Creating the Giveth Manifesto

A while on the communications to-do list and now officially crowdsourced, hurray! :clap: WE NEED YOU!! (whoever you are)
What are the Giveth Values according to you? What does Giveth stand for? Don't be shy, share whatever you think of, doesn't matter if you know Giveth well or not.
Just try to be kinda concise and if possible coherent ;-) but know ALL thoughts are very very welcome.
See this as our internal 'code of conduct', the 'rules' we live by and/or stand for. Personally I see this as 'internally-faced' but the beginning/foundation of way more, a basis on which we'll build an 'externally-facing' mission statement, rules for DApp admission and other building blocks that will help us scale.
--> Updated: Please add your thoughts by 11th of May 2018
--> Contributors WILL receive COMMpoints as an extra incentive ;-) :rainbow:
TIP 1: Listen to your gut and just share whatever you think of, there is no right or wrong - no need to read what others submit but welcome to build on this too.
TIP 2: This can be short or long - this can be a rant below, a work-in-progress google doc you link to, a first thought you edit & complete later: all is VERY welcome :heart:
TIP 3: Do need some inspiration? Check SC's great manifesto:

Andreas Mon 23 Apr 2018 10:58PM
From an aid perspective:
-Transparency: A completely transparent process!
-The ability to influence where your donations get spent!
-A great way to utilise new technologies.
-A platform that has immense possibilities...
The motto in my head keeps revolving around GivEth - Give ETH - Ethical Giving
For GRACEaid the GivEth ideology aligns with our ethos and look forward to moving together.
Supporting and promoting the ethos of GivEth as well as putting on the forefront of our work important issues like Refugees and destitute people.
Lindsay Tue 24 Apr 2018 9:08AM
Urban dictionary explains a unicorn as: The rare creature who is able to give you the thing you always wanted but thought you you could never have.
I feel that is at of the heart of Giveth. So many people from all over the globe are coming together to build a tool that will change the future in ways we thought we could never could; creating impact that was impossible not long ago.
We see past borders, languages and currencies and are building a new way of helping each other without any of these traditional obstacles.
Giveth is for the do-er, the dreamer who desires to see their dream as reality, the heroes, and everyone out there who has a different expression of love.

Parker Williams Tue 24 Apr 2018 1:57PM
A few thoughts for now:
-Giveth is a decentralized platform that facilitates better giving and better receiving, contributing to creating a better world
-Giveth creates increased transparency and allows results based giving for individual donors
-Giveth believes in connecting change makers with those who want to support their mission, allowing them to avoid the mission creep that comes with chasing semi-related funding
-Giveth believes in decentralized, democratic, liquid control of donor funds
-Giveth believes in maximizing each gifts potential, utilizing blockchain technology to decrease administrative cost requirements
-Giveth believes in giving change makers the funds and trust they need ot make the change they want to see a reality

Justjen Wed 25 Apr 2018 1:59PM
Giveth values, what Giveth stands for:
-giving power back to people on the ground and with this, giving people teh power to make a real change in their direct community
- believe in people, not in systems
- believe in connection between people, no matter where there are based (space or timewise)
- transparency
- a direct impact on a direct cause
- dencentralization
- direct democracy- with all its challenges
- communities
- participation

Kate Sat 5 May 2018 3:18PM
- Decentralised community where everyone is encouraged to get involved in decision making
- Dissolving the blurred gap between the giver and the reciever
- Our transparency causes everyone in the community to have good working relationships and a higher level of engagement
- Offering coders of any skillset & level to contribute
- Advancing the power and utilisation of blockchain through open source code
Yalor Tackson Sat 5 May 2018 9:31PM
Dear Galaxy,
If you’re reading this we’ve done it, all the work the Unicorn troopers fought for was not in vain.
The mission we set out to accomplish was clear:
Create a trustless system of self governing bodies, capable of uniting around causes they choose to support.
Build a platform that fosters experimentation, collaboration and open source initiatives.
Awaken the Giver within all the citizen of this Galaxy and beyond, by showing them how and where their contributions make a difference.
The Centralization forces were determined to keep the Galaxy under their control, well we couldn't let that happen, not for our sake and the sake of generations to come.
To accomplish our mission we had to do something greater than simply unseating the unjust forces.
We had to show them a better way!
The way of the Unicorn.
We started a battle that will never end, the fight for truth, justice and transparency between citizens and powers is one that must live on forever.
It’s up to you to keep this fight alive all throughout your Galaxy, to inspire, incite and expose the truth for all to see.
This was the cause we chose to fight for, the one we believed mattered most to our generation.
Now it’s your turn to decide, what will you fight for?
We’ve given you the tools, to sculpt your future, build your community and free yourselves.
Use them wisely and never, EVER…... Forget!
The way of the Unicorn ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
~ Giveth

