Fri 17 Apr 2015 2:14AM

The Great Taste cycle trail

DA David Armstrong Public Seen by 131

The question was originally asked on our Facebook group: "Should Motueka take better advantage of the Great Taste cycle trail passing along our foreshore, and if so, how?"
Here are the comments made then - please feel free to place yours here.

Sue Jepson >> Absolutely - we have many beautiful cycling routes in and around Motueka with plenty of historical, cultural interest along the way + cafes!! We have the great taste trail marked out in yellow on our map of the region, clearly showing that Motueka has much to offer!
Linda Glew >> A coordinated approach for providing an all year round plan of activities and events that can be all inclusive (for all kinds of cyclists, young, old, groups, athletes, disabled) that takes in cultural and historical tours for our visitors - artists - cafes - local services. Also to grow an expectation that visitors and locals get together once a year for a working bee - for a particular cycle trail project, or a clean up or maintenance/beautification. At present the trail is fragmented and needs to evolve.
Terri Everett >> Seats and bike racks for people to lock bikes and take rest or even a walk at the water from for example.
Kate Kennedy >> Hire cycles. We have some cycles for hire from outside the I-Site in Whanganui that are beautiful retro cycles with comfy seats and cup holders. I think they're really funky.
David Armstrong >> If and when we get a community hub planned for central Motueka (Decks Reserve), it must include facilities for visiting cyclists - drinking fountain, place to lock a bike, maps of the cycling trails around and near the town, etc.
Shane Blows >> Seafood cafe over the water.
Julie Scales >> Agree with Linda Glew. Currently fragmented. Need to work together for a wholistic approach for multi purpose stop rather than everyone wanting their piece of the action. But how best for this collaboration?
Sue Jepson >> We need a collaborative approach to establishing facilities for cyclists when they are here and we need a collaborative approach to getting the message 'out there' that Motueka is a destination in itself and the best way to do that for free is for everyone who can to collaborate on line using social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. People need to know what is here before they plan a trip that only allows one day. I agree with Julie Scales - we need a collaborative approach - the days of just promoting ourselves should be gone - everyone stands to benefit from an improved economy if we work together to promote the region.
Johny O'Donnell >> I would like to see Motueka branded more effectively - which is really the purpose of LoveMotueka. I believe the biggest factor standing in the way of that is the grey area between Our Town Motueka and Tasman Bay Promotions. Either way not enough is being done. OTM have now invested in free WiFi which will allow visitors to share their experiences of Motueka while visiting High Street and Facebook advertising has just rolled out a new feature to advertise to people travelling in your location. I'd like to support our businesses to become more digitally savvy to capitalise on powerful promotional opportunities such as this.
Kym Parsons >> Motueka definitely needs a strong brand and visual objects to associate that brand with. Perhaps we could run a competition to design our own coat of arms and/or flag?
Sue Clark >> I think we should take better advantage of the Great Taste Cycle Trail Perhaps we could offer something that others don't.but how/what is the question. Something free or cheaper than other trails- an awesome international/national promotion with wonderful photos of our portion of the trail that promotes our wines, fruits arts etc.
Brendon Williams >> Definately! The Cycle Trails in NZ (if you read up on their website) are here not for just an awesome scenic experience but to also create economic growth for small business within the communities involved. I say advertise and promote your business through "trail journeys" in Mapua who hire the Bikes and work with other tour operators, hotels,lodges and backpackers ,put out brochures add in a map to show where you are in comparison to "the great taste trail". The opportunities are there.
Petra Stephenson >> The cycle trail is already an asset, so let's definitely make the most of it. It is not a matter of prioritising. Strength comes from linking things/ finding multiple uses for each item. Therefore businesses need to advertise how close they are to the trail; maybe offer bikes or have drop off arrangements between accommodation providers and/or businesses; plant edible trees along the trail to provide shade and draw out locals as an informal meeting point; make an edible Motueka around it and attract visitors (see Todmorden in the UK); link local roads/footpath/ parks to the cycle trail to increase its use and get local kids and all safely from A to B; create festivals/ races/ competitions that include the cycle trail (and any other attraction in town), Lobby local land owners so the trail can continue out the Mot Valley; ...So the thinking shouldn't be a list to prioritise items, but how many links can we create!

Over to you. Add further comments or suggestions here.