Timings for getting us to the first meeting
Now that we have suggested splitting the first meeting in to the formal part (being a evening meeting using the telephone conferencing facility kindly provided by Wikimedia UK) and the informal part (a weekend face-to-face meeting), can I propose the following timeline:
- 22 Jan 2017 (Sunday) - Last day to sign up as a member who can vote at the first meeting.
- 31 Jan 2017 (Tuesday) - Last day to nominate yourself for election as Director.
- 1 to 6 Feb 2017 - Review nominees to confirm they meet the rules, and prepare pack for announcement of General Meeting.
- 7 Feb 2017 (Tuesday) - Announce General Meeting.
- 22 Feb 2017 (Wednesday) - General Meeting in the evening by telephone.
- 4 March (Saturday) - The in-person meeting. We can sign the forms required to set up a bank account on this day.
The General meeting is both 14 Clear Days since the notice, and 30 Clear Days since the last day that members can sign up and be entitled to vote.
- This gets us moving more quickly but it unfortunately means that Directors need re-appointing at the first AGM. This is dues to clause 23.5. The alternative is that we call an AGM, which requires 45 days notice. We are not ready to do that this week.
- Although there is clause in the articles (36.3) to allow Directors to "make whatever arrangements they consider appropriate to enable those attending a general meeting to exercise their rights to speak or vote at it", I do not know if this includes a temporary reduction of the 30 day rule for new members. For ease we should enforce the 30 day rule.
For the announcement we need to follow these rules:
34.1 Every notice calling a general meeting must specify the place, day and time of the meeting, whether it is a general or an AGM, and the general nature of the business to be transacted.
34.2 If a special resolution is to be proposed, the notice must include the proposed resolution and specify that it is proposed as a special resolution.
34.3 In every notice calling a meeting of the Company there must appear with reasonable prominence a statement informing the member of his or her rights to appoint another person as his or her proxy at a general meeting.
It is best practice also to include the full text of ordinary resolutions.
- ALL: Confirm we are happy with this.
- @brianprangle : Check that the t-con service is available.
- @brianprangle : Can you get a venue for 4 March (Saturday)?
RobJN Mon 23 Jan 2017 10:55PM
I have pulled down a list of Members (69 rows although I think a couple are duplicates). These are our pool of potential Directors - I will email them tomorrow to ask for people to self-nominate by the end of the month.
RobJN Tue 31 Jan 2017 12:47PM
The pro bono lawyers have advise on this (ensuring we avoid a situation where we don't have directors). I'd need to look again but it's not an issue I'm overly concerned about.
Brian Prangle Tue 31 Jan 2017 7:22PM
I kind of have planned an agenda where the outgoing directors run the meeting until the agenda item of election/appointment which I'm tending to think should go last, when the transfer between the 2 sets of directors takes place. Currently it looks like the new regime will be an uncontested 4 outgoing directors +Jon so it doesn't look too problematic. Happy to have it reversed with election/appointment early on the agenda
@Jon I have received written resignations from all 5 current directors wef our first meeting.
Brian Prangle · Tue 31 Jan 2017 7:44PM
I now have confirmation of the telephone nos and PIN from Wikimedia so we have everything we need to issue a notice in that respect