20210206 - Hackathon -> MarComms, Content, Partnerships to Support Q1 & Q2 OKRs.
Amazing Summary of Proceeding from @Julien Leyre
Marketing work: next steps
Those are the next steps & general guidelines on marketing arising from today's hackathon
General guidelines:
We need to have the courage to get out there, shift gears from 'building' to 'going out there'
Long-term goals of marketing is:
We have as many people coming onto the platform (and getting value from it) as we can handle
Based on what 'as many as we can handle' turns out to be in this cycle, we can start to set hard figures for the next cycle.
General task allocation for marketing
Malia + Charli general management of marketing (+ writing / content creation work)
Kripa as the lead writer & editor
Simon approving content – and direct to subject matter experts if needed
Possible GAPs to look at: Marketing collateral design, video production, images &
Julien in charge of 'direction' / high level strategy and storytelling
Simon in charge of 'growth' – relationships, channels, getting to people
Max in charge of 'product' – tech aspects
Penelope in charge of 'HR' – recruiting the right people & inducting them
Tasks to do – arising from meeting
Ordered roughly in suggested order of priority for each person, priority to be confirmed
MarComms Sherpas: Malia & Charli
'Content schedule' development:
develop full list of webpages / content to develop before launch. Order that content by priority, separating 'MUST HAVE' and 'NICE TO HAVE'. In terms of content, look at
website content to 'convince and convert potential leads / clients, esp
Pages for impact consultant
Demo / education content for prospective / existing users
Case studies & testimonials
website content to build community / HR
Review 'get involved' page to refresh, include cultural elements (support, etc)
Review website to ensure 'inclusion' and culture is reflected throughout
Review table of content for toolbox
Roadmap to launch (Q1 & Q2)
Team profiles
collateral: sales + onboard & support
Check about potential skills gaps: 'marketing design', video production, gathering photos & images (and fill gaps / coordinate with Penelope if there are gaps)
Management of MarComms effort
Talk to Judith about setting up marketing management systems
Team management / allocate marketing roles
Scheduling / setting deadlines
Accountability (ensure that tasks get done)
Gap analysis: are there tasks that we are not resourced to do? (Talk to Penelope if so)
Write & edit new website content (following order of priority)
Review and edit existing website content
Develop 'partnership process':
In particular, develop a process to partner with consultants / consulting groups. In relation to this, build collateral (e.g. on the website)/
Contact partners and see if OK to put their logo on our website as 'partner project' to do social validation
Develop database management / CRM systems to ensure we follow up on leads effectively
Inbound / enquiry process and system for handling, so can scale without panic.
With Kavishka: conduct research on content sharing/circulation channels
Events we should attend
Conferences, events, newsletters, podcasts where we should be
Submit applications to those conferences, events, newsletters, etc
With Kripa: email marketing.
Coordinate with Max to make sure that there is a thing on the website where people can put in their email.
Then look at what people receive when they put in their email.
Look at how we circulate our content to those people as the content is developed. [check that not too much]
Customer success:
Find person to lead customer success
Develop support process for early adopters; In-app chat support; what happens when people press 'contact/support' on the app
With Simon: Develop 'content' – onboard and education for first adopters and users of the app (Video & More) ... early stage and ongoing retention/upsell/promise.
