Nest 2023 Survey Results Discussion
We've now released, by email & on the website, the results of the Burning Nest 2023 Survey & feedback form. A copy is attached here if you've not seen it. This was completed by around 11% of attendees so only presents a snapshot of opinions & thoughts about the event.
We've also made available the full comments submitted on the survey, this is password protected on the website as not all comments are suitable for wholly public access by those who may not have a full context for (or any experience of) burns.
We'd like to encourage a conversation and ongoing dialogue on the broad themes and issues highlighted by the survey results and so have created this thread to encourage discussion. Of course you're free to raise issues & start discussions on whatever channel you prefer, but we think Loomio encourages more friendly, constructive dialogue than some other social media channels.
We recognise in 2022 we didn't do well in sharing survey results, or promoting discussion about issues and challenges it highlighted. We hope to do better this year.
To keep things from getting too complex initially we've only created one thread, but that doesn't stop you from creating separate threads for particular issues. It's in your hands to take this discussion wherever you want it to go.
Comms Mon 24 Jul 2023 8:42AM
What responses from the survey surprised you? Is there anything you agree strongly with but hadn't thought of yourself? Is there anything you disagree with that you'd like to push back on?
Tom Allen Tue 25 Jul 2023 2:21PM
it does upset me that a few people have been spreading lies about what actually happened. I don't mind discussing at all what we did or why, or how risky people thought it was. but when the comments are full of lies it's a bit hard to know where to start? oh well. haters gonna hate i guess.
Tom Allen Tue 25 Jul 2023 3:49PM
@Allan Hainey was there a discusion if it was ok to post this with slanderous comments about me personally inlcuded or not? if not, maybe one should be had?

Hannah Rebecca Tue 25 Jul 2023 8:07PM
Great to read all the feedback- especially enjoyed reading comments from people who seemed newer to Nest :)
Have to agree though that it's concerning to see individuals being commented on by name, in what seemed to be incidents involving Site Leads? Unsure what the justification is for that conversation not maintaining a level of privacy and being kept direct.
The original full feedback linked from the Carrier Pigeon even noted comments being edited for, amongst other things, anonymity.

Allan Wed 26 Jul 2023 10:06AM
Hi @Tom Allen
I've emailed you about this but to address the point here.
There was no discussion about what comments were released. I took on the job of creating the survey, making the survey results doc and compiling the complete comments doc. I did this on my own so any responsibility lies solely with me. I apologise for any hurt or upset caused.
With the complete comments document my intention was to make all comments by participants visible to all participants, I wanted to go with full transparency and openness of comments as I felt everyone's views should be open to everyone (albeit in a password protected doc not the public internet), rather than edited or censored by someone with no authority or knowledge other than that of having taken on the job.
On the point of the editing of the completed comments. It's true as I say 'Comments have been edited for readability, spelling and anonymity.' The comments were edited for anonymity of those who posted where they named themselves (someone putting their own name in the comments). I didn't edit for anonymity of anyone else named, whether they were praised or criticised. I never even thought about doing this in the full comments, I wanted to make everything visible and transparent.
I didn't see any reason why (as in the past) full comments by Nest attendees should be hidden or edited by those 'in charge' for their own reasons and convenience. I just put everything out there that people told us in the survey without making any judgements on it. I trust the community to be able to recognise that all comments are individuals viewpoints and that not everyone will agree with them.
I don't agree with them all, indeed some are critical of board/event decisions, but I felt it was fair to include them all as written without me taking a view of what should go in and what shouldn't. I went with 100% openness, maybe that was a mistake.
I'm only the person who compiled the comments so I didn't want to take on a role of censor in deciding what's valid or interpreting the truth of any statements (which I don't know). That may well be an error in my judgement, I just wanted to make all views of everyone visible. In any case I apologise if you feel any harm's been caused to your reputation.
Tom Allen Wed 26 Jul 2023 10:43AM
@Allan if someone wants to raise a complaint against me i am fully willing to engage with that process. the board should not be emailing out detailed allegations about me with my full name visible to the whole community, that is just bullshit. if you edited it to remove participants names, mine should be removed too, i am a participant too you know! seriously unhappy about this
Dualtach Wed 26 Jul 2023 11:01AM
@Allan I appreciate the difficulty in under taking a task like this on your own and that you've made a judgement call but I do think it's poor form to anonomise the commenter but not an individual who's accused of something. If an investigation is warranted then a private process should be followed. Also that's a non-apology apology. 'I apologise if you feel...' is not a phrase I'd ever use.
Comms · Mon 24 Jul 2023 8:41AM
Nobody wants to write the first comment. I can understand that! Let me break the ice.