
Pirate Cycling second edition

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 426

I propose we organize a second edition of pirate cycling. This time we can to divide the whole trip to a few days per month around weekends to get more participation. I propose we start after summer in June.

TODO list (if you would like to help, just edit and add your name)

  • Update website - Kannan, Bady http://pirates.org.in/cycling
  • Create posters - need volunteers
  • Print T shirts (optional) - need volunteers
  • Confirm about availability of enough cycles (renting cycles are not a possibility)
  • Fix schedule - done
  • Find accommodation - 27th PG center, 28th Moozhikkulam Sala.


  • 27th evening 5pm - meet at PG Center - invite other groups
  • 27th night - camp at PG Center
  • 28th morning 8am - start cycling
  • 28th meetups on the way - to be confirmed
  • 28th evening - camping at Moozhikkulam Sala
  • 29th morning - cycling back to Thrissur by another route

Route map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=graphhopper_bicycle&route=10.5325,76.2135;10.1858,76.3254#map=12/10.1908/76.3522

Introductory Note:

We are organizing second edition of Pirate Cycling to spread the Pirate Ideas to the wider society. First edition of this activity was 5 years back and mainly focused on issues relating to politics of technology.

Now we want to expand our focus to issues of identity based discrimination as well. We invite all marginalized or systematically discriminated communities (Women, LGBTIQ, Dalits, Tribals etc) to join this celebration of Pirates.

Indian Pirates is a political experiment in building a non-hierarchical political movement without separation of leaders and cadres, everyone has the opportunity to participate in policy making and every member has one vote in all decisions.

Hierarchical organizations and representatives were a historic necessity when communication among a group distributed across a large geographical area was impossible. People had to meet physically to discuss and decide on any issues and this created a barrier for all members to participate.

With advancement of communication technologies, we no longer have this restriction and every member interested in a topic can participate in discussions and be part of decision making.

Our Basic Principles [Include our basic principles]

Many of the principles listed are shared by many groups, but what makes us unique is our non-hierarchical structure and transparency. Every discussion and decision is available for all to see over the internet.


Fri 3 Aug 2018 7:58AM

not in kerala