~ ☮Current Actions ~ from sea to shining sea.

For posting upcoming events
oswgwhe Mon 18 Aug 2014 9:02PM
The Peace Pole action which started with the Gathering is still going on and we'll try to make a formal presentation to the State Government on August 27.

Dennis Burk Lintz Wed 20 Aug 2014 1:49PM
Event scheduled ~ The Wagon for Peace.
Weare, NH Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 9:00 am
Weare was a station on the Underground Railroad, among other things, routinely violating laws in the name of social progress. ☮

Dennis Burk Lintz Fri 22 Aug 2014 2:19PM
Campaign Non-violence
- CAMPAIGN NONVIOLENCE * Beginning with Art For Peace on September 21, members of the NH peace, Occupy NH, and justice community will engage in a week of action to end war, poverty, and the climate crisis, there will be walks from places of institutional violence to places of peace all over the state, the Art For Peace art festival, vigils, congressional lobbying, free hugs, and educational programming.
oswgwhe Fri 22 Aug 2014 5:12PM
Thanks for these posts, Dennis.

Dennis Burk Lintz Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:27PM
From the East coast to the West coast,
From sea to shining sea,
We're in this together!!
Our ideas spread.

Dennis Burk Lintz Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:32PM
Art For Peace!
War, poverty, and climate crisis plague
our communities on a local and global scale. Though these seem like separate issues on the surface, at their core they are all connected as they bring destruction rather than creation to a community.
jemcgloin Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:54PM
August 23rd, 2014 - 11:00 AM
We Will Not Go Back March
Staten Island
Bay St. & Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY
jemcgloin Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:55PM
Carolyn Dixon Sun 24 Aug 2014 1:37AM
One thing war, poverty and climate change (and every other issues activists fight for) have in common is that we can do little about any of them as long as our country is controlled by money and power. Our laws are made and administered by politicians who can't keep their jobs unless they serve the wishes of those (1% and corporations) who pay for their campaigns. We need to get money out of politics and fund campaigns with public money. We need an amendment to the Constitution to put an end to the lie that corporations are people and money is speech. Move to Amend, MayDay. org and Stamp Stampede are a few of many organizations that are working toward this end. The Occupies would do well to consider working with them.
Sally G · Mon 18 Aug 2014 4:46PM
Nice Web site—great look.