
[público] Proposta Willi

IG Iuri Guilherme Public Seen by 8

Enviado pro e-mail iuf@partidopirata.org

Willi copiou várias mensagens que tinha enviado para a netmundial e enviou pra gente, como propostas para o IUF2015.

Quem quiser ir traduzindo pra português, pode ir editando a mensagem aqui mesmo.


Dear Iuri,

this is the first of the 3 texts for a discussion on the IUF 2015 Brasil. It is my proposal to NetMundial in Brasil with 3 contributions to the discussion on the list 1net.org.

Only the principles covered in this proposal. Not the questions of, how we can organize this in material form.

In this case something else comes to the foreground. The free technology, that is free to use for all people of our planet and arises from the free cooperation of free people, who want to participate.

The free technology rests on "think globally, act locally" and "knowledge is always world heritage". We turn not to private or public institutions, but only to the people directly. No matter where and how they live.

On this basis the cooperative practices will emerge that are still blocked by focusing on capitalisable technologies. The theoretical bases of free technology are always universal goods. There is no rational justification for patent and licensing rights. These constructions are organized robbery.

But the material basis to realize this transport system for digital data in packet form generally arise locally. This are the local technical infrastructure in order to build the technical components. Thus, our InterNet arises as a result of the interconnection of our local and autonomous networks.

All specific answers and the discussion you find in the archive of the list:
www.1net.org Mailing List Archive
May 2014 Archives by date

Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works 04.05.2014

  1. general discussion post 05.05.2014 http://1net-mail.1net.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-May/004096.html
  2. general discussion post 15.05.2014 http://1net-mail.1net.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-May/004184.html
  3. general discussion post 23.05.2014 http://1net-mail.1net.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-May/004247.html

To the persons in CC:

Iuri Guilherm, Porto Alegre, pirate party Brasil
Julia Reda, pirate party Germany
Brigitta Jonsdottir, pirate party Island
Amelia Andersdotter, pirate party Sweden
Fabiane Bogdanovicz, pirate party Brasil
Azier, Palmeira/Fortaleza
Lumi Mandache, Palmeira/Fortaleza
Nava, my daughter, Laborschule Bielefeld, Germany
Marlena, Laborschule Bielefeld, Germany
Alexandre Oliva, Brasil, FSFLA (Free Software Foundation Latin America)
Thomas Soares, Porto Alegre, ASL (Associação Software Livre)
Uzoma Madukanya, Fortaleza, GiZ-Germany

many greetings, willi
Fortaleza, Brasil

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works
Datum: Sun, 04 May 2014 01:00:13 -0600
Von: willi uebelherr
An: 1net discuss

Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works

Dear friends,

from the final document of NetMundial we can see, that this organization has no interest to strongly support the self-organization of the people for their global communication systems. Rather, institutions are installed to continue the principles of monopolization and representation.

Now I want to submit my proposal for a real Internet in this discussion group.

1) The local networks

The Internet is nothing more then the connection of local, independent networks. They have at least one server, which is connected to the local router and this router connects to the adjacent networks.

These local networks have a maximum of sovereignity and independenence, because they maintain all the necessary resources and functions locally. These local networks are organized by the local people themselves.

2) The inter-connection of local net-works

The Internet rests on three levels.

a) connection of the adjacent local networks
b) the regional network of regional centers
c) the global network of regional centers

The technology is based primarily on directed microwave radio links. The components are manufactured locally or regionally.

All types of data are transported. Text, graphics and speech. This eliminates all separate instances for the data transport.

The transport capacities are symmetric in principle. Thus, each client can themselves act as a server.

3) The IP address

The IP address is derived from the geographical position in the world coordinate system. We use 64-bit for global and 64-bit for local address. Because the world coordinate system WK84 is distributed asymmetrically, we should strive for a symmetrical system of coordinates. Maybe it already exists.

The routing (geo-routing) is based on the destination address of the packet relative to the position of the router. From the distance and the angle wc can easy make the decisions.

This eliminates all institutions, which deal with the management of number spaces and routing. There is no Internet governance more. It is not necessary.


