Fri 27 Jan 2023 10:30AM

CoTech to become an industry circle of workers.coop - towards a proposal

SWS Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Public Seen by 134

There is a new, independent worker co-op federation and at the summer gathering the idea of joining forces and making CoTech the first industrial circle of workers.coop received a generally positive response. I now want to work towards a proposal to act on and formalise this.

There are both political and practical reasons why this should be a no brainer, although as always the devil's in the detail and it would also need the coordinating circle of workers.coop to agree and to work on it. Essentially CoTech would operate exactly as it does now, but I think the subs-paying members of CoTech would also need to join workers.coop as enterprise members (many of them have already joined, have agreed to join, or are considering joining). The CoTech circle could involve non-workers.coop members and non-CoTech subs paying co-ops as it does now and have autonomous decision-making and administration remit, sending a member to the worker.coop coordinating circle.

The advantages - apart from the main one - together we are stronger - are that we would be able to merge some admin and infrastructure functions; for instance workers.coop would be the contractor with CoTech's coordinator and could have its own financial ecscosystem, raise money if it wants as it does now for special projects, events, circle expenses (but potentially cross-subsidised from workers.coop general funds); we could merge our NextCloud instances but CoTech could keep its own wiki and other organising tools; and so on.

I know perhaps some CoTechers are not familiar with workers.coop, which is itself in startup mode, and I'm happy to respond to all clarifying questions and then reactions/critical concerns, with a view to writing a proposal for CoTech decision. Meanwhile I'm sharing this summary business plan doc. Here's how a primary worker co-op can join the federation. For transparency: I'm a mission circle (board), coordination circle and communications circle member of workers.coop :)

Would like to be in a position to formulate a proposal in the next couple of weeks, i.e. by Friday 10th Feb 2023.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 27 Jan 2023 3:33PM

Thanks Polly. In fact, generating new business opportunities for members - way beyond co-op intertrading - is an object of workers.coop and we will be codesigning how we do this in an organised, focused way so that it's not just a cosy club. It's definitely not about buying each others' goods and services, for which the scope is limited, but about sharing wider business intelligence to create opportunities for each other. Although of course intertrading is a way to test each others' offer, and thus qualify referrals and recommendations to third parties.


John Evans Fri 27 Jan 2023 2:34PM

Also just speaking as me, not Code-op:

Very happy to see this move forward. I think the clearest immediate benefit would be using workers.coop as the contracting body for the network coordinator (see here for proposal on that).

I think the main risk is that Cotech and workers.coop might not communicate enough to be able to co-operate effectively. While that would be a shame and a missed opportunity, I don't think it would damage Cotech much.

For me it looks like the potential upside is large and the potential downside is small so I'd be up for it.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 27 Jan 2023 3:40PM

Hi John, we haven't worked out exactly how communication and accountability will work in the case of industry circles, but I think we would want to coordinate (sociocracy style) by having a link person between the CoTech circle and the Coordinating circle. Otherwise it comes down to how collaborative members want to be, or how siloed, and what members see value in sharing.


Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) Fri 27 Jan 2023 3:11PM

Speaking in an individual capacity too. At first (when we discussed it informally at the Glasgow gathering) I was a bit sceptical about this, but I've softened a bit now.

On a personal and practical level I do some of the organisational work in CoTech (book keeping, running loomio proposals, some forum moderating, responding to inbound emails etc) and I'd quite like a bit more help with that - having some of those functions taken on by "circles" within wookers.coop and being able to contribute to those sounds appealing to me.

I'd be quite happy if the CoTech "industry circle" were given a budget by workers.coop to spend autonomously (including paying for freelance coordinator assistance) and we scrapped the CoTech fund, encouraging the members to join workers.coop instead, I think.

I'd like CoTech to retain an identity, in particular I like our gatherings when they happen and I wouldn't want to see them go away.

