Organizing Circle Meeting: 2024 11 September (Wednesday) 1700 UTC

The Organizing Circle for will meet 2024 11 September (Wednesday) 1700 - 1830 UTC. We will meet here: (the meeting may or may not be recorded). A tentative agenda is to be consented to at the start of the call:
1700 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here?
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 25 September (Wednesday) 1700 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking?
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1705 [10 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
1715 [5 min] Agenda construction (potential items, topics discussed at previous meetings, work in progress)
1,000 GBP allocated for stipends per working group
16 sept, 18:00 UTC with TWG
26 Sept, 13:00 UTC with FWG
1720 [10 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Call a round to check in with people
1730 [20 min] Updates from working circles
Legal - defunct
1750 [5 min] Update: What was said by the group in active Loomio threads. Do we need to respond to anything or integrate something into our discussion?
1755 [25 min] Items to be consented at the start of the meeting
1820 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
1825 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.

MarieVC ( Sat 31 Aug 2024 7:15AM
Dear All,
Here is the agenda and the backlog (31 July 2024 version) for our next meeting.
I'll be sending out a reminder on Monday 9 September.
See you there!
Kathe TB Sat 7 Sep 2024 11:22PM
Revised Agenda
A tentative agenda is to be consented to at the start of the call:
1700 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here?
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 25 September (Wednesday) 1700 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking?
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1705 [5 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
1710 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Call a round to check in with people
1715 [10 min] Updates from working circles
Legal - defunct
1725 [55 min] Scoping: How makes decisions
Context: There have been several instances this month (bridge, participatory budget, and stipends) that have been flagged by multiple people as moving too quickly or lacking context. Can we identify any similarities across these three problems?
Round: What similarities have you seen across these instances?
Round: What makes these issues different?
Round: From this can we formulate a clear problem statement?
Round: Is there a sense making survey we can start on Loomio to gather input on this and make sure we understand where the pinch points are?
Next steps: Brainstorming solutions
1820 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
1825 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.

MarieVC ( Tue 10 Sep 2024 8:31AM
Dear All,
With the start of my research project, I know more about my new work schedule.
Unfortunately, I'm teaching a seminar on Wednesday evenings during this semester (end September to end December), with a schedule that clashes with the OC meeting, which makes it impossible for me to be available on Wednesdays.
I'm OK with following things up asynchronously if needed, if another schedule isn't possible for the other members.
See you tomorrow!