Pol Lanski Mon 7 May 2018 8:39AM
Lots of stuff already mentioned! I'd add this:
As spearheads in the Blockchain4Good space, we experiment and collaborate to achieve positive impact, sharing successes through open source and hoping to scaffold the path for those who will come behind.
Kay Tue 8 May 2018 1:49PM
We the people of Giveth,
regard human dignity as inviolable and personal freedom as the highest value in human society,
decide through rough consensus and running code,
work on software solutions that empower the individual through decentralized validation,
play through daring experiments,
apply original thinking,
open our hearts to share love as a human experience.

Griff Green Tue 8 May 2018 9:52PM
My version!
Giveth is constantly evolving and so should our manifesto, in no way should we expect any document to totally encompass what it is to be a part of the Giveth community. IMO the purpose of this document is to give people some understanding of the values shared by the members of the Giveth community, but if this manifesto in some way limits the imagination of Giveth Community Members, it should be thrown away!
Giveth is a community focused on using blockchain technology to make the world a better place.
Making the world a better place is a very broad mission, narrowing the scope would be a requirement for a normal organization but Giveth is not an organization it is a COMMUNITY. As long as the group of people that are working on a project that they believe can use blockchain to make the world a better place, they are a part of Giveth, if they choose to be.
Giveth is radically inclusive and trusts each individual and group to practice self-reliance and self-management leaning towards collaboration whenever possible.
Giveth supports human connection within its community even when classically certain actions/conversations maybe “unprofessional.” Especially in the name of FUN! Authenticity, vulnerability, candor, wholeness, and silliness are encouraged as long as they are building trust and stronger relationships.
Giveth believes altruistic people can be rewarded for their good work and strives to find ways to make that feel easy and natural. People are more important than profits.
Blockchain technology:
Aligns incentives around a collaborative consensus and shared values
Is radically inclusive
Rewards radical participation, “do-ocracy” and innovation
Maintains a global perspective
Is at its best when decentralized
Can not be used coersively
Spreads via network effect
Balances Privacy with Transparency
Giveth aspires to model itself after these incredible attributes of Blockchain tech.
Givethers have the right to their pseudonymity but everything done under Giveth’s name is as transparent as possible, as replicable as possible, as accountable as possible and invitingly open source.
Every Givether is a hero, a role model, living in service, while still embracing their own wants and needs. We courageously and humbly lead by example, knowing we have a lot to learn.
Giveth is about experimentation and innovation. There is no right or wrong way to solve the issues in our world, we know this, and ask for help and advise, while still pushing a NOW! attitude with integrity and gratitude for the opportunity to change the world.
Giveth is all of this and so much more.
Bowen Sanders · Mon 23 Apr 2018 10:25PM
I guess a few of these are all saying something similar, but maybe one or two could be useful:
• To help facilitate a greater understanding of emergent technologies
• To show the world the power of blockchain and smart contracts to make huge improvements in more than just charitable donations
• To help foster new coders into this new ecosystem
• To demonstrate the importance of transparency in giving by using our own technology to drive the creation and improvement of our own systems
• To remain ever vigilant for problems or threats to the system (both Giveth and the greater Ethereum community), vis-a-vis scammers, bugs or ongoing hacks
• Something something Batman costume?
I hope some of these are useful :slight_smile: