Determine a Meeting Notes Location for OC and WGs

Maybe: do we need a consistent place for all groups to store meeting notes and agendas.
If a SC member -- new or old-- wants to learn about a Working Group's activities... how does someone find meeting notes? And, if a prospective new member or a new member trying to "onboard" to a Working Group or the OC, then how does a new person learn the history and processes?
What are the needs for keeping records? Where should we keep them? What qualities do we want in a location? Conventionally, many people are familiar with Google documents or MS Office/Teams and Dropbox. For Social.Coop, we want a location that uses FLOSS -- Free Libre Open Source Software. And, we have the budget to pay for services from a cooperative. What are some options? ... I think it is free, minimal editing functions, ... to store documents for a year. is the cloud document server used by the May First Movement And, Social.Coop has a membership in May First, and it allows us to use NextCloud for free... AmIRight?!
Another thought: maybe meeting notes are entered in one place, in real time, then later -- say, at the end of the year, -- get moved to another location, such as the Wiki.
Side Note: As I created sentences with these links, the Loomio server inserted big graphic rectangles inside this post to highlight the links. Many readers find them a visual distraction. I clicked on the "X" in the upper right corner of each one in order to remove them manually. Perhaps, you wish to remove them from your future posts too.

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 21 Nov 2024 2:11PM
In today's meeting, we also talked about using the Wiki as a place to draft and develop working documents. @Matt Noyes : Is the CWG using NextCloud documents? @Eduardo Mercovich: what can work?

Eduardo Mercovich Thu 21 Nov 2024 8:09PM
Hi Caitlin.
In today's meeting, we also talked about using the Wiki as a > place to draft and
develop working documents.
I cannot agree more that 150%, sadly... ;DDD
@Matt Noyes : Is the CWG using NextCloud documents?
I'm eager to know too...
@Eduardo Mercovich: what can work?
The wiki is super ok for me. Actually, our wiki engine supports group
permissions, so -if we find it necessary- we could even work on some
pages that are only accessible by us.

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Tue 31 Dec 2024 12:09AM
@Eduardo Mercovich Okay. I can try drafting a shared document in our wiki, and I need to learn how to make it accessible only to us. I wish we had private, collaborative spaces to work together online, between meetings.

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 5 Dec 2024 2:26PM
@Matt Noyes and @Flancian ... @Eduardo Mercovich : let's find a time for you and me to meet to talk through these ideas. And, maybe you can send me 2 times that work for you, and I'll choose .. via direct messaging on Social.Coop or email.

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 5 Dec 2024 4:43PM
I will try a RiseUp pad:
Here is the generic message:
"""This is an etherpad service hosted by Riseup. Riseup provides secure online communication tools for people and groups working for liberatory social change.
Riseup depends on donations from users like you to keep going. Please visit to contribute.
WARNING: This "pad" is a collaborative document that can be edited by anyone who has the URL. If you use an obvious name for the pad, it could be guessed.
WARNING: This pad will be DELETED if 60 days go by with no edits. There is NO WAY to recover the pad after this happens, so be careful!
If you want a pad to be kept for up to one year (365 days) without edits, append the word "-keep" to the end of the pad name.
If you want a pad to be deleted after one day, append the word "-tmp" to the end of the pad name.
For example:
* => deleted after 1 day of inactivity
* => deleted after 60 days of inactivity
* => deleted after 365 days of inactivity
Abusive behavior is not allowed on this service. Please visit to report any problems. ""
MarieVC ( · Thu 21 Nov 2024 5:51AM
Thanks to @Kathe TB, all the recaps (easier to read than the minutes) of our OC meetings are available to all Social.Coop members here: