Tue 29 Oct 2019 10:44AM

#2 DGOV Council Main Topic

AH Aeon Hochberg Public Seen by 133

Let's discuss the Main Topic for the next council and make a decision


Phoebe Tickell Wed 30 Oct 2019 6:16PM

1 - “Shared Vision of creating human centric and sustainable governance systems”
2 - “The future of scalable and wise decision making.”
3 - “Better decision making in self-organised groups.”
4 - “The Vision of creating human centric and sustainable governance systems”
5 - “Human centric distributed governance.”
6 - “The Journey of Distributed Governance”
7 - “The Vision of Holistic Governance in a global context”

@Aeon Hochberg can you add the option to do a poll from the dgov community? Thx


Phoebe Tickell Tue 29 Oct 2019 1:00PM

Oops - I didn’t mean to vote yet, just to comment. @Aeon Hochberg can you include one more option: “poll dgov community for opinion” please? Thanks!


Aeon Hochberg Tue 29 Oct 2019 1:28PM

I Think we then should make a poll either way


Aeon Hochberg Tue 29 Oct 2019 1:29PM

Please share how you imagine how to decide on the Main Topic (together with the community)


Tim B. Wed 30 Oct 2019 6:11PM

I think the current second most voted title is the better one as it is more describtive but I believe it needs some change in the wording: “Shared Vision of creating human centric and sustainable governance systems” to "Creating Human Centric and Scalable Governance Systems."


Poll Created Wed 30 Oct 2019 6:15PM

Change proposal two and get rid of "The Vision..." to make it shorter and more concise. Closed Sun 3 Nov 2019 6:02PM

"Creating Human Centric and Scalable Governance Systems." - scalable has meaning and it also means it sustainable if not it's not scalable. But sustainable is difficult word as it has little meaning in itself. If we go with a word like that I would rather go with "anti fragile".


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 3 E TB AH
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 3 PT MS AB

3 of 6 people have participated (50%)