Theme camp application
When can we start to apply for a theme camp? After all with the new one (jam camp for example) and some old which may not attend (flim flam due to clash with other event) , this aspect should be clarified quite soon.
Also linked , we spoke in previous meeting to have some membership reserved for theme camp, is it always a thing? After all , Theme camp are a crucial part of the activities run during the event and give a lot of volunteers with a correct mindset so it s quite an idea worth to think about.
Keegan Sun 23 Feb 2020 7:06PM
Hey, I don't think we should really be using Loomio to be asking questions like this. Either in the facebook group or emailing [email protected] is probably best.
Ideally we want to keep loomio pretty clean so that it's not busy/messy when people have to come on here for the discussions
Kay Holford · Sun 23 Feb 2020 3:46PM
Theme camp applications are now open I believe. Do you get the Nest newsletter via email?