Sat 30 Mar 2013 8:34AM

Council Meeting #7 2013-03-28

RJ Raphaël Jadot Public Seen by 267

Summary to be written


Poll Created Sun 31 Mar 2013 6:36PM

Vote/edits of the text: result of talks regarding TC role Closed Tue 2 Apr 2013 2:37PM

Following the extensive conversation in the mailing lists some days ago, a Technical Committee meeting took place on Sunday, 24 March.
(For clarification: under Technical Committee currently are understood all active developers).
The decision of the Technical committee is quoted below, taking out the misunderstandings. This is a first step, we expect more talks and clarifications, making common job more effective and pleasant for all members and followers of the Association.
The decision taken by TC is fully in line with Association’s general strategy and does not have many differences with the previous status, but we are glad, that certain accents were made, making the whole situation about the Technical Committee clearer and more comfortable – first of all, for the developers.
At the same time we are asking in the future to please to follow regular routes of solving the misunderstandings, that would be much less effort consuming.
The Association is a community of various teams and supporters, all having one target: building up a strong and interesting enterprise, let’s solve all appearing issues in a calm manner.

Results of the meeting:

Definitions regarding Technical Committee role being polished:

  1. TC is independent and can be overruled by the council just in extreme cases and in matters not related to technology (Definition of “extreme cases” will be worded separately. All conversations and decisions are targeted to be held and done in consensus and agreement – first of all in the TC itself).
  2. TC is the union of all developers, who are active for the Association's projects. The list is to be published (to be done by currently appointed project managers). Any developer, who is active, is added to the list by the Project Manager.
  3. It should be able to elect the project leader (project manager) or to decide that such role is not wanted.
  4. Project manager is the one who knows everyone, knows current status, assignments, responsibilities and is a good enough person to solve the issues

Project manager role:
1. He is supposed to take care of the rest of the leaders
2. Keep everything on track, cope with organizing the workflow and looking that tasks are attended, define responsibilities.
3. Communicate progress regularly
4. Point of contact for non-technical working groups
5. Resolve disputes
6. Be capable of revoke leader power over determined
(for clarification, example: if one person from TC (whoever that might be) tries to hijack the project or it's parts, the Project manager should be able to return the power to TC as a group).

  1. Project Management should be shared with other roles to be defined
  2. Project manager is just the interface between TC and the outside world, the decisions will be made in a consensus with the TC members. TC is the final decision maker on technical matters, not project manager.

From March 24th until further decisions 3 people act as a project manager: Bero, Gmoro, Per Oyvind.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 RJ KL BR VR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 AB J AK CC R TPG AV

4 of 11 people have participated (36%)


Raphaël Jadot
Sun 31 Mar 2013 9:37PM

Nice job Kate!


Kate Lebedeff
Mon 1 Apr 2013 8:03AM

thanks Raph:)


Vladimir Rubanov
Mon 1 Apr 2013 3:55PM

In case of any disagreement - the final resolution should be done by TC voting. In the case of noone objecting to a suggested (e.g. by PM) decision - a voting is not necessary. But TC should always be informed about all important decisions.