Microsolidarity 2020: a significant update (published)
Update: thanks everyone for the amazingly helpful feedback, the post is now public. Feels like your input made a huge contribution, so I'm deeply grateful.
You can read it here:
How To Weave Social Fabric: 3 Essential Pillars For a New Mutual Aid Community
Thank you! ❤️
Ria Baeck Sat 18 Jan 2020 10:59AM
Some more Rich! As I now have read your material a bit more thoroughly I see the 'pods' or 'crews' showing up everywhere.
You have the u.lab where the online sessions are showing what they call the whole system, in your words it is about the congregation; and then they have local labs (might be around 20 - 40 people) and then the caseclinic groups, where there are 5 or 6 people together.
I'm just reading the new material of Terry Patten - https://www.newrepublicoftheheart.org/community/?utmsource=Jan+15+2020+Event&utmcampaign=378247fe53-EMAILCAMPAIGN201902280859COPY01&utmmedium=email&utmterm=0c63260f884-378247fe53-313130607&mccid=378247fe53&mc_eid=5431966e3a - and there also they are talking about Pods, and Dyads...
Ria Baeck · Thu 23 Jan 2020 10:32AM
Thanks Rich! I saw the post and that you included some of my points. Thanks!