English below
Je propose que l'on discute d'ici des newsletters du Parti Pirate. À mon avis, il doit être possible d'envoyer une newsletter chaque mois si on respecte un schéma assez simple :
1. Petite introduction
2. Évènements principaux du mois (en général, Pirate Lab, BBQ, AG)
3. Derniers articles publiés sur le site
4. Prochains évènements pirates (sur le wiki)
J'aimerais envoyer une newsletter ce mois-ci, afin de tester ce schéma. Qu'en pensez-vous ? :)
I propose that we discuss the newsletters of the Pirate Party here. I think that we should be able to send a newsletter every month if we follow a simple scheme :
1. Short introduction
2. Main events of the month (e.g. Pirate Lab, BBQ, GA)
3. Last articles on the website
4. Next pirate events (on the wiki)
I'd like to send a newsletter this month, in order to test this scheme. What are your thoughts on this ? :)
HgO Wed 27 Dec 2017 3:20PM
Merci ! :D Tu as juste oublié de traduire la première phrase ^
j'ai ajouté qu'ils peuvent nous parler du site web à l'événement
Bonne idée !
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi on ne parlerait pas des drapeaux pour attirer des gens (c'était avec ce but) et pourquoi on ne donne pas un temps de fin.
Ce sera sur la page de l'évènement ! Je préfère juste éviter de mettre trop d'information dans une newsletter, car j'ai peur qu'ils ne lisent pas le mail s'il y a de trop...
HgO Wed 27 Dec 2017 3:57PM
@josse Pour les drapeaux, si tu y tiens vraiment on peut mettre la phrase "Vous aurez également la possibilité d'acheter des drapeaux pirates. Les 50 premiers seront vendus 5€/pièce au lieu de 10€/pièce." dans la newsletter, juste avant "Tous les détails pratiques..."
Dans tous les cas, j'ai rajouté cette phrase sur la page wiki de l'évènement ;)
Sinon, j'aimerais pouvoir envoyer cette newsletter ce soir, comme ça c'est fait et on peut passer à la suite :)
HgO Thu 28 Dec 2017 2:40PM
I'm sending the newsletter. French mailing list is done, Dutch is ongoing, and the big mailing list (Dutch + French) is scheduled at 6pm.
Je suis en train d'envoyer la newsletter. La maling list francophone est déjà envoyée, la néerlandophone est en cours, et la mailing list principale (fr + nl) est prévue pour 18h.
HgO Fri 12 Jan 2018 10:51AM
Should we send a second newsletter this week-end, for the brunch next week ? It can be really short..
Enverrions-nous une deuxième newsletter ce week-end, pour le brunch de la semaine prochaine? Cela peut être très court...
Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 12 Jan 2018 6:22PM
I think it's a good idea. Also I suggest adding a line or two to inform everyone about the currently discussed topics (animal rights, transparency, external communication, nationalism etc), this way we might reach people who never set foot on Loomio.
Je pense que c'est une bonne idée. Je suggère également de rajouter une ou deux lignes pour informer tout le monde des discussions qui ont actuellement lieu (droit des animaux, transparence, communication externe, nationalisme...), ceci permettrait d'atteindre des personnes qui n'ont jamais mis le pied dans Loomio.
HgO Sat 13 Jan 2018 10:45AM
Ok, I'm proposing this :
The text will be followed by the list of incoming pirate events (cf. However, this time there won't be a section with last articles, as we didn't write some.
Feel free to comment, make suggestions, etc. ;)
I'd like to send this Sunday evening max :)
Bien, je propose ceci :
Ce texte sera suivi de la liste des prochains évènements (cf. Cependant, comme nous n'avions pas écrit d'articles, il n'y aura pas de section contenant les articles précédents.
N'hésitez pas à commenter, faire des propositions, etc. ;)
J'aimerais pouvoir l'envoyer dimanche soir au plus tard :)
HgO Sun 14 Jan 2018 7:14PM
Ok, not much reactions :/ I guess everything is fine then ?
Could some nice people translate this in Dutch : ? :) There are only 4 sentences to translate, as we are reusing most of the last newsletter ! ;)
Josse Sun 14 Jan 2018 10:35PM
HgO Sun 14 Jan 2018 11:17PM
Yo ! It's me again ! The newsletter is sending... and almost completely sent already :D
Thanks Josse for the translation \o/
Edit: See you at the brunch :hugging:
HgO Mon 22 Jan 2018 9:30AM
En français ci-dessous
I don't know what's your opinion on this, but I like very much the format used for the newsletter as it is now :) That is : intro + articles + events. This is not too difficult to produce, and this brings more light to the pirate activities.
I'd like to propose this : after each lab, we prepare a small introductory text for the newsletter, on a pad. Then we post it on loomio (on this thread) in order to let people improve it and add some content. Finally, on the 15th of the month, we send the newsletter. We could do this each month quite easily I think :)
Also, I have another idea : what about adding the mail of each crew in the mailing list for the newsletter ? That way, we are sure they are receving the newsletter and they know what other pirates are doing.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous en pensez, mais j'aime beaucoup ce nouveau format de newsletter :) À savoir : intro + articles + évènements. Ce n'est pas trop difficile à faire, et cela met en lumière l'activité des pirates !
J'aimerais proposer ceci : après chaque lab, on prépare une petite intro pour la newsletter, sur un pad. Puis, on annonce le pad sur loomio (sur ce thread), afin que chacun·e puisse améliorer ce texte et y rajouter du contenu. Enfin, le 15 du mois, on envoie la newsletter. Nous pourrions faire ceci chaque mois assez facilement je pense :)
J'ai aussi une autre idée : je proposerais d'ajouter les e-mails de chaque équipage à la mailing list de la newsletter. Ainsi, nous serions certain que chaque équipage reçoit bien la newsletter, et qu'ils savent ce que les autres pirates font.
Valerie D. Tue 23 Jan 2018 12:50PM
agree! (not sure though that there is someone behind the crew emails...)
HgO Sat 27 Jan 2018 7:20PM
So, as agreed on the lab, we will try my proposal :D
Here is the pad for the newsletter's introduction text :
This text is open to discussion until the 15th February. We would need to know what are the ongoing projects (eg. Website), ongoing topics (eg. ???), and if there is an important event planned (normally, no?)
HgO Tue 13 Feb 2018 12:03AM
Hey hey ! We will soon have to send the newsletter ! I propose to send it this week-end, so that we can work on it properly.
In Crew BW, we plan to organize a screening of Nothing to Hide in March, so I propose to write one or two sentences about it in the introduction. If you have also "special" events from your crew / squad, don't hesitate to propose them ;)
HgO Thu 15 Feb 2018 2:19PM
Thanks @valeried and @vanecx for writing the newsletter ! :)
For me the text is fine now. @all : If you want to add your project / event to the newsletter, it is now or never ^
Don't forget to add on the wiki your crew meeting, pirate drink, or other pirate event before this Saturday evening, otherwise it won't be announced in the newsletter !!
Merci @valeried et @vanecx pour avoir rédigé la newsletter :)
Pour moi, le texte est bon à présent. @tous : Si vous voulez ajouter votre projet / évènement à la newsletter, c'est maintenant ou jamais ! ^
N'oubliez pas non plus d'ajouter sur le wiki votre réunion de crew, pirate drink, ou autre évènement pirate avant ce samedi soir, sinon il ne sera tout simplement pas dans la newsletter !!
HgO Fri 16 Feb 2018 10:12PM
Could someone (@josse ?) translate the newsletter in Dutch before tomorrow evening? Thanks!
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait traduire la newsletter en néerlandais, pour demain soir ? Merci !
koen_v Sat 17 Feb 2018 7:49AM
j viens de proposer une traduction
HgO Sat 17 Feb 2018 12:37PM
Merci beaucoup ! J'ai juste changé "ploeg" par "crew", car c'est le terme qu'on utilise le plus souvent pour parler d'équipage.
Josse Sat 17 Feb 2018 8:01AM
Cela a l'air très bien
HgO Sat 17 Feb 2018 12:40PM
J'ai planifié la newsletter pour ce soir à 19h :) Merci de me contacter si vous voulez modifier quelque chose en dernière minute '
I planned the newsletter for this evening at 7pm :) Please contact me if you want to do a last-minute change '
HgO Wed 28 Feb 2018 3:26PM
Ahoy ! Je viens de créer le pad pour la prochaine newsletter. L'envoi est prévu pour le 17 mars, donc on boucle le tout pour le 15 mars ;)
Si vous souhaitez communiquer sur votre projet, évènement, etc. c'est le bon endroit :) N'hésitez pas à modifier le pad, et si vous avez un doute on en discute ici -^
Ahoy ! I've created the pad for the next newsletter. I'm planning to send it for the 17th March. This means we wrap up on the 15th ;)
If you want to communicate about your project, event, etc. this is the perfect place :)
Do not hesitate to edit the pad, and if you not sure we can talk about it here -^
Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 15 Mar 2018 12:07PM
So in this month' newsletter, there will be 2 articles : Crew BW and Crew Liège about their local projects and all events except one being either in BW or Liège. I think we can expect like last month an angry subscriber complaining about the "seat of the Pirate Party" being too much to the south of the country :sweat_smile:
Josse Thu 15 Mar 2018 8:01PM
I think it was specially Liege he was complaining about. Just don't forget to mention our drink in Leuven too please (next month)
HgO Thu 15 Mar 2018 8:21PM
We can all understand why he complained about that :p
Ok for the drink.
