Tue 18 Apr 2023 11:59AM

Available - 'Euro CDA Manual of Core Skills for Co-op Development Workers'

SWS Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Public Seen by 83

I have about 70 copies of this manual from 1994, produced by nine UK-based Co-op Development Agencies and people in eastern Germany. Interesting what people thought those skills were - see the attached pics for the contents list. If you'd like one or more copies, please email me at scumboni@gmail.com with a mailing address, and send £6 per copy to cover p&p to my Paypal at the same email address.


bob cannell Wed 19 Apr 2023 10:51PM

Zilch about group building, group dynamics and cooperative team working. Wherein lies the productivity premium of a worker cooperative. We wouldn't ignore those crucial elements today, would we.


Pete Burden Thu 20 Apr 2023 2:32PM

Fascinating the way the language has changed. It strikes me how formal all the language is.

Including things like 'Human Resource Management' (today we might just say 'People' to sum up all the work that co-ops do with people and their interactions).

And, I don't know, maybe that formal language makes it harder to talk about really important things like relationships, cooperation, sharing, understanding, trust, feelings, humanity, purpose, and even love?

And therefore to talk about the skills that are required to foreground these in order to get that productivity and effectiveness premium?