This concept rests on the responsibility to all people on our planet. Only if they can operate at a most independently locally or regionally level, our global communication system can arise. People are important and not the institutions.

It also follows, that we have to manufacture the hardware components local and regional self. Any form of incapacitation of people by private or public institutions is terminated. But this is only possible if we determine the technology itself and organize itself. We do this according to the principle: Think globally, act locally.

many greetings in solidarity, willi uebelherr
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [discuss] Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works
Datum: Sun, 04 May 2014 22:37:43 -0600
Von: willi uebelherr
An: 1net discuss

Dear friends,

I am very grateful for the constructive responses. In particular, the critical questions are important. They force us to organize our thinking and to substantiate our views.

In this response, I will deal only with the philosophical basis for my proposal. Some answers are originated from a different orientation. In a second response I want to discuss some technical aspects that are general in nature. Special reviews and questions I want to answer specifically, as far as I am able.

The background

We can distinguish two extremal poles.
a) we support the desire from all people to a free communication
b) we use the communication requirements in order to realize our own

To a) I stand and many members of this list.

To b) stay all those for which the current structures and organizations are important. Be it to stabilize their jobs or to secure their livelihood in any other form. But it is also important to organize governance and to try anything that the people in the regions can not organize independently. And therefore are not in a position to shape
their communication system itself. As part of the many actors worldwide.

As in all questions of constructive design also flow into our principles of the design of our communication systems our philosophical orientations and ultimately determine our methods. We always have to deal with limitations in the technical possibilities. But from the contradiction between target and condition arise the driving forces.

This also applies to those for which the needs for communication are only objects for their money-oriented actions.

In general I formulate the following development principles:
a) massively decentralized
b) massively parallel
c) massively redundant

From that directly follows that our global communication system rests on independent local networks. It also follows that the people in the regions concerned in parallel with the development of technical components that they need for their communication systems. And it also follows that the capacity should be well above the maximum demand.

The current restrictions are primarily the monopolization of knowledge and a specific concentration of technical infrastructures. But these restrictions have no inherent legitimacy. They are the result of constructive design.

Where the boundaries lie for distributed and parallel development of the necessary technical components, we do not know. But we know that diversity is an essential prerequisite for a strong development.

We are inevitably confronted with the private appropriation of human knowledge. This is not a problem for me, because for me knowledge is always world heritage. This eliminates all the justifications for legal systems to patents and licenses. This is because basically our individual knowledge rests on the knowledge of our ancestors and contemporaries.

Because not the needs of the people to free communication are the foundation in the technical development of components for communications systems, but the interests of capital utilization, there are no reasonable technological systems. Therefore, we can never make the present state of the technology to the basis of our discussion.

Communication is always bidirectional. It also follows that we consider in our technical terminology the client and server as a unit. In our direct verbal communication, we also do this. Technically that's not a problem.

If we treat our connection paths for data transport such as public roads, which everyone can use, then we immediately see the massive limitations. Again, there is no technical reason. Always the people in the local regions make their paths and trails usable for guests.

Communication takes place primarily locally and regionally. In families, between friends and colleagues. Therefore, it is natural to organize our technical communication systems locally and regionally. This eliminates much of the meaningless data transports.

I will summarize it briefly. We focus on the needs. We decentralize and parallelize our activities for the construction of the components for our global communication systems. We cooperate worldwide. We help each other worldwide. We can do this because we have the same needs for a free communication worldwide.

Many greetings in solidarity, willi uebelherr
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [discuss] Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works
Datum: Thu, 15 May 2014 20:41:17 -0600
Von: willi uebelherr
An: 1net discuss

Dear friends,

for the delay in my second reply I beg your pardon. In this response, I will discuss some basic technical issues that were discussed in some answers.

1) The local responsibility for the whole.

In money-oriented, capitalist environments there is no responsibility for the whole. Only the quantum of money-flows are crucial. The fact that this discussion is about communication is for that actors secondary.

In user-oriented environments, the whole is always the basis for the individual. The communication requires the action of at least two partners. From the interest of a free and unfettered communication for ourselves necessarily follows the interest in free and unfettered communication for the other.

2) Geographical or virtual location.

There is no virtual locality. Location is always defined geographically. Every person may define their own terminology. Whether they however can enter into a communication depends on the willingness of others.

From the clear determination of a locality follows the clear determination of the address of a location. It is the geographical location. And this is only necessary to transport a data packet as desired from one location to another.

3) Multicasting

With unique addresses no multicasting is possible. It is not the task of a transport system for data packets to multiply them. This task will always have the transmitter.

However, it is technically very easy to activate in regional and local node dynamic distribution server, which then multiply a package for distribution. One example is mail distribution or streaming server.

4) Transport types.

There are only 2 types of transportation. Asynchronous and synchronous. Due to the time requirements of synchronous packets this are preferred. They are usually smaller. They are like kids who aspire between the legs of the adults to the front. Or even like dogs, they will always find a way. Even with a large storage of adults.

Within the synchronous packets, we distinguish those for emergency calls, which are always given preferential treatment. All others have to wait.

5) Server instances

We do not distinguish between specific clients or servers. Each node can always be both. If two communication partners have the functionality for client and server, the packets flow directly from one partner to the other. Between are just transport nodes. But these are only interested on the IP header. The content remains closed as in a letter.

From this symmetry of the operators, the requirement for symmetry of the transport capacity directly follows. And since each local network also has a central server node, all those they do not wish to maintain her own server can outsource their requirements. Because the server management is not a major technical problem, most end nodes in the network will evolve to Client/Server instances.

Central server structures such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, Yahoo and any else will dissolve. They are unnecessary. The data remain decentralized, as they always are. How we make visible the decentralized distributed data on our client, it is entirely another topic.

6) backbones and ISP's.

Such designs are not necessary for us, because they are technically not required. In the discussion "African take on Net Neutrality" we can see with what nonsense people play, because they can not construct her network. They are fence-sitters that are not allowed to go inside. They have to stay before the fence and can only use a few doors.

7) Transport technologies

In my proposal I pointed out that today's technical limitations can never be the basis for this discussion. What methods we use has little to do with the discussion on principles. It is primarily a question of rational knowledge. It remains free to continue today's nonsense in the future.

We can look at the technologies for data transport as a global community task. This corresponds to their real content for a global and free communication system, in which all people in our small world want to be involved. Or at least most of them.

8) Mobile communication partner.

Each mobile communication device contacts over a local access point to the global communication system. And this will not change because there is a physical constraint for it. Thus, each mobile communications partner have the global address of the local access point.

Always the same applies to moving equipment. We disconnect and make a new connection, or vice versa. A simple method.

9) The analogy to the street.

Our transport system for data packets is comparable to the transport systems on the road. There are community responsibilities because they are important for communities.

10) State, private companies and Comunas.

In my design, I am guided for the local communities, the Comunas. States and private companies are not important, because they are not really necessary. Communication always takes place between people and not between virtual, not real structures.

Local communities realy exist. States and companies exist only in the imagination. That's why I do not concern myself with it.

The need for worldwide communication exists in reality. It is a basic need of people to contact each other, share ideas and experiences. So, if we omit the foreign interests, eliminate their material bases by making them superfluous, our action spaces are wide open and freely accessible to go inside.

A summary.

In our considerations we need to make the focus to that what we want to achieve. We disolve all dogmas. If we want a world-wide communication for all people, then we should also make this the subject of our thinking. With side scenes, we need not concern ourselves.

Many greetings in solidarity, willi uebelherr
Jinotepe, Nicaragua

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [discuss] Internet: the INTER-connection of local NET-works
Datum: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:18:34 -0600
Von: willi uebelherr
An: discuss at 1net.org

Dear friends,

this discussion now focuses on the question:

Direct or indirect addressing in the Internet?

But this question we can answer only if we understand the requirements of the data packet transport properly.

The transport of data packets is a geographical task because origin and destination in communication are at different geographical locations. Otherwise, these questions would not arise. It makes no sense to apply the methods of internal addressing of CPU's, because it is a completely different tasks in a completely different environment.