Do we have any project to talk about in the newsletter ?
What about the new website ? Do we say something, or it's not necessary ?
Josse Thu 15 Mar 2018 9:15PM
You could say that we have been working on it last piratelab and will continue next one and the goal is that through "a scroll story" people will better understand what we stand for. (e.g. that they can help us determine what we stand for)
HgO Fri 16 Mar 2018 2:00PM
I'm a bit annoyed, because Pirate Labs are meant to launch / kickstart projects :/
Besides, you know how labs work : we can never predict which topics will be discussed... We might work on the website, but we don't know if we will have time, if there will be enough people interested, etc.
Proposal: We could say that we are still working on the new website and looking for feedback / volunteers (well, do you need more people involved ?), and that people can contact the workgroup on loomio or meet them at the lab.
HgO Fri 16 Mar 2018 2:13PM
I updated the pad :
Let me know (everybody) if that's ok for you. Then we can translate (I see that @koenvdp didn't waste his time -)
Josse Fri 16 Mar 2018 6:21PM
I am prepared to talk about website, so if anyone else is, we have a workgroup. The problem is non-existing.
HgO Sat 17 Mar 2018 3:50PM
I have a slight problem : we don't have (yet?) a Dutch translation for the article from Pirates de Liège. Should we put a link to the French article, and say that we didn't translated yet ?
Otherwise, the newsletter is ready :) As soon as we fixed this, we can send it !
HgO Sat 17 Mar 2018 3:57PM
As I don't expect @koenvdp to translate such a long article (certainly not today), I propose to only translate the title and the abstract, with maybe a sentence saying that the following is in French. Text to translate is in the pad of the newsletter :
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 18 Mar 2018 8:29AM
Newsletter has been sent, thanks to @hgo :)
HgO Sun 18 Mar 2018 5:56PM
You're welcome :sunglasses: And a big thanks to @koenvdp for his help in the translations ! :)
HgO Sun 1 Apr 2018 6:46PM
Hello ! This month is a bit special because we will send the newsletter one week earlier (on 7th April). Indeed, we need to announce the BBQ / mini-GA (on 19th May) six weeks ahead.
You can help in writing the newsletter here :
Bonsoir ! Ce mois est un peu spécial parce que nous enverrons la newsletter une semaine plus tôt (le 7 avril). Nous devons en effet annoncer le BBQ / mini-AG (19 mai) six semaines en avance.
Vous pouvez aider à la rédaction de la newsletter via le lien ci-dessus ;)
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 1 Apr 2018 6:49PM
Actually, what about the people who paid their membership? I'm not sure they receive the newsletter so they wouldn't receive their convocation?
HgO Sun 1 Apr 2018 7:01PM
That's a good point actually ! I'll ask @patrickinstalle if he's got an up-to-date list :stuck_out_tongue:
koen_v Mon 2 Apr 2018 7:58AM
There has been written on the pad 'once everybody agrees, we will start translating'. So, I'll wait further translating until everyone agrees-but don't wait until the last moment to agree, otherwise I (or someone else) may not have the time anymore to translate... also, let me know if the crew wants me to translate or not?
Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 2 Apr 2018 10:11AM
@koenvdp it's always nice if a text is translated, even though it might not be very relevant for many people outside of Liège. And if you (or someone else) need explanation in case it's too hard to translate some specific parts, don't hesitate to ask me. Also thanks again for all the translations you already did!
If people want to translate, here is a pad already : (the definitive text of the communiqué is the one on the website)
Josse Tue 3 Apr 2018 8:50PM
I added some text in French but it is very badly written, but it is what I think we should add.
koen_v Wed 4 Apr 2018 6:33AM
The text seems to get longer and longer... if I copy it on a text document, it is about 10 pages, and the text isn't even ready yet apparently... I'm beginning to doubt greatly if I can translate this at such short notice...
