
English below
Je propose que l'on discute d'ici des newsletters du Parti Pirate. À mon avis, il doit être possible d'envoyer une newsletter chaque mois si on respecte un schéma assez simple :
1. Petite introduction
2. Évènements principaux du mois (en général, Pirate Lab, BBQ, AG)
3. Derniers articles publiés sur le site
4. Prochains évènements pirates (sur le wiki)
J'aimerais envoyer une newsletter ce mois-ci, afin de tester ce schéma. Qu'en pensez-vous ? :)
I propose that we discuss the newsletters of the Pirate Party here. I think that we should be able to send a newsletter every month if we follow a simple scheme :
1. Short introduction
2. Main events of the month (e.g. Pirate Lab, BBQ, GA)
3. Last articles on the website
4. Next pirate events (on the wiki)
I'd like to send a newsletter this month, in order to test this scheme. What are your thoughts on this ? :)
Deleted account Sat 11 Nov 2017 7:59AM
I loved the newsletter!!! :slight_smile:
Only could we open a thread on the Catalan "censorship"? The topic was raised in our november 7th meeting in Liège and it would be good to have a open conversation on the Catalan nationalist movement with a broader audience. I dread the topic is really complex and it could help us to position ourselves in relation to the many nationalist movements that are growing in Europe if we have an open and candid discussion.

HgO Sun 12 Nov 2017 11:00AM
There is already a thread on the censorship in Catalanuya : but maybe this would be better to open a new thread on Catalan nationalist movement. Normally, you should be able to start this new thread. In general, don't hesitate to create new threads, we can always modify the title or move the thread afterwards if needed ;)
Deleted account Sat 18 Nov 2017 11:48AM
So, the tread has been created:
I dropped the discussion on censonship for the moment as my first question is, can we defend nationalism?
I believe censorship needs a thread on its own and I have decided to prioritise - there is only so much one can do at a given time.

HgO Tue 28 Nov 2017 2:52PM
En français plus bas
I have an ethical issue with the newsletter as it is currently configured. There is a possibility to track the subscribers, which is enabled by default. For instance, let us imagine that we send a newsletter. We can then monitor how many users opened the mail, clicked on links, etc.
For me, there are privacy concerns with this kind of tool. In addition, I don't think this is really useful for us, as we don't really care how many people read the newsletter for instance.
So, I would propose to disable this feature.
J'ai un problème avec la newsletter telle qu'elle est configurée pour le moment. Il y a (par défaut) la possibilité de pister ceux qui ont souscris à la newsletter. Imaginons par exemple que nous envoyons la newsletter. Nous pouvons alors voir combien de personnes ont ouvert leur mail, cliqué sur des liens, etc.
Selon moi, il y a là un problème de respect de la vie privée avec ce type d'outil. De plus, je ne pense pas que cela nous soit vraiment utile, puisque nous ne nous préoccupons pas vraiment du nombre de personnes qui ont lu la newsletter par exemple.
Bref, je proposerais de désactiver cette fonctionnalité.

Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 28 Nov 2017 5:01PM
I follow your proposal to disable it, especially if it's useless anyway.

HgO Sat 23 Dec 2017 12:01PM
I propose to send this (cf. attachment)
In short, we start by inviting people to the new year brunch, then we explain it is open to everyone (friends, family, etc.). We also explain how the day will be organised (in two parts : brunch + drink, potluck). (I'm not sure if this paragraph is needed, actually). Then, a link to the wiki page. We conclude with a summary of the last articles. Here, I'm saying we fought mostly against censorship, but if you have a better summary, don't hesitate to propose it ;)
What is missing : new year wishes.
Je propose d'envoyer ceci (voir pièce-jointe)
En gros, on commence par inviter les gens à notre brunch du nouvel an, puis on explique que c'est ouvert à tous. On explique également comment sera organisé l'évènement (en deux parties : brunch + drink, auberge espagnole). (je ne suis pas certain que ce soit utile de le mentionner ici, en fait). Ensuite, un lien vers la page wiki. On conclut par un résumé des derniers articles. Ici, je dis que nous avons lutté contre la censure ces derniers mois, mais si vous avez un meilleur résumé je suis preneur ! ;)
Ce qui manque : nos meilleurs vœux pour l'année 2018
Valerie D. Sat 23 Dec 2017 12:28PM
What about putting the text on a pad? Then we can help out with the text.

HgO Sat 23 Dec 2017 12:29PM
Here you are :

HgO Tue 26 Dec 2017 3:00PM
Ahoy everybody! I hope you had a good time yesterday :blush:
If the final version is ok with everyone, I propose to translate it in Dutch : :)
HgO · Sat 11 Nov 2017 7:16AM
Here is an example of how it would look like :)