I agree with Doug that we should try to make these decisions online for a variety of reasons.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 27 Jan 2023 3:58PM

Blending financial admin and sharing aspects of administration are obvious efficiencies. The federation's subs model (1/1000th of payroll or freelancer fees, minimum £150 p.a. with pay-what-you-can membership for up to two years) is anyway different from CoTech's, so would need to work something out if you wanted to not to continue the CoTech Fund. CoTech would anyway be free to additionally fundraise for its own projects. But maybe the simpler model is: the CoTech fund continues as that additional fundraiser (just done through workers.coop's books and revenue/cost centres), while the workers.coop membership fee covers general/shared workers.coop activity, as it will for every other type of member.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Tue 31 Jan 2023 11:07AM

I'd like to maybe do a video meeting for up to an hour, with anyone here who wants to draft a proposal together that would stand a chance of getting broad CoTech support/consent. Who's up for it - and I'll send round a Doodle to fix a time?


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Tue 31 Jan 2023 11:30AM

Good idea, I'm on for that, you could use a Nextcloud poll for picking a date and time, rather than Doodle.


Doug Belshaw Tue 31 Jan 2023 11:48AM

Perhaps a bit of both, for example I'd love to help shape up a first draft from yourself asynchronously (which also might help more people to contribute)?

Item removed


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 8 Feb 2023 10:47AM

Not sure what went wrong with the link, try this?



Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 10 Feb 2023 12:42PM

I have written a draft proposal saved in a new CoTech (not workers.coop) Nextcloud folder 'Worker co-op federation' for contributors in this thread to critique/co-edit, or I could do it old style and email to you @Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) @Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) @Doug Belshaw @John Evans @Graham @John Atherton ?


John Atherton Fri 10 Feb 2023 1:02PM

If you don’t have a Nextcloud account get one via our new SSO


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 10 Feb 2023 5:29PM

Thanks for drafting this @Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) I've added a couple of small bits to the document and also one comment, @Doug Belshaw 's comments are good and I think his suggestion to have a meeting to discuss it sounds like a sensible next step.

Item removed


Doug Belshaw Fri 10 Feb 2023 1:23PM

(removed previous message as I got confused between CoTech and workers.coop NextCloud instances...)


Doug Belshaw Fri 10 Feb 2023 1:34PM

Have added comments to the doc, thanks @Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) ! (if there's no reason to keep it closed, could you make it accessible for everyone and comment-only?)


Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts) Fri 10 Feb 2023 1:57PM

Hi @John Atherton The link you've posted needs to stay private and only issued to coops that sign up to the worker fed, otherwise it can be targeted by spammers, as this loomio forum is open to the public.

I've deactivated the original link and will send you the new one.



Doug Belshaw Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:00PM

@Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts) you're going to hate the way that WAO does... most of our work then 😅 https://pads.weareopen.coop (haven't had a problem in seven years)


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:05PM

Etherpad has been specifically designed to be open, the SSO for things like the workers.coop Nextcloud instance has been setup for members of co-ops that join workers.coop not anyone in the world, the forum is open to all.


Doug Belshaw Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:09PM

So no documents on the Nextcloud instance can ever be shared with non-members? That seems sub-optimal as a design decision, but OK!


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:11PM

No @dougbelshaw sorry not to have been clear, of course documents on Nextcloud can be made available for people to read who are not members, it is the SSO that is specifically for members.


John Atherton Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:12PM

Docs can be enabled to be publicly viewed, but not i think edited. We havent settled on our permission policy yet. But the assumption is there will be member only content


John Atherton Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:01PM

Ah ok assumed co-tech was a private forum. My bad!!


Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts) Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:06PM

It's ok, no harm done :)


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 10 Feb 2023 2:08PM

@athertonjohn even if this was a private forum we don't want to enable anyone involved with CoTech, most of whom probably haven't joined workers.coop to be able to access all the workers.coop internal member-only services do we?


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Tue 14 Feb 2023 5:07PM

Thanks for the comments on the draft proposal for a CoTech-workers.coop merger. I have modified the doc accordingly, although the changes aren't extensive. Please have a look, and suggest next steps. For instance: a video meeting with key people from workers.coop? A poll here to see if it's clear enough/good enough to take to workers.coop's mission circle before further developing? The proposal is to 'work towards', so it wouldn't be a final decision.


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Thu 16 Feb 2023 4:08PM

Look good to me @sionwhellens I'd have thought we would need some support from CoTech to indicate that this might be agreeable before taking it to workers.coop?