Matt Noyes Wed 11 Sep 2024 2:43PM
@MarieVC ( Time for a scheduling poll. We also need to add another at large member to replace John. Maybe our next meeting should be mainly housekeeping?
Kathe TB Wed 11 Sep 2024 4:36PM
I think a scheduling poll is pretty easy to send out after the meeting. We do need another round of selection to replace John. Should we put out another general call on Loomio for nominations now that folks have seen a bit how we operate? I know we've talked through a few options here for expanding the circle.
Kathe TB Wed 11 Sep 2024 6:46PM
1700 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here? Kathe, Matt, Marie, Eduardo, Flancian
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 25 September (Wednesday) 1700 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking? Matt
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1705 [5 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
1710 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Call a round to check in with people
[Eduardo] wiki nav bar idea yet to get moving
CWG did add comments to onboarding email
Matt: would like to still schedule meeting with Eduardo and Marie to discuss onboarding.
Marie: value of task list and periodic reminder to review practices, need to update list for reminders
Flan: no tasks from last time it seems; 'organize group to redesign registration' is still pending from two meetings ago.
Flancian, recent discussion:
Mutual support, possibility of using Bonfire for decision-making (possible alternative to Loomio)
decision-making: polls...
Next steps: updating bonfire and trying it out.
Bonfire people can see roles for SC people: tech/coding; UX work; governance
create a SC working group?
Possibility of using Bonfire to create/adapt a tool tailored to our needs...
1715 [10 min] Updates from working circles
Finance [skip]
Received Gandi credentials from Andrew
Meeting with the OC is still on for the 23rd ?time ?link
18.30 UTC -> add to calendar
We had a ~2h outage due to an unpaid bill
Who actually pays the bills?
Need to add regular bills to calendar
Maybe the FWG could keep track of which bills need to be paid, and who pays them; and each delegate (working group) can pay them
Ask FWG to do this "we believe this is yours, if you need help let us know"
Andrew as possible second link to FWG.
Going well with new people taking on more tasks
On call schedule was fuzzy around beginning of the month but things still worked as people tend to jump on moderation issues
Will meet with May 1st on next Monday
Legal - [pending revival, see Loomio ]
1725 [10 min] Formulation: New members and roles
How are we replacing John?
He was at-large member
Informal poll: we want to backfill this roll indeed
go back to original nominations/sortition list
Matt: we would want to consider e.g. diversity, etc. as we did that originally also when going through the process
Flancian: saves work to go to original list
Marie: if we have enough names on original list, more efficient way
Eduardo: both can be, but prefer to go to original list for efficiency.
do a new loomio call for nominations
Kathe: people know more about OC
call on the instance, to reach more of community
Kathe: good way to get word out
TASK: Matt make a short list of possible OC members from original list, circulate to OC, run an approval poll
Do we encourage the 2 links/circle? [table to next OC meeting]
Proposal: create a chat room?
Are we ok with going through a formal sociocracy role review, definition, and selection next time?
Role selection: define role tasks and scope, qualifications; two nomination rounds; facilitator proposes someone, seeking consensus
Feedback moment: what's working/not as well... individual performance reviews?
Four roles:
representation/delegate (no here bc we are GC)
Bring in someone outside of the circle to play roles but not operate as a member (not suggested, KTB)
Q: is the decision making matrix used in sociocracy to assign authority to circles?
A: it can be
accountability is held by the circle
responsibility is held by an individual usually
CI: related experts/people consulting/people interested in the work
(After discussion) "Domains and aims" is the sociocracy equivalent
Matt: happy to use the opportunity to experiment more with sociocracy. Feel like it might be more formal than what is strictly needed. But then again, part of our charter is to up the level of organization within the coop, so it might be good to experiment.
Flancian: share Matt's opinion, interesting, rotation might also be good, willing to try it, but not necessarily feeling the need for it
Marie: intimidated by new terminology/structures, but curious to try it and think it is good to think about the roles.
Eduardo: all for it. Very much like it, and agree that we don't need it but good to learn it when we don't need it (rather than waiting); experiment in how to organize the world in whcih we want to live
Kathe: tensions: equitable distribution of power, more structure needed to clarify roles and intentions
Matt: one thing that would help: there needs to be a clear way to shift those roles by developing people's abilities. Rotation can enable this.
Kathe: we can do training for sociocracy, lots of existing material...
1735 [45 min] Scoping: How makes decisions
Recent issues:
consensus vs majority voting
participatory budgeting
moving too quickly with insufficient context
we would like to not focus too much on loomio but rather talk about general processes
First Reactions:
Kathe: everything was fine until suddently it was not :) humming along, suddenly things falling apart; felt jarring; possibility for rifts and disconnection
Matt: saw some of the same dynamics but felt more positive about some of them :) it's a long discussion, there is a lot of historical context here.
Some of what happened amounted to forgetting things we had "learnt" how to do
Was happy to see in some discussions: the way people were able to both express strong feelings and be really nice to each other (despite not being aligned on the issue at hand). So overall it seemed like a good example. And people were able to be flexible.
Flan: learned from community about how to poll, previous exchange - strong reaction to a small change -- importance of being inclusive of minority views and also taking into account willingness to do work. Frustrating - can lead to questioning of commitment to the project, is it worth it? Why am I doing this?
Marie: really value our desire to be cooperative, trusting the people to find a solution, outside of SC trying to be conscious of what is an emergency and what is not... How to reach the final goal, while not being on emergency mode, if the context allows it.
didn't have time to read everything, just to reply to direct mentions,
incredible level of civility that we have here...
unfortunate that some people feel bad, mostly about not understanding, complex situations, conflicting forces, conflict and confusion is to be expected; keep refining how we suggest to approach problems.. personal and cultural differences (written literacy is key here, but not everyone favors this; POV - aka positionality - how we see/experience problems; levels of skill, familiarity, knowledge, habit...
how to distill our learnings into suggested procedures?
We will continue this conversation next time.
Context: There have been several instances this month (bridge, participatory budget, and stipends) that have been flagged by multiple people as moving too quickly or lacking context. Can we identify any similarities across these three problems?
[flancian] reviewed these recently in light of what happened with some recent proposals, some thoughts
sociocracy and other approaches
1820 [5 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
schedule meeting with Eduardo and Marie to discuss onboarding.
Matt: make a short list of possible OC members from original list, circulate to OC, run an approval poll
Matt: get on CWG calendar
Flancian: set up calendar entry for the 23rd meeting with the OC
Flancian: document how to create a calendar entry
Kathe: Copy of notes
Kathe: Create recap
Kathe: Create agenda items
Kathe: Whentomeet poll for rescheduling call --
Flancian: FYI is nice for this kind of poll, we used it in TWG is our calendar [Eduardo and Flan for access permissions]
check email/wiki onboarding comments from the CWG.
edumerco: help to organize the onboarding process review and facilitate a modelling session.
Marie: Agenda, To-do list, backlog (> check deadlines, cf. Loomio Reminder)
+ Conversations on the federating the fediverse ("Ekumen" proposal) Ecumene ("Ekumen") idea (Eduardo & Eduardo)
+ Bonfire exploration
+ Identify bills, billing cycle, and point of contact for payment
+ May first calendaring
+ review (with whom?) the proposal for wiki nav bar.
1825 [5 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Explain why.