When we realize what to do in order to transport data packets and what information is necessary so that the packets even reach their goal, then it becomes very easy.

Andrew has taken leave with great speech from this discussion.

He wrote:
"Today, on the actual Internet we have, if I am the registrant of an IP address range and I move my data centre from one location to another, I make a new announcement and everyone can find me automatically".

Because he does not understand the content of DNS processes, he also does not know what lies behind the facade of his "announcement". But he acts as if he would be familiar.

Meanwhile, we have several examples of supposed experts on this list who do not understand the contents of that of which they speak.

JFC Morfin (Jefsey) has disappointed me a little. He knows very well the history of the Internet, he knows many names. But is this sufficient? If we do not develop our own criteria, then it is better that we go to the church. Like small child we can run behind the religious dogmas. Luis Pouzin put it clearly in his texts to the catenet. Never stand the physical requirements in the foreground. At that time the project was stopped because the telecommunication companies of the different state were afraid of a possible loss of their monopoly position. They prefer the X25 protocol.

The main forces for indirect addressing in the Internet are government intelligence agencies and the military authorities; public or private. And it seems like their needs were always the most important in the last 40-50 years. There are not helpful many names of famous people.

Luis Pouzin was also fixed to the indirect addressing. Following of that was developed such illustrious names such as "Virtual Geo Network". Each person can build such a virtual network if they want. Even virtual communities of any kind. But we never allowed to make this nonsense to the base.

The same is true for the pseudo-model OSI. Each person can think up to any models. But models always remain just perceptions. They arise from the attempt to outline the reality. But the determining factor is the reality itself and not the idea of reality.

I can only hope that something more consciousness arises in this circle about the reality. But based on my experience in so many threads in this list I have big doubts. At least until the more passive reader interfere. Then could also Luis Pouzin participate in the discussion.

The geo-routing come today through the backdoor in again. In dynamic meshnets of mobile devices without local access points, the geo-routing has proven to be advantageous. Also a military line of research.

Even if that is not the issue here. We should think about, how we can disolve all kinds of military worldwide. Then we have a lot less problems in our lives. And not only in the internet.

Many greetings in solidarity, willi uebelherr
Jinotepe, Nicaragua


Dear Iuri,

this is the second of the 3 texts for our discussion on the IUF 2015 Brasil. It is a brief summary of the principles of a decentralized DNS system. I have sent this proposal to 6 IG (Internet Governance) email lists.

The translation to portugues is behind. Corrected by Fernando in Curitiba.

many greetings, willi
Fortaleza, Brasil

The decentralization of the DNS system

We need a completely self-organizing Internet. And this is possible only through massive decentralization. We can look at the difficulties at the beginning of the Internet with tolerance. They were mostly of technical nature. But today we have other conditions. And under such other conditions arise other possibilities.

It is about the IP address. It is necessary to ensure that the packets find their direct path to their goals. The router work with numbers. We humans with text. The content is the same. Only the representation is different.

The Internet, a transport system for digital data in packet form, needs the destination address in order to direct the packets to their destinations. The packages contain that destination address. Thus, the packets are always the instance to activate and orient the router.

This, however, requires the knowledge of the geographical position of the target in order to determine the direction to this. But this question is not the subject of this text. Here i speak about about how the transformation of a text can be organized properly into the numerical representation of the IP address.

We focus on the ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain). It is the first level of the cascade for the decentralized organization of the DNS system. The gTLD (generic TLD such as .com, .org, .net ...) do not interest us. Each person can decide for themselves whether they want to apply this nonsense.

Each host on the Internet, client or server or both, has a unique and singular geographical position. We describe it with the world coordinate system WCS 1984 (WCS84) or later versions. All GPS and online map systems work with that. For mobile devices, this is always the position of the access point to the Internet. To transport the packages we need this information so that the router can select the most direct route.

The decentralization of the DNS system rests on the cascade steadily reduced regions. The first level is the ccTLD. So a country with borders, as we know it today. We can use this, although it is not optimal. All other levels are determined exclusively in their regions. The administration, as set, change, and resolve, only happens in the region. This applies to each level.