Poll Created Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:13PM

CoTech to work towards merging with workers.coop, as its Tech and Digital Industries circle Closed Fri 3 Mar 2023 12:05PM

by Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 3 Mar 2023 12:50PM

The proposal to work towards a CoTech-workers.coop merger was accepted, with 12 in favour and 1 abstention. Maybe a surprisingly low turnout on a pretty important matter, but... As the proposer, can we suggest convening a small 'task-and-finish' CoTech reference group to nut out the details with workers.coop's coordinating circle, and come back with a final proposal? Who'd be up for that?

Full proposal wording:

CoTech to work towards merging with workers.coop, as its Tech and Digital industries member circle, with the following to be used as a basis of dialogue with workers.coop and then drafting of a Memorandum of Agreement.


Seven years ago, when Outlandish called for a co-op of digital co-ops, there was no digital or independent worker co-op network in the UK. CoTech was established in 2016 for worker owned co-operatives providing digital or technical services.

In November 2022 an independent federation for all worker co-ops was founded. Called workers.coop, it is now in its first year phase of recruitment, formation and planning. Its high level purposes and objects are set out in the founding document. Broadly, its aims are to mobilise, educate and organise worker co-ops and their members across all industrial sectors, to meet our organisational, commercial and advocacy goals; and to spread knowledge of the worker co-op system among new generations and sectors of workers.

workers.coop intends to keep evolving as a ‘member animated’ network – “the members do the work” – with a mixture of volunteer, co-op member donated and paid-for inputs to deliver its strategy. workers.coop’s governance is sociocratic, and in addition to its working circles (e.g. communications, tech infrastructure, mobilisation, coordination, member services, mission/elected board) the aim is to develop industrial member circles.

The benefit to CoTech members of joining workers.coop - and of CoTech itself becoming a section of workers.coop - is that it will give us access to new channels for mutual support, learning, solidarity and business generation while saving on CoTech overheads. Apart from simply enhancing its membership base, the benefit to workers.coop of such a merger are that it demonstrates cooperative unity (Principle Six), attracting support from and opening up the potential for collaborations with a wide range of domestic and international bodies and networks, including possibly funders.

More on the proposal

We propose that CoTech, while largely retaining its autonomy and identity, should merge with workers.coop and operate as the Tech and Digital  industrial circle of the wider federation.

Suggested features and aspects of the merger (which would need to be worked out with workers.coop’s board):

·         CoTech would retain its own branding and organising culture. It’s alignment with workers.coop can be a ‘secondary brand’ if it so decides.

·         CoTech has its own circle finances and operations, but now as a cost centre within workers.coop. For instance:

·         if CoTech raises money to pay for its own coordinator, the coordinator would be accountable to the CoTech circle. However the contractual relationship and financial admin could be done through workers.coop and since workers.coop is doing this it would reduce the duplication of effort. The same would apply if CoTech wanted to run events or programmes resourced independently by CoTech. However in time there would almost certainly be opportunities to co-resource worker time and activity between CoTech and other workers.coop circle budgets.

·         Potentially CoTech and workers.coop could blend their admin and infrastructure e.g. Nextcloud instances, forums, wiki, comms, web presence.

·         The CoTech circle could continue to involve non-contributing members, and non-members of workers.coop, in its own activity and sub circles. However:

·         The governance members of the CoTech circle would need to be direct members of workers.coop. This would give those members access to all of the features and benefits of workers.coop membership, just like any other worker co-op member, as well as governing the relationship with other workers.coop circles including its board (mission circle).

·         Although CoTech would be very largely autonomous in its own fields of activity, CoTech members of workers.coop would also be working within the terms of their membership agreement with workers.coop and therefore consenting to workers.coop’s policies as they evolve. It would therefore be necessary to make sure CoTech’s internal and workers.coop’s general policies were compatible.

·         The governance relationship between workers.coop and the CoTech circle would need to be set out in a domain and decision-making competency description, in line with sociocratic practice and culture. There might need to be a single or double link between the CoTech circle and other circle(s), for instance with workers.coop’s coordinating circle.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 7.1% 1 AC
Disagree 0.0% 0  

14 of 151 people have participated (9%)


Deleted account
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

This works for me understanding that autonomy would continue for both entities.


Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts)
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

Agreed on behalf of MediaBlaze Hosts, appreciate cotech resumes autonomy.


Autonomic Co-operative
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

Autonomic are in favour!


Maciej Baron
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

This sounds like it could benefit everyone. We are in favour (Good Praxis)


Chris Lowis (Go Free Range)
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

We're in favour of making this happen - there's lots of benefits and we think concentrating the limited volunteer resources we have makes a lot of sense. We're interested in contributing time to make this happen too. If this proposal has consent we'd suggest following Sion's sugggested next steps, but ideally bringing forward a number of smaller incremental future proposals (as changes to the CoTech constitution) to make it easier to explain what is happening and get consent.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Wed 1 Mar 2023 12:29PM

@Felix Lozano "Up to a point, Lord Copper" 😉


Michael Wignall (Data Content Reach)
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

We have some reservations, but stronger together!


Doug Belshaw
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

Just realised this is closing in 24 hours and we haven't got another WAO members meeting before that. So I'm voting agree personally, rather than on behalf of my co-op.


John Evans
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

Agreed from code-operative


Animorph Co-op
Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:27PM

We haven't got round to discussing it properly (will do next week), but the initial response is positive.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Fri 17 Feb 2023 12:31PM

If this proposal receives consent, we may want to create a task-and-finish group to refine and work with workers.coop towards an MoA that we would bring back for decision.


John Evans Fri 17 Feb 2023 1:15PM

@Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) I think there's a missing word in the proposal.

3rd bullet point under "More on the proposal" says `However the contractual relationship and financial admin could be done through workers.coop and since workers.coop is doing this it would reduce the duplication of effort`, should it say `since workers.coop is doing this already`?


Shaun Fensom Fri 3 Mar 2023 9:14AM

On behalf of CBN

We too have reservations. For example, we think that this takes us further away from meaningful cooperation between all tech coops including those that are not worker coops - a point we have raised before.

Nevertheless we support the proposal.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Tue 7 Mar 2023 9:22AM

@Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) @Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) @John Evans @Doug Belshaw and others who have contributed to this thread: would you be up for a circle to progress this? Suggestions as to how we organise it?


John Atherton Tue 7 Mar 2023 9:35AM

I'd be happy to attend to feed in informally from a workers.coop side on practicalities, so when you put forward a SLA or whatever its realistic for what we currently do. On a site note, useful to know where you are up to with the Network Coordinator as that may be a more pressing area we need to act on?


Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) Tue 7 Mar 2023 10:52AM

Sounds good to me @Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) - perhaps start a thread on workers.coop forum in the first instance?


Doug Belshaw Tue 7 Mar 2023 12:43PM

I agree with @Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) that this needs to be very visible on the CoTech forum so that it doesn't 'take people by surprise'.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Thu 9 Mar 2023 12:42PM

Appreciate @Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) suggestion that we could progress this from the CoTech side by combing through CoTech's consitution , looking at what changes would be entailed, and breaking it down into a series of more digestible proposals to CoTech members. The initial things it seems to me are:

  • firstly, including a form of words that explains that CoTech is the Tech and Digital Industries circle of workers.coop and articulates the relationship in broad terms;

  • secondly, to check that the statement of CoTech's purposes and membership criteria don't conflict with those of workers.coop (I don't think they do), and

  • thirdly to say that only CoTech members that are also primary members of workers.coop have formal domain power and accountability, in terms of the link to other circles of workers.coop

As far as I can see, nothing much else in CoTech's constitution and infrastructure would need changing in the short term (e.g. CoTech Fund administration and hosting) - in effect this is CoTech's area of autonomy. From the workers.coop side, they will also need to check that the proposal in its current and evolving form makes sense (I think it does, but will now put it on the agenda for workers.coop's coordinating circle).

@Doug Belshaw @Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) does this make sense as a way to work on it? Will you start a thread in CoTech Forum on this, and look at the CoTech constitution to see what proposals you think would be implied?


