Invitation to Crew: Welcoming to Microsolidarity in an online remote work environment

How to welcome individuals to Micosolidarity in an online remote-work environment?

James Lewis Mon 15 Jun 2020 10:33AM
Sounds great, I'd love to join. I'm interested as this is exactly the space I'm in and I resonate with the nicely presented 'norms'. Maybe @Sven also interested?
Alex Rodriguez Tue 16 Jun 2020 6:09PM
I am definitely interested! As I mentioned in our call last week, I've been looking to deepen my practice around translocal remote working and would love to be in relationship with some other folks that are wanting to do the work with this framework of intention.

Ronen Hirsch Mon 15 Jun 2020 11:07AM
ping @Tibor Katelbach

Nenad Maljković Tue 16 Jun 2020 8:51AM
Maybe this might interest you @Aimee and @Naomi Smith? We kind of already work like this in Permaculture CoLab...
Aimee Wed 17 Jun 2020 7:19AM
thank you for the ping on this, I would love to join at the same time I am mindful at the moment of limited time capacity - will put it on the list of possibles for now until my weekly capacity check Sunday
Richard D. Bartlett Wed 17 Jun 2020 10:45AM
This is rad @Ronen Hirsch - FYI I made you an admin of this group so you can create subgroups.
Jon Schull Wed 17 Jun 2020 2:34PM
interested in microsolidarity, social innovation, AND enabling technologies
Josh Fairhead Sun 21 Jun 2020 7:10PM
Hey @Ronen Hirsch - Thanks for starting this; the survey link was "bad gateway" but count me in :)
Ping for @Roberto Valenti who may be interested also
Roberto Valenti Mon 22 Jun 2020 10:04PM
Yes this sounds great! I have been building some tools that could facilitate formation, looking forward to contribute!
Ronen Hirsch · Mon 15 Jun 2020 10:20AM
This invitation is an outcome of the virtual meetup that took place on June 12, 2020 with @Toni Blanco , @Alex Rodriguez , @James Lewis and @Ronen Hirsch .
Microsolidarity has been, so far, operating with an intentional bias towards physical proximity. This has made Microsolidarity less accessible to people who live in remote locations.
The pandemic has applied pressured some established (or establishing) Microsolidarity groups to reconsider their relationship with online/remote forms of community.
This crew will explore how people in remote locations can come together to effectively form crews and congregations. We will aspire to create a generative process that transforms a continuous flow of individual strangers into a continuous flow of cohesive groups who are able to embrace, practice, and thrive within Microsolidarity.
The following norms are offered as a starting point and to set a tone for the formation of the crew. They are open to discussion, refinement, and change as we discover working together.
We will be trying to "walk the talk" by working as a remote team.
We will be emphasizing asynchronous collaborative work in an open (public for reading, only crew can contribute) subgroup within the Loomio Microsoldarity group. We will determine and refine agreements on how to use this space as we become more familiar with the needs that arise.
We will be doing weekly meetings for both work and mutual care.
We will be using sociocratic-consent as a default decision-making method and if necessary we will use it to bootstrap other methods.
We will strive to create a calm and peaceful work environment. We will avoid disruptive and subtly stress-inducing patterns (such as high-frequency chat rooms that demand attention and rapid response). We will embrace patterns that evoke spaciousness, thoughtfulness, and well-being.
We will strive to establish a sense of "collective presence" by focusing on and addressing the needs and challenges that are actually in front of us and setting aside theoretical issues we may encounter in the future.
We will practice working with a sense of unfolding wholeness. At any given point in the process, we will make sure we have a shared sense of the "whole" that we are creating.
We will work together for an initial cycle of 6 weeks during which we will work online both asynchronously and share time together in video meetings.
We will all allocate time for a weekly 2-hour meeting. Video meetings will include time for work-related conversations and for mutual care. The first meeting will be an initiation of the crew during which we will review the norms we want to embrace in our work together. The last meeting will be a retrospective.
The crew will start its work on the week that starts on June 28th. See below instructions for scheduling.
We will produce a written artifact that describes a generative process for converting a continuous flow of individuals into a continuous flow of teams.
We will then take some time (~2 weeks) to reflect on this outcome, to potentially share it with others and to consider if/how we wish to move forward as a crew (or other structure/s).
To join please:
Respond to this invitation with a short statement about your interest in this crew.
Please @mention people from the existing Microsolidarity Loomio space who you feel can contribute to this exploration.
Please fill out this survey for determining a suitable recurring weekly time for the meetings.