Tue 28 Mar 2017 3:30PM

3/28/17: Thinking "Outside the Box": New Options for Senior Housing

BW Bill Wendel Public Seen by 351

Revolutionize Your Retirement, an interview series hosted by Boston-based consultant Dorian Mintzer, is addressing Policy, Housing and an Aging Society in the Trump administration today. Want to listen to this program and explore out of the box options? Let's learn what her innovative guest says business, government and baby boomers can do to ensure their housing meets the needs of an aging population:

Register for conference call:

Time: 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00 am PST and 11 am CST)

Speaker: Louis Tenenbaum, Founder of http://HomesRenewed.org
Winner of 2016 HIVE Award & Next Avenue 2016 Influencer in Aging

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About the Program (from Dorian's marketing materials):

The election is over. Happy or not, we can’t predict what the new administration will do. But two things are certain. First, aging issues won’t disappear. Second, we can’t expect more federal funding or new entitlements. But this could be a good thing if it pushes us to think out of the box, particularly regarding aging in place by focusing on the situation facing middle-income older Americans.

While low-income older adults desperately need funding and support, 70% of older Americans (70 million people) do not qualify for government or not-for-profit programs but, at the same time, cannot afford expensive retirement communities or 24/7 care. These people have some resources and most want to age in place. Many own their homes and spend out-of-pocket for care, which is often difficult to locate and manage. Without question, this is a cadre that needs better supports.

In this program, Louis will discuss several out of the box options what business, government and baby boomers can do to ensure their housing meets the needs of an aging population.

See Change.org petition to enact incentives in 1st 100 Days

See RE2020 effort to crowdsource "People's Housing Policy" for Trump Administration


Bill Wendel Tue 28 Mar 2017 5:24PM

Invite #RE2020 community to respond to the question addressed to founder of http://HomesRenewed.org:

"If you were advising the President’s on his Trillion dollar infrastructure spending proposal, how can those expenditures incentivize the private sector to build healthier communities and expand senior housing options in naturally occurring retirements communities (NORC’s)?"