We need your voice!

Kia ora koutou,
We have so much exciting news to share with all of you!
First, we have a new strategic plan: A Kiwi Commons / Ngā Commons mō Aotearoa. This plan has been developed in consultation with our funders and our community. It's a starting point for who we want to be and how we plan to get there. Please give it a read and let us know what you think.
Second, I am delighted to announce that with the support of our Advisory Panel and the OERF, CCANZ is taking the next big step: Incorporation. This means that for the first time in our history we will exist as an independent organisation.
With 10 years of experience behind us, we're excited to launch our next 10 years--and we need your help. As part of this process, we've developed a draft incorporation document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sODq8Tu6H6jsxiiMDiDTfYvArz_xEd2uGbwbc5jE_L0/edit?usp=sharing).
Will you help us finalise it?
Specifically . . .
* What should we call ourselves? Creative Commons HQ doesn't permit us to use their name in legal documents, so we need to think up an awesome new one.
* As an incorporated society we need to define our objectives. What do you think those should be? What would you like to see us doing in the future? Check our draft objectives and let us know what you would change.
* How are we going to manage our voting process? What seems manageable and just to you?
* Do you want to join us by becoming a founding member? Founding members will be those folks willing to sign our incorporation documents. There's no membership fee, but we hope you'll participate by voting and attending our (electronic) annual general meeting.
We want to hear from everyone so we've arranged multiple channels in the hopes that at least one will suit everyone. We hope to hear from everyone by Oct. 18th.
There's a GoogleForm: https://goo.gl/forms/VHJydo2z2UbgvyHi1
You can email Mandy (mandy@creativecommons.org.nz) or Elizabeth (elizabeth@creativecommons.org.nz)
If you are in Wellington or Auckland, drop us a line and we can get together for a coffee.
*We are doing a series of Google Hangouts. Join us for a chat. Email one of us to get the link.
* Friday Oct 6 10 am
* Wednesday Oct 11 7 pm
* Saturday Oct 14 2 pm
Finally, we're having a 10th birthday party at NetHui. Please see the attached invitation and join us. Ryan Merkley from CCHQ will be there, we'll have music and cake, and Michelle A'court will be MCing.
I hope to see many of you there!

Danyl Strype Sun 12 Nov 2017 9:59AM
I'm sorry I've been notable in my absence during the discussions around this incorporation process. As hinted at in my comment on the 10th birthday thread, I'm in the throes of a relocating overseas, so I've been quite preoccupied with everything that involves. I just wanted to say that I'm really excited about the changes that are happening, and to offer my thanks to everyone who is taking part in making them happen.
If I'm not too late in responding, I'd be happy to be a founder member of the incorporated society! If I am, I'd still like to become a member, and I will follow up by email with Mandy and Elizabeth. Perhaps I can help to connect CC activity in Aotearoa with what's going on in the country(s) I'll be living in over the next few years?
Elizabeth Heritage · Tue 10 Oct 2017 12:26AM
We've had some questions about what being a founding member of our new incorporated society will mean - hopefully the below is helpful. Do get in touch with any further questions.
What responsibilities do founding members have?
We need you to sign the incorporation document, vote in the Committee elections, abide by the society's rules, attend the AGM (either in person or via the internet), and promote the society's objectives. We'd love your feedback on what those objectives should be.
How much time will it take?
We estimate very little, but we've never done this before so we're not entirely certain. The responsibilities are very light, but if you're keen to be more involved, we'd love to hear from you.
How do I volunteer?
Just email me or Mandy! elizabeth@creativecommons.org.nz mandy@creativecommons.org.nz
How much does it cost?
There are no membership fees.
What's in it for me?
You get the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a founding member of...whatever we decide to call ourselves! (We'd love your feedback on that as well.) This comes with enormous kudos and high-fives from the CCANZ team. And if you manage to make it to our tenth birthday party, there's cake.