Sun 22 Feb 2015 3:20AM

Application for grants

AJ Adam Jorlen Public Seen by 286

There are many grants we can apply for. As we don't have any admin staff yet, and no one in their right mind like to apply for grants without getting something for it, I suggest that we give the grant applier a cut of the money if we receive it.


Adam Jorlen Sun 22 Feb 2015 3:21AM

What's a reasonable %? 10-15?


Adam Jorlen Sun 22 Feb 2015 3:23AM

If we don't get the grant, the person applying for it doesn't get anything. This sucks. Can we embed this in the system somehow? Say for ex that once we get a grant, the non-successful grant people get a small cut.


Jen Lowe Sun 22 Feb 2015 3:25AM

I agree. Perhaps it should be calculated at an hourly rate for the time involved in doing the application. It could be a way for people on the enkel to get some work and also help us along. But what happens then if we dont get it?


Deleted account Mon 23 Feb 2015 2:34AM

That time could be banked as enkelcoin perhaps? Or a special 'grant-enkelcoin'. You could redeem it only when a grant has been successfully provided. But perhaps im being too fanciful here.


Adam Jorlen Mon 23 Feb 2015 1:55PM

No, I think that's a good idea, Jordan. If we win the grant you get paid in $, and if not it's banked as enkelcoin, as other work is. Is it ok to differentiate like this between boring and interesting work? That's the question here, I guess.


Deleted account Tue 24 Feb 2015 9:06AM

Perhaps the difference is between 'admin' work or 'direct revenue' work and 'product/services' work? We could also see it as enkel having decided on hiring an admin staff, but rather than hiring someone, we allocate a special type of bitcoin (exchangeable when available) which represents a steak in that job role.


Adam Jorlen Tue 24 Feb 2015 12:40PM

Yep. Good.


Fei Wed 25 Feb 2015 8:18AM

I'm not a grant writing person and the only person I know who could be good at that lives in the eastern states so.... I'm not much help I'm afraid. :P But what you guys have been discussing sounds good.


Adam Jorlen Wed 25 Feb 2015 11:19AM

I sense it's time to create a proposal...


Poll Created Mon 23 Mar 2015 3:43AM

If we win grant applications, the grant applyer will get 15% of the money Closed Thu 26 Mar 2015 3:04AM

by Adam Jorlen Tue 25 Apr 2017 5:23AM

Proposal not accepted by enkel members so will not go ahead. Thanks all for good feedback.

There are many grants we can apply for. As we don’t have any admin staff yet, and no one in their right mind like to apply for grants without getting something for it, I suggest that we give the grant applier a cut of 15% of the money if we receive it.

If we don't get the grant, the time spent on writing and submitting the application is banked in enkelcoins as other work is.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 16.7% 1 AT
Abstain 66.7% 4 AJ DU JL J
Disagree 16.7% 1 AM
Block 0.0% 0  

6 of 19 people have participated (31%)

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