HgO Wed 4 Apr 2018 9:09AM
En français ci-dessous
@koenvdp About which document are you talking ?
The article from Liège is finished (you can find the definitive version here). The following pad is only there for you to put the translation (but feel free to use something else if you prefer) : ;)
For the newsletter, I reworked some sentences on the pad, but I would need some clarifications on what you meant, @josse . I made some comments also. I hope the text won't be too long...
@vanecx Do you have an idea of where we could talk about the Liège article in the newsletter ?
We will also need to talk of the birthday of our Mastodon instance...
@koenvdp De quel document parles-tu ?
L'article de Liège est terminé (la version définitive se trouve ici). Ce pad est seulement là pour que tu aies un endroit où mettre ta traduction (mais n'hésite pas à utiliser autre chose si tu préfères) : ;)
Pour la newsletter, j'ai retravaillé quelques phrases sur le pad, mais j'aurais besoin de quelques éclaircissements sur ce que tu as voulu dire, @josse . J'ai laissé quelques commentaires dans le pad. J'espère que le texte ne sera pas trop long...
@vanecx Est-ce que tu as une idée d'où on pourrait placer la phrase concernant l'article de Liège ?
Il faudra également prévoir un endroit pour parler de l'article sur l'anniversaire de notre instance Mastodon...
koen_v Wed 4 Apr 2018 9:18AM
ok, @hgo , now I understand. I was confused & thought the whole pad needed to be translted. I will try to do the translation tomorrow or sth
Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 4 Apr 2018 12:16PM
I think we're putting a time pressure on ourselves for no reason (once again, GA is creating problems).
There are currently 0 pirates in the Pirate Party who know about the existence of the statutes and respect them. Therefore, nobody will complain if the convocation is sent 5 weeks before the GA instead of the supposed 6 weeks. Also, what matters is not the text of the statutes anyway, but the spirit -> the "6 weeks" period is just there to make sure everyone has enough time to prepare the GA. Most active people already know about the 2 topics of this GA, so it doesn't really change anything for them to send it this weekend or next weekend. Finally, we won't have to rush the article about Mastodon and we would send the newsletter at the original time (middle of the month).
So I'm proposing we send this newsletter/convocation for the weekend 14-15/04.
Josse Wed 4 Apr 2018 4:49PM
Pourquoi est-ce que c'est problématique maintenant @vanecx ? Better to wait for translation in order to be sure about the contents...
Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 4 Apr 2018 5:17PM
I'm worried we're trying to finish everything for this weekend (text of the newsletter/convocation + article on mastodon), also everything needs to be 100% translated correctly (and as much as we appreciate the efforts @koenvdp does, we cannot ask him to translate everything in such a short notice) and none of the texts is finished right now (except the Liège article in french).
Josse Wed 4 Apr 2018 5:27PM
If we wait with Mastodon, we have at least something to tell in the next newsletter.
HgO Wed 4 Apr 2018 6:16PM
English below
J'attendrai ce week-end pour voir ce qu'il nous restera à faire. Pour moi c'est faisable, mais évidemment cela va mettre beaucoup de pression sur @koenvdp, ce que je ne voudrais pas.. :/ Si nous ne sommes pas prêt samedi, je propose de reporter au week-end suivant. Nous pourrions également envoyer la newsletter un jour de semaine, sinon.
Notez que la plupart des gens sont de toutes façons en vacances en ce moment.
Pour l'article Mastodon, je ne vois pas le problème si on le publie dimanche au lieu de lundi :neutral_face:
Par contre, le gros problème que j'ai, c'est que je ne suis pas sûr d'obtenir la liste des membres en ordre de cotisation à temps :(
I would wait until this week-end to see what we have to do. For me it's feasible, but it will put a lot of pressure on @koenvdp, which I wouldn't want... :/ If we're not ready on Saturday, I propose to postpone it to this next weekend. We could also send the newsletter on a weekday.
Note that most people are on holiday anyway.
For the article about Mastodon, I don't see the problem if we publish it on Sunday instead of Monday :neutral_face:
However, the big problem I have is that I'm not sure to get the list of people who paid their membership fee on time :(
Josse Thu 5 Apr 2018 7:13AM
Did you talk to @patrickinstalle ?
