Core Practitioner Onboarding, Inductions, Coaching and Supervision Framework
Purpose: to provide a consistent approach to coaching and supervision of new (CORE) Behaviour Support Practitioners within Jeder Institute.
What we are asking you to do: please review the framework and provide any comments/suggestions (to strengthen it) and VOTE with the Poll Questions.
Framework Link: WIP Coaching and Supervision New BIS Members DRAFT.docx
Framework Path (Sharepoint)- Jedi Pods Teams > >Teams> BIS Team > Jedlets> Supervision and Coaching Jedlet.
Please vote by using the following link-
Jason Emmins Tue 3 Dec 2024 9:15PM
@Pennie Eddy good thought- what is everyone's thoughts on this? I think there are elements in the Masterclasses Proficient members could do, to increase their "supervision" skills/exposure. Maybe its Advanced/Specialist that do the actual coaching.... thoughts????
Pennie Eddy Mon 2 Dec 2024 9:40PM
sorry, another thought. Should we explicitly state a level that a coach/supervisor of a Gren BIS be, e.g., proficient, Advanced or Specialist?
Jason Emmins Tue 3 Dec 2024 9:14PM
@Pennie Eddy thanks- there will be a separate class "Core BIS" where the 10% will be allocated- this is where the Coach/Supervision Members can draw from (doing a class transfer- similar to what is already set up for our Admin positions). From a Core BIS Prac perspective, they will see 25% come out each week/month of their class.
Yes, good pick up- it will be $189.54/hour. I will update this in the final document.
Pennie Eddy Mon 2 Dec 2024 9:34PM
under payment of coaching in the 25% billable hours option. Will the additional 10% be allocated to the Core BIS class or a separate bucket so coaches can bill from it? How will the core BIS know what that 10% sitting in their class is so they don't use it and it remains there for coaching billing purposes? also does the hourly rate need to change from $223.21 to $189.54 (full rate minus 15%)?
Tess Pollard Tue 3 Dec 2024 10:40PM
@Jason Emmins Sounds good, thanks for coming back Jase. Update the vote where? I've completed the MS form already.
Jason Emmins Tue 3 Dec 2024 9:12PM
@Tess Pollard many thanks for your feedback Tess. The suggestion around the BIS Team and then Coaches Pod review the applications is the assist in streamlining the process (i.e. if we don't have any capacity in the team for coaching, then it would be difficult to process applications). The Coach Pod is indicating over the last few meetings that there is no time to get through the other business/items for discussion as its tied up with the applications.
It is certainly a trial and we can modify things as we go- if people need more time in one area, I am sure this can also be accommodated. Its also, in my opinion, the Core Practitioner will also do a lot of learning/reading/research in between Masterclasses, coaching, supervision sessions.
Are you able to please update you vote on the form for the hourly rate?
Tess Pollard Mon 2 Dec 2024 5:48AM
This is AMAZING work guys, well done and how exciting.
RE reviewing all applications: Why would BiS team & coaches pod review and not just coaches pod?
I think the timeframes are fairly ambitious, especially around RPs & assessments (you could spend 1.5 hours easy on just lodging RPS in the commission or one assessment!) Just want who ever is delivering the modules to set themselves up for success/not feel too under pressure.
As voted at BiS gathering: hourly rate - this seems like the tidiest, least hierarchical way to go about payment.
Dee Brooks · Wed 11 Dec 2024 4:58AM
This is some amazing work, team - great stuff! A couple of thoughts from an outsider perspective.
The exploration and onboarding processes are currently not working (there is a small group of us meeting next week to hopefully fix this)
This is another piece of evidence pointing towards the "autonomy of teams" e.g. CoBu have a "standing item" on their Harvest where they review new member resumes before it goes to Coaches Pod for similar reasons as outline here
I don't see much "Jeder philosophy" in here, e.g. strengths-based practice, person-centred, participatory leadership - although, it says that internal members transitioning follow the Jeder obligations, what about newbies?
I think it's time for a group of us across different teams to develop a "foundational practices and processes" document that ALL teams must adhere to in order to be part of Jeder AND they can explore, develop, grow in their own autonomous ways from those foundational guidelines and philosophy
I'm really excited about this; thanks BIS Team for taking the lead.