Matt Noyes Thu 26 Sep 2024 4:28AM
Regarding the nominees from the previous round of OC elections for at large positions, four of the remaining nominees are currently on the CWG ops team: Dan, Django, Melissa, Hollie, and one was but dropped off (Katanova). The rest appear to be men. Perhaps it makes sense to open a new round of nominations?
Kathe TB Tue 8 Oct 2024 4:45PM
How decides was a major topic of conversation this call. There were several recent issues that came up around bridgy, consensus vs majority voting, participatory budgeting, stipends, and moving quickly with insufficient context. Generally we rely on an incredibly level of civility among our members (truly the community here is amazing!). We noticed patterns where past good practices needed to be relearned (how to pose a proposal on Loomio) and things needing to reach a boil (emergency) before they are dealt with by someone, often too rapidly for full buy in from the group. We have the bylaws ( and past guidence on proposal making ( as well as integrative consent ( that we can work from. We will continue this conversation in the future.
Membership and rolls in Organizing Circle: We are going to go back to the Sortition List to replace our last At-Large member. We are talking about possibly encouraging a double link to the working groups (ie two WG representatives instead of one). We had a brief breakdown of sociocracy roles to talk about possibility of adoption on this circle, but will likely need to review this again in the future.
Updates from Working Groups:
Finance [skipped]
Tech WG: Is meeting with OC in the future. Reported a 2 hour outage due to an unpaid bill. Currently working with Finance WG to sort out who is responsible and how to avoid this in the future. There has been some discussion around exploring Bonfire as a Loomio alternative (
Community WG: Going well with new people taking on more tasks. Schedule got a little fuzzy around the begining of September but folks generally jumped in when a mod issue came up so the gap wasn't too noticeable.
Legal [pending]
MarieVC ( · Sat 31 Aug 2024 7:12AM
Backlog items
(31 July 2024 version)
The items below are not on the active agenda but should be addressed at some point in the future:
Strategy questions
Long term goals of operation (growth vs stewardship of mastodon instance vs community building vs ...)
Financing priorities and framework for setting these
How do we provide a framework for the Finance WG to budget overall and help manage surplus?
How do we deal with liability as an organization? Do we need to consider some kind of incorporation or legal entity? If so where? Merging Legal (LWG) and Finance (FWG)?
How can we learn from other fediverse instances?
Calls with MayFirst and P6
Should we set up a conference or meet up of some flavor to help Federating the fediverse?
Follow up on "Fed paper"
Inspiration and lessons learned from MayFirst
Operations question
Maintenance of care
How to support Tech working group and its members (cf. xy crisis driven by single maintainer)?
Should we offer bug bounties?
Set up meeting with tech working group
How do we support community governance involvement?
Should there be a SC newsletter?? (like GEO newsletter)
How many people engage in what category/dimension?
What do our members expect?
How do we move people from sign-up to community member to co-op governance and operations?
What is our current financial picture?
What is our current volunteer burden?
Compensation and effort tracking
Process development
OC membership and expansion
Check in on group condition, engagement level, look at moving forward with (a)synchronous engagement
Ask for training on 'what it means to be an admin' to orientate new admins in Organizing Circle
Annual patterns
OC history documentation
still needs review and minor edits.
Can we better highlight how we moderate?
CWG ops team background -- Onboarding:, On call:, See also:
Decisions to be reviewed in the future
October 2024 (2 decisions up)
February 2025 (1 decision up)