Shaun Fensom Thu 9 Mar 2023 2:21PM

Thanks Siôn. Forgive me if this has already been made clear, as I dare say it has: will a member of CoTech that chooses not to join workers.coop still have the same ‘domain power’ in relation to things CoTech only? Or put another way, do those not joining workers.coop lose their vote in CoTech. Not planning anything, just curious. Shaun


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Mon 19 Feb 2024 11:01AM

@Shaun Fensom Hi Sean how about this for a late reply? I think the short answer is no, only members of workers.coop would have full domain rights in the CoTech industrial circle. This would not prevent the circle giving non-members whatever access to its activities and deliberations it chooses to non-members of workers.coop, but I'd suggest for instance only members should have decision making power over (e.g.) the CoTech circle's budget within workers.coop, or its governance relationship with workers.coop and otyher workers.coop circles?


Shaun Fensom Mon 19 Feb 2024 1:13PM

@Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts)

@Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Yup, that's quite a gap! I had to refresh myself on the conversation.

As per the discussion further down the thread, I like the idea of outsourcing the question as to who is and who isn’t a worker coop to someone else, because it has been tedious in CoTech. So definite advantage with this route.

However a) this theoretically could be pushing some members of CoTech away - unlikely but possible, and b) I never particularly liked the restriction to worker coops in CoTech in the first place, I would like to be able to admit other coops. But this an old battle that I lost years ago.


Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) Mon 27 Mar 2023 9:15AM

Thanks @Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) - that sounds like a good way forward. If @Doug Belshaw is keen I'm happy to work together to do as you suggest.

@Shaun Fensom - that's a good question and one I guess we'll have to thrash out over time. Personally I like the idea that someone else decides who/what a worker co-op is so we don't have to deal with the constant pain of that discussion everytime a new member applies to join CoTech. Saying that members of CoTech had to also be members of workers.coop (first), would certainly solve that (but cause other issues, no doubt).


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Mon 27 Mar 2023 12:17PM

@Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) Re qualification for membership, workers.coop has a pretty broad definition of who can join as an enterprise member - a worker co-op, a democratic employee-owned enterprise, or a worker-led multi stakeholder co-op. But CoTech could continue to define who qualifies to be a member of the CoTech industrial circle. So for instance: I think GreenNet might join workers.coop (because it walks, talks and identifies as a worker co-op despite its technical status as a charity); but CoTech can continue to exclude them, because CoTech's definition relies on the form of legal incorporation.

Or, CoTech could decide to adopt the federation criteria for its own circle membership, and see how it goes.


Doug Belshaw Mon 27 Mar 2023 10:14AM

Yes, I'm happy with this. @Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) could you start the thread? I'm heading on holiday for three weeks after this week, and I can see the discussion getting quite a bit of traction. It might just be me, but I always fee like it's the original poster's job to keep things on track*, and I won't be able to to if I'm away!

*and the admins' job to keep things in line with the Code of Conduct, etc.


Shaun Fensom Fri 14 Apr 2023 10:25AM

@Chris Lowis (Go Free Range) a belated reply to your comment. I agree that the debate about who is and who is not a worker coop has been tedious in CoTech and I hope and believe that workers.coop will take a catholic view of that. However, as an example, some tech coops may prefer to remain members of Cooperatives UK and not want the cost of also joining workers.coop - not planning anything, just musing on possible corner cases. Would such coops be forced to leave CoTech? Would they lose their say?


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 3 May 2023 10:09AM

> I hope and believe that workers.coop will take a catholic view of that

I've not sure what that means? What is a catholic view?

However the current proposal for workers.coop:

> ## Cooperative Enterprise Members > Co-ops that are majority owned by their workers (employee, > > self-employed or volunteers) Or Community and Multi-stakeholder co-ops with significant worker control evidenced in secondary rules or other evidence provided

Is arguably less strict than what we have for CoTech:

> To join CoTech you need to be a worker owned co-operative providing digital or technical services in the UK.

And also this:

> Each member of the network is a company that is owned and democratically run by it’s workers (and, in some cases, customers).

(PS trying to edit posts here using Markdown is really horrible compared with Discourse...)


