Co-operative Higher Education Database

Dear Colleagues,
This message has been circulated by Dr Cilla Ross, the new Vice Principle of the Co-operative College in the UK and crosses over significantly with the agenda of the ICBEC. Should we encourage our members / supporter to to use the link below to sign up to the initiative?
From reading this message, participatory in research currently organised by Lincoln University, and registering for the database, it seems a good way to meet one of our highest priority goals - the creation of a global database of educational resources and education practitioners engaged in co-operative business education / pedagogy.
------ Cilla's Message ------
I would like to introduce a new initiative that is in development – the Co-operative Research Database. The database is being developed by the Co-operative College in Manchester with the support of Co-operatives UK and the University of Lincoln.
It is for people involved in global co-operative research primarily in the fields of education, the world of work and work organisation, history/heritage and international development. It might be that we expand to other areas of co-operative research as the database evolves. We anticipate that this database will be complimentary with other, excellent initiatives, such as the Canadian Co-operative Research Network at the University of Saskatchewan.
The aim of the database is to facilitate a network for co-operative researchers to access information about recent and current co-operative research and practice. This will encourage us to share new knowledge and ideas as well as identify potential research collaborations. Researchers might be established academics, early researchers, students, activists or simply those interested in what is going on in co-operatives globally as we experience a ‘turn’ towards demand for authentic, democratic and innovative co-operative models.
Please access this link to fill in the appropriate fields:
Our aim is for the database to be formally launched at the Co-operative College’s Research and Education Conference and AGM in April 2016. At the same time, we will launch a new co-operative membership offer which is concerned to engage (and re-engage) those interested and active in all aspects of a ‘refreshed’ and renewed co-operative movement. The database will be one of many resources available within the offer. Although we will request a small fee from new members to enable access to these resources (so as to maintain running costs and keep resources current), this will not apply to database contributors who will be able to network freely with other co-operative researchers, practitioners and activists. If you sign up we will be in touch soon to let you know how to access the database.
Please pass this message on to any students, colleagues or partner organisations that you think would be interested in sharing their research interests and in co-operating! If you would like to know more, please email be (details below).
Dr Cilla Ross
Vice Principal: Education and Research SFHEA.
Rory Ridley-Duff (SHU) · Sun 30 Aug 2015 11:36AM
I have further detail about the date of the conference - it will be the 21st and 22nd of April - so put a date in your diary if you think you may want to attend.