Wed 19 Jul 2023 11:24PM

Editing tags

JN Julie Nevin Public Seen by 201

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or a bug, but...

When I try to edit a tag, I can't edit its name, nor delete it completely.

When I first set up the tags for my group, I added tags for particular teams. Now some of those teams don't exist, and others have been renamed, but the tags are still there. I want to be able to rename them to reflect that, but I am only able to change their colour.


Robert Guthrie Tue 25 Jul 2023 4:04AM

Hi @Julie Nevin,

Sorry for the confusion here - we've changed how tags work so that they are easier to apply. With this change we temporarily lost the ability to rename and edit tags across the whole group at once.

We'll bring that feature back, but in the meantime you'll need to update (edit) each Thread individually and remove the tags that no longer apply and add new tags.

I'm sorry this is not ideal, we're currently rebuilding our product roadmap, which we'll release shortly, so you'll have an idea when the better tag management stuff will be done.


Robert Guthrie Wed 26 Jul 2023 11:24AM

Hi @Julie Nevin - Just an update, I've been working on this and have it mostly working. We'll be testing and reviewing over the next couple of days.


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Robert Guthrie Fri 28 Jul 2023 7:52AM

@Julie Nevin - I'm happy to say that the ability to rename and delete tags has been restored.


Julie Nevin Sun 30 Jul 2023 4:28AM

@Robert Guthrie I see I can edit the tags assigned to individual threads. However, if I go to my group settings > category tags >edit tags I can't change the name of the tag, only its colour.

Some of the tags relate to groups that no longer exist. Ideally, I'd be able to delete the category tag altogether - but if I could change the name, that could work too.


Robert Guthrie Sun 30 Jul 2023 8:38PM

@julienevin Can you check that you have refreshed the page?

I've implemented the functions you're talking about, rename and delete - I was hoping you'd find them all working correctly :)


Julie Nevin Sun 20 Aug 2023 8:43PM

@Robert Guthrie I've just rechecked and found them working fine, thank you.