Don Robertson Wed 18 Apr 2018 2:38AM
What this loomio? I don't seem to be able to delete my account, only deactivate it. So they'll still have my details to sell. And the contact loomio link fails.

Danyl Strype Fri 20 Apr 2018 4:50AM
Loomio are a worker-owned cooperative, who get income from the groups of users who pay for extra services. They don't sell your details. Contact link works fine for me.
Danyl Strype · Tue 17 Apr 2018 7:14AM
We seem to have a spammer. I haven't seen this in Loomio before. Does anyone know a "Fakhrul riza"? If so, their account may have been compromised, otherwise, a spammer has somehow joined this group, or posted on this group despite not being a member. Would be worth investigating this in case it points to security bugs the Loomio team will want to know about.