Dinners and Gatherings
Here we can announce where and when the next dinner will be and we can discuss who will bring what. Recipes should be shared in the Recipe discussion.
Andrea Bahlsen Sat 29 Nov 2014 10:12PM
I look forward to seeing you all at Nola's and Lionels home!
Nola Higgins Sun 7 Dec 2014 2:43AM
looking forward to seeing you all, come along and enjoy our last get-together for 2014
Julie Kennedy Mon 8 Dec 2014 1:57AM
Apologies. I am going to a talk on Hectors Dolphins in Picton at Park Regis. It's part of the series of talks organised by the Whale Centre. Friday night's talk is the last and should be interesting. It's a group of artists who went to the Kermadecs.
Added comment: 14 December 2014
The book "Kermadec" celebrating the work of all the artists who were involved in the project is available at the National Whale Centre in Picton and the travelling exhibition is on now at the Millennium Art Gallery in Blenheim - worth seeing.
Julie Kennedy Mon 8 Dec 2014 2:12AM
Have a look at Nadia Lim's website for vegan recipes:
She is now writing for the Sunday Star Times and tried a "Vegan week". Her recipe for tacos with nut mince and pineapple salsa was in the magazine section of the SST dated 16 November (p.38). You can probably go to Stuff.co.nz and find it or to the Library.
Deleted account Mon 8 Dec 2014 6:13AM
I want to welcome @judywoledge to Loomio. It seems some people are having problems. If you know one of these, get them to call me.
Deleted account Thu 11 Dec 2014 1:12AM
Great gathering at Nola, Lionel, and Jo's last night. Thanks so much to our hosts.
Did anyone get a photo of the rich array of food??
Deleted account Thu 11 Dec 2014 3:01AM
This is for Michelle and Judy to prove that Loomio works.
Judy woledge Thu 11 Dec 2014 3:29AM
Rito James we will see how this works
Last nites meal was amazing
Food oh so yum
Was like Xmas dinner
Deleted account Fri 12 Dec 2014 9:21PM
Thank you to Nola and Lionel for hosting a delicious dinner.So good to be with people who love plant food.
Deleted account · Sat 29 Nov 2014 9:28PM
Our next Plant Pure Kai dinner is being held on December 10, at Nola and Lionels, being hosted by Nola and Jo, at 3 Forest Park Drive, Blenheim, starting at 6pm. Picton people should use this space to offer or ask for space in cars, so we can all car pool effectively.