
Donation Tally: Public Supporters & Resource Gifts

T Tricia Public Seen by 47

I am so pleased a donation came in last night for $25. Now I know why small business owners frame their first earnings.

Great job, team.

Let's roll!!


Julia Clark Mon 19 May 2014 2:22PM

Whoo Hoo!


Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:42AM

Edited the Title a little to encourage a culture of gratitude- We can post info on folks who have donated & pay it forward as we each can in our little ways.


Sally G Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:47AM

The deposit to balance last year’s account just hit the books.


Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:50AM

Sally the discussion is about what has been donated already, not balancing the books. ;)


Sally G Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:51AM

Yeah, just wanted it known that the rollover from last year was complete and that money is in the account.


Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:54AM

This isn't the place to share that info. Maybe share in an email? We all really need to be mindful of the context of communications... Maybe email info that to the people who are aware of the issue & would be happy to know? You can't be sure they'll all log into Loomio to catch info.


Sally G Mon 23 Jun 2014 11:02AM

Notice came to fin-afgj; I commented there on what it was. Here since it would otherwise look like a donation from the check-writer and figured that those on this discussion would see it; clarifying only.


Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 10:19PM

This isn’t the place to share that info. Maybe share in an email? We all really need to be mindful of the context of communications… Maybe email info that to the people who are aware of the issue & would be happy to know? You can’t be sure they’ll all log into Loomio to catch info.


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 6:19AM

Good to hear that @sallyg $25 was not going to go far!
I got a $100 donation 17th, directly related to the caravan.
I wrote him a very nice thank you and he said he plans on contributing more.... " also see need with permits, fuel, water, moving food.."
It would be super helpful to me to be on the drop down menu. I would be able to present the JCO/Occupy as closer aliened to established patrons, including family having reason to mention it in places like NASA


Sally G Mon 30 Jun 2014 3:28AM

just saw this; will check e-mail for any updates

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