HgO Thu 5 Apr 2018 7:46AM
Yes. He was busy, but now I think he is working on it
koen_v Thu 5 Apr 2018 11:44AM
koen_v Thu 5 Apr 2018 12:12PM
(I guess it would be a good idea to fix deadlines-if not now, for follwing newsletters--deadline newsletter french, then deadline approval, then deadline translation--to make clear for everyone what is expected, & also for practical reasons, for exemple, if no agreement on deadlines is there, it would be possible to agree on the french version of the newsletter some hours before it has to be sent---which makes translation to dutch then should be ready in a few hours, although the translator is maybe not even at his desk at that moment)
HgO Thu 5 Apr 2018 2:21PM
Thanks @koenvdp ! :D
For the deadlines, I agree with you ! I propose this :
* 6 April (evening) : newsletter must be finished in one language
* 7 April (evening) : newsletter is translated
* 8 April (morning) : newsletter is sent
Although these are not strong deadlines as I said above : that's not a real problem if we are one or two days late.
@josse Could you check the newsletter ? I made many changes, and I'd like to see if it's ok for you. Also, I'd like to know if you or pirates from Crew Antwerp could give one or two sentences to put in the newsletter about their "Kick off" event for the election ?
I think we are almost there :)
For the Mastodon article, is it a problem if it's not included in this month's newsletter ? :/
koen_v Thu 5 Apr 2018 3:05PM
Dear @hgo , thanks 4 the proposal. However, I'd like to mention that I am absent saturday 7th of april, only in the morning I will be at my desk. (So, if I do not see a newsletter which is finished in a language at that moment, someone else will have to translate it (which will be no problem, I guess) )
koen_v Fri 6 Apr 2018 7:01AM
please give a sign when the newsletter is finished. As soon as it is ready (and if I am not on the road, away from my desk), I will start translating (if someone else wouldn't have done it)
HgO Fri 6 Apr 2018 8:09AM
I'm waiting for people to review the newsletter... @josse or anybody else who speaks French ?
J'attends que la newsletter soit relue... @josse ou quelqu'un d'autre qui parle français ?
Josse Fri 6 Apr 2018 7:37PM
Pour moi, il faut juste effacer tout ce qui est commentaire et double à cause de l'historique d'édition. (nettoyer) Le texte même me parait bien. (j'ai encore mis un commentaire pour l'événément d'Anvers)
HgO Fri 6 Apr 2018 8:10PM
J'ai nettoyé ! Tu peux commencer à traduire @koenvdp :)
Pour le kick off d'Anvers, c'est comme vous voulez, si quelqu'un se sent de faire une belle phrase.. Sinon il sera de toute façon dans la liste des évènements ;)
I've cleaned the pad ! You can start translating @koenvdp :)
For the Antwerpen's kick off, this is as you wish, if someone wants to write a nice sentence.. Otherwise, it will be in the event list anyways ;)
koen_v Sat 7 Apr 2018 7:04AM
I've made the translation of the newsletter as it was on 7 april 8:58. By the way, when I came to the end, I noticed the newsletter isn't finished yet...; I would have preferred translating the newsletter after it is finished, & nog before it isn finished, I have to admit. When changes are made in French, some should also applicate it in Dutch now.
HgO Sat 7 Apr 2018 7:55AM
Thanks Koen ! :)
No worries, the newsletter is finished. We are not sure to keep the last sentence, that's why it looks unfiinished at the end.
Can someone review the translation ?
I'm adding the events on the newsletter. Don't forget to add your event on the wiki, otherwise it won't be on the newsletter...
The formatting for the French newsletter is ready ;) Those who have access can take a look at it.
Merci Koen ! :)
Pas de soucis, la newsletter est terminée. Nous ne sommes pas sûr de garder la dernière phrase, donc c'est normal si la fin a l'air incomplète.
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut relire la traduction ?
Je suis en train d'ajouter les évènements à la newsletter. N'oubliez pas d'ajouter votre évènement sur le wiki, sinon il n'apparaîtra pas dans la newsletter...
La mise en page pour la version fr est déjà prête ;) Celles et ceux qui y ont accès peuvent déjà y jeter un coup d'œil.
Josse Sat 7 Apr 2018 8:43PM
I put 2 comments.
koen_v Sun 8 Apr 2018 8:13AM
I agree with 1 comment, and have my doubts with the second --see more on the pad
HgO Sun 8 Apr 2018 10:56AM
Let me know when the text is ready :)
koen_v Sun 8 Apr 2018 11:21AM
Who decides about that?
HgO Sun 8 Apr 2018 5:53PM
Just let me know which word should we use for "fil de discussion loomio" / "loomio thread" :p
koen_v Sun 8 Apr 2018 6:36PM
I've been searching for the answer on the net, & the answer is surpriselingly hard to find-in fact, the word mostly used for Thread in dutch seems to be... using Thread, the English word itself (see e.g. )---I adadpted this in the translation
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 8 Apr 2018 10:19PM
The newsletter is programmed to be sent this Monday at 7AM, thanks to @hgo who put everything needed together.
