM

New workshop from CICOPA

AB Alex Bird Public Seen by 170

An online session from CICOPA on June 28th


Alex Bird Sun 11 Sep 2022 1:33PM

CICOPA invites to you join its upcoming webinar in collaboration with CICOPA Asia-Pacific on the 28 September 2022.  

The collaboration between worker cooperatives and trade unions is a topic of great interest for CICOPA and its members. After some internal discussions on that topic, CICOPA, in collaboration with CICOPA Asia-pacific, decided to enlarge the discussion to a wider audience, with a specific focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

On the 28 of September 2022, CICOPA, with the close collaboration of the recently established network of CICOPA Asia-Pacific, will be organizing the webinar “Worker Cooperatives and Trade Unions: Exploring Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region”.

During this two-hour webinar, we will share the experience of four countries: India, Japan, Australia, and the Philippines, and explore how worker cooperatives and trade unions could cooperate with each other in order to protect workers’ rights (especially in vulnerable situations), and to empower them (e.g. women, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, informal workers, gig workers) to name a few.

Particularly, we are honored with the participation of Ms. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Ms. Simel Esim, Head of the Cooperative Unit of ILO. Alongside CICOPA president, Iñigo Albizuri, they will discuss the future possibilities of strengthening the relationship between worker cooperatives and trade unions.

The webinar will be moderated by CICOPA Secretary General, Diana Dovgan, and the closing remarks will be delivered by Osamu Nakano, Chair of CICOPA Asia-Pacific.

We invite you to join us for this great opportunity!

Event: Worker cooperatives and trade unions: Exploring relations in the Asia-Pacific region Date and time: 28 September 2022, at 11:00-13:00 (CEST)

You can register here
