Fri 7 Jun 2024 12:24PM

Optimising Framework

JE Jason Emmins Public Seen by 21

We would like to thank all the members that have contributed to the Optimising Framework thus far. All the contributions have been quite helpful.

The Optimising Framework has been developed to support members to strengthen and optimise performance in our work (i.e. NDIS standards, quality of work, member contributions etc). This is aligned to our Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy.

Please review the Optimising Framework and provide any feedback/comments/thoughts/reflections by 5th July.

Optimising Framework- DRAFT Optimising Action Plan.docx

Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy- Jeder Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy Procedure.docx


Jason Emmins Fri 7 Jun 2024 12:25PM

@Candice Brinton can you please review the Draft Optimising Framework from a HR/IR perspective for us. Many thanks.


Candice Brinton Sun 9 Jun 2024 11:45PM

@Jason Emmins I have sent suggestions to your email. Thanks,



Kaeleen Hunter Thu 13 Jun 2024 9:41AM

@Candice Brinton I think I missed my calling in HR haha


Candice Brinton Wed 19 Jun 2024 12:04AM

@Kaeleen Hunter your reply was similar to the one i emailed Jason :)


Luke Gilray Mon 10 Jun 2024 8:41AM

I like the rewording, formatting, and the alternate pathway changes since I last saw this document. Well done!


Tess Pollard Tue 11 Jun 2024 10:20PM

Looks good to me team. Thanks for doing this work, it's so important to have a clear way forward is supporting members and a unified way of finding a solution when things aren't working so well! No suggestions from me.


Pennie Eddy Wed 12 Jun 2024 5:51AM

The biggest issue for me would be that the time frames are too long.


Kaeleen Hunter Wed 12 Jun 2024 11:12AM

I too am concerned about the length of the timeline though supportive of the process

Stage 1 = 4weeks / Stage 2 = 2-3months / stage 3 = 3months = 6-7months

plus if not enough improvements in 3 months there is another 3 months......

it could be 10 months to reach compliance

If i was a jeder PARTICIPANT or one of my family - I would be challenged by such a long timeline for my support coordinator to provide affective, compliant and often critical support - this has to be a concern and risk?

Another concern is given the mandatory reporting requirements in PACE = often quarterly / 6 monthly reports plus end of plan reports due 3 months prior to the end date which is critical for end of plan review etc - this timeline could negatively impact a participant.


Luke Gilray Thu 13 Jun 2024 5:49AM

I think the first four week timeframe would work well if the expectations set out are super clear as to what results are meant to be achieved in this amount of time.


Jason Emmins Wed 3 Jul 2024 9:24AM

Hi, I have been asked by another if the reflections/feedback could be extended until the 8th July? I don't have and problems with this- please advise if there are any objections?

During a review of the Billable Hours Framework, it was also identified the Optimising Framework and Member Contribution Enhancement Proposal (previously Fairness Proposal) could be combined. I plan to review this over the next few days to see if there is an opportunity to merge both frameworks together. I will keep you all updated when this has been completed.