Wed 8 Jul 2015 12:49PM
Where are we discussing ?
I just wonder if there is a central place for discussion ? I would prefer the existing mailing list . But it looks like there are only announcements here or even at a the mailing list.
Apologies that I never signed into loomio , its a pain to sign into another account. I am sure others also feel the same way . Why not a mail thats delievered to inbox and I never get loomio mails properly. I signed in to post some important issues about diaspora.
Manu Krishnan T V · Fri 10 Jul 2015 3:18AM
We do have a mailing list and the wiki is also up and running now, but with new registrations blocked to avoid spam, as the resources are low to fight spam.
Mailing list Address:
Mailing list Web URL:
For me, things that need a faster decision goes to loomio. The mailman web UI is very hard to use (atleast for a few like me) and I see loomio as a transition between the old mail centered mailing list with something that has a better web/mobile interface.
Loomio mail notifications works pretty well for me and could even respond back, updating the discussion.