Come to our first AGM

Platform 6 Development Co-operative is holding its first Annual General Meeting on February 13th at 1400 GMT. Whilst only co-op members are eligible to vote everyone in the Platform 6 community is welcome to join the discussion - we're keen to get your input.

Graham Mon 3 Feb 2020 4:11PM
Only members can vote, but all are welcome to join the call.

Jeff Regino Tue 4 Feb 2020 2:59AM
Would you record the AGM?
Thanks, it's a great opportunity for people with no co-op experience like me.

Graham Tue 4 Feb 2020 9:34AM
Good thought. I'll aim to ensure that - assuming all participants are content with the idea - that we record the call and can then post it over here in Loomio.

Graham Mon 3 Feb 2020 4:09PM
We're holding our first AGM on Feb 13th at 1400 GMT. The meeting will be held online using the Zoom video-conferencing tool. We'd like to invite everyone here to come along for the hour, catch up with news about some of the work we've been doing, and say hi to fellow Platform 6 supporters and members. Only members of the co-op can vote at the meeting, but everyone is very welcome to join the call.

Graham Mon 3 Feb 2020 4:10PM
I'll post the link here nearer the time.

Graham Mon 3 Feb 2020 4:32PM
Here's the agenda for the meeting:
1. Directors' report
2. Presentation of accounts
3. Election of Directors
4. General discussion on the future direction of Platform 6
5. Any other business.
Anyone, or any org, that isn't currently a member of the co-operative that wants to join is very welcome to do so. There are details and links to the two current sign-up options here
As you can see from the agenda we'll be giving a report on what we've been up to since we set up the co-operative, and outlining where we are heading. There will also be an opportunity for discussion around our future direction – we are keen to be responsive to demand, so if you've got ideas please bring them, and if you've got the energy and passion to do something about those ideas then you should join us on the journey.

Graham Mon 10 Feb 2020 12:30PM
Please find attached our first (and latest) set of accounts, in time for the call on Thursday. Looking forward to seeing people there.

Graham Tue 11 Feb 2020 1:51PM
Here are the details you need to join the AGM call on Thursday:
Topic: Platform 6 Development Co-operative Ltd. 2020 AGM
Time: Feb 13, 2020 02:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 816 041
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Simon Carter Fri 14 Feb 2020 6:37PM
is the recording available?. I'de like to re-cap, plus I missed some of it when I had a visitor,
Jeff Regino · Mon 3 Feb 2020 4:09PM
For members only? Online? Thanks!