HgO Sun 8 Apr 2018 11:01PM
And thanks to @patrickinstalle this newsletter will be sent to pirates who paid their membership in the past couple of years !
HgO Sat 5 May 2018 12:50PM
I've started the pad for the newsletter of May :
Except the GA, what should we put in the newsletter ?
For the GA, we would need a more detailled agenda maybe ? and maybe put the link to the website's proposal (if it's ready) ?
I suggest the following deadlines (but it's not a problem if we are late of one or two days):
* 10 May : the newsletter must be finished in one language
* 11 May (evening) : newsletter is translated
* 12 May (morning) : newsletter is sent
Hopefully, there shouldn't be much to translate this time :)
Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 10 May 2018 3:31PM
It's almost a copy-paste from last time as we don't seem to have real news this time, so I only added an invitation to Matrix (chatroom) and to Mastodon (social network).
Please do edit it tonight so it can be sent as planned :
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 12 May 2018 10:17AM
Last call : please add your events on the wiki now, so they can be included in the newsletter that will be sent in the next hours.
HgO Sun 13 May 2018 9:28PM
The newsletter is scheduled for tomorrow (monday) at 7am :)
Josse Sat 26 Jan 2019 3:57PM
Newsletter for February:
Publish before the 9-10th feb (preferably before) (see report Pirate Lab 26/01)
- Bâteau crowdfunding + site
- Liège (à voir avec Crew Liège)
- Demande de participation aux élections + article élections
- Particratie (à titre personnel ou non)
- Loomio -> + article State Council HgO in het Nederlands? (check Koen)
- Finances for the elections : proposal (see loomio thread that HgO will create)
HgO Sat 16 Feb 2019 11:54AM
Okay, so I'll try to prepare the newsletter. We should send it before next Lab, as we have this ongoing proposal for the elections' budget.
Here is the pad :
@Josse : Do you have some text for the boat's crowdfunding and / or for the election in Flanders ?
@vanecx : Do the Pirates of Liège want to say something for the elections ? ^
Did I miss something else ?
Josse Sun 17 Feb 2019 9:27AM
I adapted the pad. You could already check if it is going into the right direction. Still need a good form to support candidates in West-Flanders and Liège and I need to know to which elections they participate.
Ilja Sun 17 Feb 2019 5:40PM
In W-Vl we have only a list for Flanders
We keep track of stuff for W-Vl at the bottom of
Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 20 Feb 2019 8:28PM
I updated the French version (mainly the Liège paragraph) and also the long article on the elections (basically one paragraph about our dear friend Martine). The current version is fine for me now!
HgO Wed 20 Feb 2019 10:01PM
Super ! J'ai relu et reformulé quelques phrases. J'ai aussi rajouté un paragraphe pour la proposition de contribuer au recours au Conseil d'État.
Pour moi le texte est presque terminé :)
Thanks ! I proof-read and rephrased some sentences. I also added a paragraph regarding the proposal for contributing to the appeal to the State Council.
For me, the text is almost finished :)
Josse Thu 21 Feb 2019 10:04PM
I added some Dutch translation and said the form for the signatures is at the end of the article (in French too). Dutch could use some re-reading. Still don't know how to tell people to HELP us validate the lists.
HgO Fri 22 Feb 2019 4:52PM
Thanks ! If Dutch is ok, I propose that we send the newsletter this evening, as we have the lab tomorrow ' We could still send another newsletter mid-March with more details on how help us…
I'm preparing the Mailpoet's draft for the newsletters
HgO Fri 22 Feb 2019 4:59PM
By the way, don't forget to put your event on the wiki, otherwise it won't be on the newsletter !!
Here you can check if your event is listed :
Josse · Wed 27 Dec 2017 3:00PM
Je l'ai traduit en néerlandais dans le pad, mais j'ai ajouté qu'ils peuvent nous parler du site web à l'événement. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi on ne parlerait pas des drapeaux pour attirer des gens (c'était avec ce but) et pourquoi on ne donne pas un temps de fin. Je peux bien m'imaginer qu'il y a des gens qui veulent venir à 15h. (et ceux qui viennent juste pour le drink ne sont pas obligé d'emporter qq ch non plus et s'il y a un bon boulanger dans le coin, on pourrait commander quelques tartes)