Who are we as one? Demo_001
I invite each of you to help create a demo of the core concept solution I have been discussing to date. All you need do is respond to the proposal I will create next. I will create a spreadsheet, so everyone can watch in real time the resultant object change as time matches forward.
Of course you are free to agree, abstain, disagree or block, but please use "agree" if you are up for seeing your impact on the resultant object. Within the comment just insert your rank-ordering of the items. (see below)
Let's just start with a case with just 4 starter items. This limits combinations to 24, so the spreadsheet will be simpler to explore.
So what we need to start with is the case for the list. The case creates the context.
For this demo let's make the case:
"What's more important when considering creating a new platform/tool that will help advance coops in our world?"
Starter list items:
- sia = simple initial ask
- fue = fun user experience
- nol = no obvious leadership
- gve = guaranteed virtual engagement
gve means once you join, your coop avatar will automatically engage for you - if you do not manually engage.
These are 4 possible list items that could exist for this particular case. There can be hundreds. Hopefully you immediately see other possibilities. Feel free to share, but for now let's just limit this demo to these four.
The spreadsheet will mux together every participants lists and it will show us all, who we are as a single being or our group voice.
Understand in a future tool you will be able to submit anonymously, but here everyone will see your list. Also understand that anyone can change their list ordering at any time so you can initially engage with one list and change as you see what emerges in time.
Because you can change, I next want to introduce a next very important innovation in my solution - this concept of guaranteed virtual engagement and why it's so important to include in any solution.
People lead very busy lives. No one really wants to eat up a lot of precious time working within "good cause" groups like d@w. So I created a solution that has you engaging even when you are not available to engage.
It in some ways mirrors what your elected representatives in government are supposed to be doing for you today - representing you! But in my solution you have 100% control over this "gov rep", very different than the 0% control you have with the model we all must live with in today's world.
Imagine a world where every person can rep themselves and directly impact all group decision making. But there's not enough time or interest. So you create your gov rep or gov avatar to do all this dirty work for you. The simplest way to do this is to pick anyone else in the group as your proxy. Instruct your gov a to do the same as what this person's gov a does. But this would have to be someone you trust completely. A another simple option is to do whatever the group as a whole or part does.
So imagine you stand within a subgroup of like-minded participants and you have your gov a engage the same as the mux of this subgroup does.
This type of architecture solution requires only a single real human being engage to start the chain reaction. In real-world practice many real humans will override their gov a's auto response in the time duration given the decision work put forth. So what really happens in time is several real people engage and then at the last second all the gov a's begin to react. You probably then now see that the solution requires an ordering process solution. (I will not get into this at this time. The point I'm trying to make is gve is really possible and IMHO is a very important advancement in governance only made possible with technology.)
So feel free to respond to the proposal with agree and group mux or as so-n-so listed vs. a particular personal list ordering and this way you will be implementing the gve piece of the solution.
Now in a real-world platform that first asks you to find a home subgroup we can also make your gov a default to your home groups mux. This way all you must do to get started is rank-order a list of psychographics. The system auto places you in a best-match group. You need do nothing else ever, but you are now a fully participating member in this virtual world of cooperation. And you have equal power within it.
This is the type of simplicity I believe d@w should brand itself with to yell to the world that it has something radically different with which to shift the world toward being a far better place.
But first step is just to better understand how muxing works with this demo.
Joe · Sun 6 Nov 2016 1:29PM
Muxive is not my project. It's actually the co-creation of another person. Muxive is not solely intended as a coop type collaboration tool. Instead it will launch as a new form of social media platform with a focus on co-creating priority lists together. Mostly for entertainment type purposes in the beginning. E.g. Greatest female singers of all time.
But we know in time muxive will be used to help groups collaborate more effectively and harmoniously. It has many special innovations to help smooth the process of co-creation.