Locally Piloting New Start-Up Technology
From Massachusetts Tech Hub Caucus:
Help Massachusetts-based start-ups navigate the public procurement process and secure contracts with government agencies. We should make it easier for small companies to do business with government. Such a plan could help start-ups find their first customers and provide state agencies and municipalities with access to cutting edge technology. Piloting the plan in Gateway Cities could have the added benefit of helping to create a startup ecosystem in these communities.
Create the Commonwealth Cloud, a shared procurement portal run by the state and offered to municipalities. Eliminate manual processes and convert to shared automatic local processes (procurement, hiring, elder & veteran services etc.) This would save money for local governments and allow for easy modification of procedures as rules and regulations change.
Cole Boskey · Fri 19 Dec 2014 9:18PM
I originally pitched this idea at the MA Tech Hub Caucus and now I'm working with a group to put this idea into action (legislation will be filed soon). If anyone is interested in helping this effort, please send me an email.