The organizational level for the ccTLD is the association of the countries on our planet. So the UN. The regions within a country are organizational objects in the respective country. Local regions are organizational properties of the larger region.

The organizational models are always determined at the level of each region. In order for a region in Brazil is achieved via the ccTLD ".br" worldwide. But their internal deeper structure may be different from the structure in Kenya, India or Russia. Regardless of the specific local / regional organizational structure of the DNS system, we always get the correct IP address for our goal. Only the principles of the resolution of a domain sequence into a numeric IP address is the subject of our common discussion.

With the local self-organization we dissolve the need for global Internet Governance. This may for organizations, that are derive its raison d'être from the global Internet Governance, be uncomfortable. We carry this with serenity.

Important for us is to help all the people in the different regions of our planet to organize their own DNA structure in accordance with their own principles. This makes it possible for all people of our planet to connect to all regions of our planet for the communication.

We have several instruments which have well proven in the history of the Internet. The most important instrument are the RFCs. With that we can best explain the principles of decentralized DNS system. And this is also the place where we describe the global access to the ccTLD's. The rest is regional and local task.

The dynamics in the inventory of domains can be very large. But this task is clearly and simply by decentralization of the administration.

An important field of our activities in the IG forums is the propagation of a free access to the setting up, modification and dissolution of a domain. Technically this is not a major challenge, because the processing of an item can be organized by the applicants themselves. There is only one set in a simple database. The blockages are in the bureaucratic systems. But the dissolution of these blockades always remains the task of the people in their regions.

With the help of free software and open source software we can do this very easily realized in a large cooperation. So the DNS system is an experiential field of creative and international cooperation.

with many greetings, willi
Porto Alegre, Brasil

A descentralização do sistema de DNS

Precisamos de uma Internet totalmente auto-organização. E isso só é possível através da descentralização maciça. Podemos olhar para as dificuldades no início da Internet com tolerância. Eles eram em sua maioria de carácter técnico. Mas hoje temos outras condições. E sob outras condições surgem outras possibilidades.

Trata-se do endereço IP. É necessário assegurar que os pacotes de encontrar o seu caminho directo para os seus objectivos. O trabalho roteador com números. Nós, seres humanos com o texto. O conteúdo é o mesmo. Apenas a representação é diferente.

A Internet, um sistema de transporte para dados digitais em formato de pacote, precisa o endereço de destino, a fim de direcionar os pacotes para os seus destinos. Os pacotes contêm o endereço de destino. Assim, os pacotes são sempre o exemplo para activar e orientar o router.

Isto, no entanto, requer o conhecimento da posição geográfica do alvo, a fim de determinar a direcção a este. Mas esta questão não é objecto do presente texto. Aqui eu falo sobre sobre como a transformação de um texto pode ser organizado corretamente para a representação numérica do endereço IP.

Nós nos concentramos na ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain). É o primeiro nível da cascata para a organização descentralizada do sistema DNS. O gTLD (generic TLD como .com, .org, .net ...) não nos interessa. Cada pessoa pode decidir por si próprios se querem aplicar esse absurdo.

Cada host na Internet, cliente ou servidor ou ambos, tem uma localização geográfica única e singular. Nós descrevê-lo com o sistema de coordenadas do mundo WCS 1984 (World Coordinate System WCS84) ou versões posteriores. Todos os sistemas de GPS e mapa on-line trabalhar com isso. Para dispositivos móveis, este é sempre a posição do ponto de acesso para a Internet. Para transportar os pacotes que precisamos estas informações para que o roteador pode selecionar a rota mais direta.

A descentralização do sistema DNS baseia-se na forma constante regiões reduzidas cascata. O primeiro nível é o ccTLD. Assim, um país com fronteiras, tal como a conhecemos hoje. Podemos usar este, apesar de não ser óptima. Todos os outros níveis são determinados exclusivamente em suas regiões. A administração, como conjunto, alterar e determinação, só acontece na região. Isto aplica-se para cada nível.

