
2024 June Guildwide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 16

Hi Guild mates,

Great meeting yesterday. Here's your recap.

June Guild Wide Meeting - June 5th Wednesday 5:30 pm ET

Facilitator; Carlos

Secretary: Tony Allen & Dave

Agenda Doc

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZI9yFCNkDA15GpC4ZYkyak-YW-HNcO1g_-_lxyaXTUk/[email protected]&sharingaction=manageaccess&role=writer#heading=h.b52m17b4bm5t

1) NEXT GUILD WIDE MEETING - July 3rd or 10th?

Next guildwide meeting is scheduled for July 3rd. I don't know if everyone celebrates 4th, but would it be better to push that to the following week on 10th?

2) Important things

[Roof] Thank you everyone who helped with roof work!

[A/C & Lights] Please turn off A/C when you're leaving the building, especially if you are the last one leaving.

[Event Reset] Please communicate about space reset, fridge usage, leftover food, trash pickup (especially events on Saturdays). For questions please contact event team [email protected]

[Community Agreement] Please make sure you read this community agreement and be familiar with the procedures.

[Loomio] About sound proofing improvement. Please comment & Vote Thank you Mike!

3) Upcoming

6/7 5pm Newsletter submission DUE (150 words or less blurb, link, image)

6/19 1pm - Fundraising Meeting

7/2 7pm Guild bonding "Castle in the Sky" movie time.

Next Date / plan for Roof action to come

This is a Figment weekend. If you are around, please go support Jacquie!

Thank you all for all your contribution to the guild.

Sending love and light
