Dominic Grieve would speak in Bath
Whilst at College Green, Westminster, awaiting for the launch of the Red Bus, Dominic Grieve walked past and we had a few words and I asked him if he would come and speak to us in Bath. He said he would be happy to and to get in touch with his Office. I would be interested in your comments and if and when we should ask him to come.
Jane Riekemann Mon 26 Feb 2018 10:41PM
Definitely, despite fact he’s opting for soft Brexit.
Regarding Adonis, he’s already speaking on May 11 at the Bath Fest so it might be difficult to get a second audience if we book him close to that date.
Claire Thomas Mon 26 Feb 2018 10:03PM
I would suggest Emma Knaggs (our new Events chair) gets involved. I am sure we would love both to come, but sounds like we need to wait for Adonis to come back with a date before we approach Grieve. Can you both liaise with Emma?

Alice Hovanessian Mon 26 Feb 2018 10:44PM
Dominic Grieve (remarkable surname) would be great as a Conservative, Maggie. We have Adonis and Gina Miller on the back burner also - to recap, Gina accepted last summer but we have not fixed a date as she was going to speak with Alastair Campbell who never responded with dates. We had agreed to invite her to come by herself as Alastair is difficult to pin down. We will discuss at the events group mtg tomorrow, but all feedback on Loomio welcome.
Jane Riekemann Tue 27 Feb 2018 6:53AM
Gina’s keen to come. We also spoke to her in London last week.
Linda Graham Tue 27 Feb 2018 9:06AM
I think it would be amazing if we could get Dominic Grieve but we would need to be aware that he's unlikely to agree when it comes to the crunch, and even more unlikely to say what we hope to hear. Corbyn is the bogey man for all the Tories and they won't do anything to cause an election. We need someone else up our sleeves I think. Someone independent. Adonis we will have to wait for it seems. We could plug his talk perhaps if we think it's appropriate.

Ruth Malloy Tue 27 Feb 2018 9:55AM
Maybe a few of us could go to hear him at the Bath Festival on Saturday 12th May (11:00-12:30), in any case, and hand out Bath for Europe leaflets before/after.
Linda Graham Tue 27 Feb 2018 10:16AM
Turn up in our berets! Good idea Ruth. We need to hear what he says. I'm hunting through twitter to see if I can find any other candidates (apart from Galsworthy). Thomas Cole tweets from Open Britain, Chris Leslie. Chris Bryant I love -so witty-but don't know where he stands re brexit. A trade unionist? Now some women..Bonnie Greer?! A Lib Dem woman might like to come.
Linda Graham Tue 27 Feb 2018 10:26AM
Chris Bryant is anti brexit and quite noisy about it.
Linda Graham Tue 27 Feb 2018 10:18AM
And Gina Miller of course. Someone from the Lords?
Sally Kemball-Smith · Mon 26 Feb 2018 7:22PM
I think that would be wonderful if he could visit. I am currently trying to arrange for Andrew Adonis to visit but have not got a firm date.