A nível organizacional para o ccTLD é a associação dos países do nosso planeta. Então a ONU. As regiões dentro de um país são objetos organizacionais no respectivo país. Regiões locais são propriedades organizacionais da região maior.

Os modelos organizacionais são sempre determinadas ao nível de cada região. Para que uma região do Brasil é conseguido através do ccTLD ".br" no mundo inteiro. Mas sua estrutura mais profunda interno pode ser diferente da estrutura no Quênia, Índia ou Rússia. Independentemente da estrutura específica local / regional organizacional do sistema de DNS, nós sempre obter o endereço IP correto para o nosso objetivo. Apenas os princípios da resolução de uma sequência de domínio em um endereço IP numérico é o tema da nossa discussão comum.

Com a auto-organização local que dissolver a necessidade de uma governação global da Internet. Isto pode, por organizações, que são derivar a sua raison d'être da governança global da Internet, ser desconfortável. Nós carregamos isso com serenidade.

Importante para nós é ajudar todas as pessoas em diferentes regiões do nosso planeta para organizar sua própria estrutura de DNS de acordo com seus próprios princípios. Isso torna possível para todas as pessoas de nosso planeta para se conectar a todas as regiões do nosso planeta para a comunicação.

Temos vários instrumentos que têm bem comprovados na história da Internet. O instrumento mais importante são as RFCs. Com isso podemos explicar melhor os princípios do sistema de DNS descentralizado. E este é também o lugar onde nós descrevemos o acesso global à ccTLDs. O resto é uma tarefa regional e local.

A dinâmica entre o inventário de domínios podem ser muito grandes. Mas essa tarefa é clara e simplesmente pela descentralização da administração.

Um campo importante de nossas atividades nos fóruns IG é a propagação de um acesso gratuito à criação, modificação e dissolução de um domínio. Tecnicamente este não é um grande desafio, porque o processamento de um item pode ser organizada pelas próprias recorrentes. Há apenas um set em um banco de dados simples. Os bloqueios são nos sistemas burocráticos. Mas a dissolução destes bloqueios é sempre a tarefa de as pessoas em suas regiões.

Com a ajuda do software livre e software de código aberto (FLOSS) que pode fazer isso muito facilmente realizado em um grande cooperação. Assim, o sistema DNS é um campo experimental da cooperação criativa e internacional.

Com muitos cumprimentos, willi
Porto Alegre, Brasil


Dear Iuri,

this is the third of the 3 texts for our discussion on the IUF 2015 Brasil. It is a brief description of my activities and intentions. Together with some personal information. A foto i will send later.

many greetings, willi
Fortaleza, Brasil

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Solicitação para MST
Datum: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 15:44:03 -0300
Von: willi uebelherr
An: Cedenir Oliveira
Kopie (CC): CUT RS Porto Alegre

(Tradução de Inglês para Português com Google translator, correção de Fernando Moreira em Curitiba)

Solicitação para MST (Movimento Sem Terra)

Caro Cedenir,

Eu obtive seu endereço de e-mail no escritório da CUT da Rua Barros Cassal. O Raphael do Rock n' Hostel na rua Alberto Bins deu-me essa dica. Eu gostaria de falar com pessoas do MST sobre a economia local independente.

Há 4 anos eu vivo e viajo na América Latina. Comecei na Venezuela. Eu vivi lá por 2,5 anos. Então, eu segui em direção ao norte para Chiapas no México. Em seguida, ao sul para o Chile. De lá para o leste para Buenos Aires. Agora, eu estou por uma semana em Porto Alegre no Brasil.

Eu sou alemão, 65 anos, agora aposentado. Minha formação profissional é de Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica (uma formação profissional específica nos países de língua alemã) e engenheiro de assuntos técnicos de informática

Meu tema: economia local independente. Ele baseia-se em infra-estrutura técnica local e independência na tecnologia. A independência econômica é sempre um pré-requisito para a independência política. Assim, a capacidade de produzir por si mesmo o que precisamos, é o pré-requisito para sermos capazes de determinar o nosso caminho da nossa própria vida. Se nós podemos criar mesmo o nosso sustento físico, então podemos determinar nosso caminho de vida. E somente neste momento.

