Residency Program v2
How do we balance the beautiful slowness of relationship cultivation with the need for meaningful revenue development? The residency program is one of the main ways that the co-op catalyzes meaningful, relational commitments, as well as, a meaningful source of revenue, aka: a way for people who believe in our co-op to contribute to the co-op financially.
Contributors: Chris + David via an informal slack chat
Request for Loomio: Amelia (+1'd by Roz)
Potential residents may be accepted to a 1 month trial commitment with the approval of one member sponsor
The above trial residents would move through an onboarding sesh to share norms of the space, any safety and maintenance rules and practices necessary to follow, and how they could use the space during their 1 month trial.
TRANSITIONING from 1 month trial to 3 month residency
1 month trial residents could continue to 3 month residencies with the approval of two member sponsors. Their 1 month trial would count as their first month of what is present now as the 3 month residency program.
Key Stakeholders (as I see them)
- Everyone :)
- Amelia as the residency program lead.
Much of the content / details of the above is up for grabs. Looking forward to the discussion. Many thanks, Amelia, for requesting this Loomio thread.
(Edit by David: very preliminary doc for onboarding process!
Amelia Wed 26 Jun 2019 10:30PM
-onboarding residents more quickly isn't our main issue in getting new residents to join...or at least we should confirm this sentiment with current residents or ask what their thoughts were when applying
-even with a 1 month trial they will still have 24/7 access (just pointing out that it doesn't fully address previous safety concerns mentioned)
-Im nervous that a 1 month trial perios may push some people away especially if they are looking for a reliable place to work out of and dont want to potentially have to search for a new place in a month. But, why dont we ask current residents what their opinions are? What drawbacks they would have (if any) with these changes and what they view the pros are.
-I'm also nervous that the 1 month transition period will make more work for either the member that brings the resident in (as they will have to coordinate more) as well as potentially for the finance team or others who will have to handle these shifts. Pointing this out because it has been hard for us to get paperwork/documentation, etc together without scrambling.
Some questions I'd like to hear your opinions on...what are we trying to achieve with our residency program? Short term, medium term, long term goals? What changes must we make to acheive this?
@dahecht yeah lets set some time aside.
Amelia Wed 26 Jun 2019 10:31PM
Also thanks @chris113 and @dahecht for putting this together!
michelle jackson Thu 27 Jun 2019 12:59PM
I'm adding a link to a site that lists and talks about artist residencies.
I'm posting this in hopes of moving this conversation forward and helping to frame up the benefit for residents. We talk about it in terms of 24/7 access to space, but I personally feel like the community piece is not amplified enough. I'd love to hear from @qinza about her residencies and what drew her to them. I know that the residency is broader than fine art, that's fine, I do think it make sense to see what already exists and draw from that. That's why I linked to this site.
What are we trying to achieve with residency program? Supporting people's projects/dreams, Building community and supporting the space. Short/medium term - supporting residents' projects/transitions that they are working through. Long-term: growing Prime Produce Apprentice Cooperative.
Changes we need to make: focus more on how best to support people coming into/ already in the Prime Produce space. How can the building out of the residency program continue to strengthen the support and care that people feel when they are in the Prime Produce space?
Qinza Thu 27 Jun 2019 6:08PM
@michellejackson happy to chat since it’s a longer conversation and provide my perspective. For me personally, I got a lot out of my each residency that I have been invited to so far. Some I had to be much more proactive to seek out what I needed (being able to find the head space to push my work forward and take more risks and be fully engaged) and with other residencies it was part of their programming and culture. Networking and community has been a big part of these residencies.
Each residency was unique with its own culture and vibe. For me it was important to have my own goals and get the max experience out of it by being pro active.
As for the residency at PP, I believe what you said all of it rings true and for me a productive residency art or at PP is one which adds value to both the host and the guest resident while they are able to communicate openly to align their expectations and outcomes to build better personal professional relationships.
Patrick Paul Garlinger Mon 1 Jul 2019 1:59PM
I am a bit confused, with respect to procedure. Is this a proposal to amend the previous proposal that allowed for the streamlined 3-month residency program? I thought that proposal passed, because the majority agreed, and there were no votes blocking it. So I'd like some clarification as to how this current discussion relates to the previous proposal. In any event, I share Amelia's concerns that this one-month modification doesn't really speak to the concerns about the streamlined process and will likely turn people off who want something longer than one month. Can we add this to the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, where we can discuss more fully?
David · Wed 26 Jun 2019 1:59PM
@chris113 @amelia19 thanks for the effort and motivation to bring the slack chat to a formal thread!
@amelia19 you had wanted to have a work session on some onboarding process -- if we can set a time i'd be happy to join in to collect existing info and organize into a formal onboarding doc (and supplement where needed).
Edit: added link to a preliminary doc in intro above!