Shaun Fensom Wed 3 May 2023 6:36PM

> I hope and believe that workers.coop will take a catholic view of that

I've not sure what that means? What is a catholic view?

catholic | ˈkaθ(ə)lɪk | adjective

including a wide variety of things; all-embracing: her tastes are pretty catholic.


Colm Massey Thu 4 May 2023 7:23AM


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Tue 28 May 2024 11:58AM

I've just added a "workers.coop member" column to the membership table on the wiki, almost half the members of CoTech are also members of workers.coop.

Note that the membership table and the website listing of members both need updating due to co-ops that no longer exist and also co-ops that have left or were never added in the first place...


Poll Created Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

MoA between CoTech and workers.coop Closed Tue 10 Sep 2024 11:00AM

by Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Tue 10 Sep 2024 11:23AM

Pleased to confirm the vote was unanimous to align CoTech as an industrial member group of workers.coop under the terms of the memorandum. As workers.coop has already approved the agreement, we can get going on practical steps.

This vote is to approve the terms of the formal association of CoTech and workers.coop, with the aim of reducing duplication of organising and fundraising effort, amplifying our collective impact and capacity, while conserving CoTech’s culture and much of its operational independence.

The terms of the association are contained in the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which has been worked on by CoTech members over the last few months. It has already been approved by the Board of workers.coop, so it will come into effect if it receives consent here.

Some background to the discussion leading up to this proposal is in another PDF attached. The MoA is the culmination of 8 months of discussion here and back-and-forth on the terms and wording.

Leaving this open for voting until September 10th, to get as close to full CoTech governance member participation as possible.


Results Option % of points Voters
Objection 0.0% 0  

15 of 159 people have participated (9%)


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

I'm sure CoTech would have been a industrial group within workers.coop if workers.coop had existed at the time that CoTech was formed so this makes sense.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

It's a good agreement... but noticed that in the background doc it says there hasn't been a CoTech gathering since 22. Might have been true at the time of writing :)


Mariano Marey
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

co-ops of the world unite ✊


Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

Approve on behalf of Mediablaze Hosts


James Mead (Go Free Range)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

Voting on behalf of Go Free Range. Thanks so much to everyone who has worked on this! ❤️


Steve West (graphics.coop)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

The CoTech gathering is on 18 September but this proposal closes on 10 September. Should this proposal be kept open until after the gathering?


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Fri 23 Aug 2024 7:29AM

@stevewest I think this is intentional -- the advantage of having the vote end before the gathering is that we won't need to debate this matter at the gathering and can consentrate on talking about other things and also implementing the changes we will need to making as a result (assuming the vote goes in favour).


Stephen Cox (Agile Collective)
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

Agile Collective are happy with this proposal.


Alan Peart
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

We're happy with it, hopefully it leads to good things in future!


Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

At Outlandish we're a bit nervous that amalgamating with workers.coop will add more layers of governance and decision making to CoTech, and therefore detract from the amount of time people have for supporting each other to win work or grow their co-ops in other ways. We were disappointed that business development/client leads weren't really featured in the objectives of workers.coop. That said, we think this is safe enough to try and grateful for those engaging in it.


Autonomic Co-operative
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

Been on the cards for years. Let's do it!


Shaun Fensom
Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:39AM

On behalf of CBN


Mark Simmonds (Co-op Culture) Tue 13 Aug 2024 9:58AM

At the moment I think that CoTech is an unincorporated association with its own governance. I'm unclear on a quick read of the proposal whether that legal from would be preserved into the new arrangement or whether CoTech becomes part of workers.coop.

Can someone clarify?


Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Tue 13 Aug 2024 10:14AM

@Mark Simmonds (Co-op Culture) I think the way to summarise it is that CoTech becomes part of workers.coop, since all CoTech members will be members of workers.coop. The CoTech 'circle' would have its own decision making domains as outlined in the MoA, qualified by the policies of workers.coop


Michael Wignall (Data Content Reach) Tue 13 Aug 2024 10:05AM

Thanks for all your hard work on this


Lucinda Broadbent Mon 9 Sep 2024 11:13AM

Thanks everyone for thinking this through, it's a great idea. Unity is strength