A principal ferramenta para isso é a tecnologia livre. Livre para que todas as pessoas de nosso mundo participem no desenvolvimento desta tecnologia. Livre para que todas as pessoas em nosso mundo usem e apliquem essa tecnologia.

Para isso temos dois princípios: "Pensar globalmente, agir localmente" e "o conhecimento é sempre património mundial". Nós criamos juntos em todo o mundo os fundamentos teóricos. Sua materialização é sempre feita localmente. Nós ajudamos uns aos outros. Nós cooperamos.

Por esta cooperação global precisamos da verdadeira Internet: "A interconexão de redes locais". Ele ainda não existe. Portanto, nós a criamos. Ela repousa em redes locais autónomas que se conectam umas às outras. A Internet é apenas esta conexão. É um sistema de transporte para os dados digitais na forma de pacotes. As pessoas nas redes locais organizam isso elas mesmas. Nós ajudamos uns aos outros.

Se queremos um mundo livre baseado na cooperação e na solidariedade, respeito mútuo e uma vida em harmonia com toda a natureza, então isso só é possível através da descentralização maciça e autoorganização local. As pessoas não têm interesse em guerras e destruição. Por isso, nós dissolvemos todas as instalações militares e infra-estruturas. As pessoas não estão interessadas nos projetos burocrático monstruosos. Por isso, nós dissolvemos todos os aparatos estatais supérfluos e centros financeiros privados.

Com isso, eu apresentei resumidamente minha visão. O caminho é possível se as pessoas em todo o mundo tome o futuro nas suas próprias mãos. Para isso, precisamos da discussão livre e aberta com todas as pessoas. Podemos começar na América Latina.

Com muitos cumprimentos, willi uebelherr
Porto Alegre

Request to MST (Movimento Sem Terra)

Dear Cedenir,

in the office of CUT in the Rua Barros Cassal I got your email address.
Raphael from the Rockn-Hostal in the Rua Alberto Bins gave me this note. I want to talk with people from the MST about local independent economy.

Since 4 years I live and travel in Latin America. I started in
Venezuela. 2.5 years i have lived there. Then I moved on toward the
north to Chiapas in Mexico. Then south to Chile. From there to the east
to Buenos Aires. Now I am for one week in Porto Alegre in Brazil.

I am german, 65 years, now retired. My professional education is Master
of Electrical Engineering (a specific professional education in the
german-speaking countries) and engineer for technical informatics.

My topic: local independent economy. It rests on the local technical
infrastructure and independence in the technology. The economic
independence is always a prerequisite for the political independence.
So, the ability to produce the one self, what we need, is the
prerequisite for being able to determine our way of life itself. If we
can even create our physical livelihood, then we can determine our way
of life itself. And only then.

The main tool for this is the free technology. Free for all people in
our world to participate in the development of this technology. Free for all people in our world to use and apply this technology.

For this we have 2 principles: "Think globally, act locally" and
"knowledge is always world heritage". The theoretical foundations we
create worldwide together. Their materialization is always done locally. We help each other. We cooperate.

For this global cooperation we need the real Internet: "The
interconnection of local networks". It does not exist yet. Therefore, we create it. It rests on autonomous local networks that connect to each other. The Internet is only this connection. It is a transport system for digital data in packet form. Always the people in the local networks organize this self. We help each other.

If we want a free world based on cooperation and solidarity, mutual
respect and a life in harmony with all of the nature, then this is only
possible through the massive decentralization and local
self-organization. The people have no interest in wars and destruction.
So we dissolve all military facilities and infrastructures. The people
are not interested in the bureaucratic monster designs. So we dissolve
all the superfluous state apparatuses and private financial centers.

With that I have briefly presented my vision. The path is possible if
the people worldwide take their future into their own hands. For this we need the free and open discussion with all people. In Latin America we can begin.

with many greetings, willi uebelherr
Porto Alegre