Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:03AM

Dollars Handbook

DU Deleted User Public Seen by 25

What things do we need to make sure are captured within the Dollars Handbook?


Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:07AM

From the threads in the $ Jedi: Allowable expenses, cossie claims, salary sacrifice, admin budget, budgetting for my bucket, surplus admin funds, evidence for expenses, claiming expenses, dollars communications, keeping in the green, Jeder contribution, payrun, contractor/employee....what else?


Lyb Makin Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:15AM

Hi Kerry - I share a lot of what you have said already and many things currently being worked through... Jeder agreement on salary sacrificing (when the decision is made); ATO guidelines on allowable expenses and table of allowable expenses, process for preparing, approving and monitoring admin buckets, ways to manage personal buckets (including what to do if you think you might go in the red and how to account for long service leave), how the Q&A process works, how the $Jedi and Governance Jedi (Board) work together.


Lyb Makin Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:28AM

Great and suggest we have a process around who can edit / view - perhaps at this stage only you should be able to edit, Kerry given your role as leader of the $Jedi. I'm keen to see that what's in there is only stuff that has been clearly determined through the Q&A process (or is a legal requirement that we have no choice in).


Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 6:28AM

I will leave it open for comments.


Michelle Dunscombe Thu 23 Aug 2018 7:13AM

I feel like the doc captures everything that has emerged that I can think of @sara50 may have other additions that pop up.


Sara Thu 23 Aug 2018 7:23AM

Have requested access- for some reason i can't get in! :laughing:


Lyb Makin Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:26AM

1 more: pay-run - when it is done and when receipts need to be in by... TBD
& a question around the process for allocation of surplus - is this to be separate or will it be considered in the course of preparing and approving the admin budget?


Lynn Lennon Thu 23 Aug 2018 6:42AM

Maybe a general note around Cossie's claiming processes, referring them to the Cossie Handbook and not detailing the steps in the Dollars Handbook.


Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:29AM

I had understood that the dollars section was coming out of the cossie handbook-can someone clarify? If someone could send me the info to include, that would be great.

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