Wed 22 Oct 2014 1:27PM

Redmine - Proposal to setup a ticket system

MO( Markus Osmers (mo22) Public Seen by 17

Hey folks,
i'm not sure if something exists so far, if please delete this, but i would like to make the proposal to setup a redmine to manage single features and implementations.

Redmine is a tool to have git connected Projekt Management for Feature and Code implementation.
It is a better way to organise git comments and work-packet dependencies.

We used it a lot for our projects and it is realy helpful for group developing.

It is also open-source, see:


Rory Aronson Wed 22 Oct 2014 4:37PM

Currently we're using GitHub issues for feature/bug tracking and also Slack for core team communication (ps send me an email at [email protected] if you want to join the Slack group). We've used Waffle.io in the past but it didn't seem to add a lot more value that GitHub issues.

I'm not sure I see the value that Redmine would add over GitHub issues.


Ryan Wed 22 Oct 2014 7:07PM

I think GitHub issues, while not that organized, works very well for us by being simple and not bogged down with too many features.