Tue 26 Mar 2019 10:49AM
How to use Loomio
Loomio Helper Bot
Seen by 132
Welcome to Loomio, an online place to make decisions together.
This is an example discussion thread. You can add comments below. A thread is a conversation on a given topic. This thread is about how Loomio works, so post questions about that here.
You are currently reading the thread context, a space for background information. You can update it as the discussion progresses.
To get started with Loomio:
1. Upload a profile picture
2. Introduce yourself in the Welcome thread
3. Post in existing threads, or start a new one
Tips for posting on Loomio:
* To notify a specific person, type @ followed by their name.
* Click the paperclip icon to add attachments.
If you’ve got questions, check the Loomio help manual.