Analytics Set up analytics on website (maintaining and evaluating info from analytics pushed to later)
With Simon: customer grouping, competitor positioning, market segmentation, analysis and mapping. [type out. Do work with Simon, then run by Penelope & Max to check that it makes sense and is OK]
With Max (set time to do work at Hub): risk management. Create the high level thing and discuss with Max. Then run by Penelope and Simon to make sure that ok]
With Simon + Max: write the story / message
It has to be fun
Be bold / courageous
Accept imperfection
Culture is about inclusion and connection
Don't alienate specialists (we are broad, they are deep)
Question of equity
We're very good on data & privacy
We're reducing the fear and isolation of people working in social impact – we reduce the burden by sharing with a community
Honest feedback – name the problem not the person
Succinct, simple message
With Max: financial / business
financial modelling
pricing strategy
Develop IM
Compliance, legals, accounts + ACNC reporting
Check if there are gaps, and recruit
Specialised gaps (financial modelling, customer experience)
'bandwidth limit' (writers, social media managers, researchers)
With Julien: internal teams communications (how to empower and encourage all isgood members and contributors to be informal ambassadors for the organisation, leading to launch)
Work we will push further (not a priority for now)
Social management (review at Q2): Twitter and other social media channels, manage comments, join communities and groups and comment, search good content to reshare on our channels. FOR Q1: only circulate stuff opportunistically AND share our content when website is updated,
(recheck at Q2) Newsletter development
(recheck end of Q1): launch party
(Rechekck at Q2): PR
(Recheck at end Q1): analytics – get in-depth understanding of what's happening on our website
Options / ideas
Tap into 'positive blogs' / 'positive news' community
'We can get better treatments through better knowledge
Make short videos of 'Max's rants
Showcase experts / specialists – partner with them on their (narrow, deep) area of expertise, talking of 'they show different ways to look at the problem'
Instead of selling, say 'apply to receive a 'grant' in the form of access to our app, and 80% discount, etc' (make it exclusive)
How do we listen, and not just talk at people
Market segmentation / audience
Those are notes to inform further work, by Julien & Simon, to articulate market / audience
Target groups:
In our sales strategy, distinguish: users (ppl in org using out tool) / champions (ppl in org who push for our product) / decision makers (ppl in org who can say yes / no to our product coming in)
In our sales strategy, distinguish: Decision makers (e.g. CEO or program managers) & decision influencers (ppl likely lower down who can suggest our product)
Notes on the decision making context
There is often multiple people involved. Typically, the 'program manager' and either the 'marketing manager', the 'impact evaluation manager' or the 'quality manager'
It is possible that the board with block if too risky
It is possible that the team will block if they are afraid for their job, or have another pet project
The organisations are highly reputation / risk averse. There is a whole lot of consultants and subcontractors in the system who are there to manage reputation.
This will vary country to country, and sector to sector.
Focus: champions (ppl not orgs)
There is particular opportunity for us to focus on potential 'champions'. Champions correspond to a certain profile of person / persona, not just a certain organisation (Max knows who those people are -> Julien / Simon to follow up)
champions will engage on passion, and start talking about us + push for their org to adopt us
What to do to 'gain champions'
Define message for champions. They are sold on 'what we can do for impact', but also need the offer to be 'de-risked' for them and potential 'decision-blockers' in their organisation.
Map what ecosystems / communities the champions will belong to – how do we get social validation with the champions?
Engaging with champions will be a two-step process
the champions needs to first hear about us and be convinced to have a look at our product – become 'converts'
the champion needs help – to get the product into their organisation, and understand what it does, or derisk it.
Elements of messaging
Save money, save time, save effort
Make day-to-day work easier
We help you do more / get more impact (people are crying cause they don't do what they love and do useless evaluation instead)
Layered problem
There is the 'high level issues of the world
There is 'evaluation is too costly – we can save money
Maybe we can use the fact that there are two orgs / handle two brandings:
SFH focuses on high level problem
Isgood focuses on saving money
Please check details and if any changes or comments, please add to the thread below
Judith Baeta Mon 8 Feb 2021 11:47AM
Also @Max not that I have a lot of free time (LOL), but perhaps can count on me to start developing support process for early adopters. My background in tech is mostly in Customer Success. 🙆♀️
Max Mon 8 Feb 2021 11:18PM
that'd be awesome @Judith Baeta ... suggest we'd work around some defined outcomes and key results we'd like to see for each of Q1 and Q2 ... and work back from there for what is priority and wat is possible. Then coord and research via "Team Success" ... with output/deliverables via functional teams.
What do you think the structure for all this would be?
New ClickUp folder for Q1 Objective (and Q2 Objective), then folders for each "Key Result" or deliverable ???
Judith Baeta · Mon 8 Feb 2021 11:44AM
Wow! Sounds like you had a very productive session with pretty clear next steps. Amazing summary, super helpful!!! Thank you for putting it together @Julien Leyre and @Max :)