04/03/17: Fiduciary Duties in Real Estate: Past, Present & Future
INTRO: Each year, the period between the Ides of March and April Fool's Day gives real estate consumer advocates an opportunity to wake up "the Sleeping Giant of the Consumer Movement" before the Spring housing hits full speed. This year's topic has the potential to attract a diverse audience from four existing MeetUps in Boston -- Boston Real Estate Tech (#BosRETech), Mass Legal Hackers, Personal Data Boston & Defensive Homebuying. By inviting buyer agents as well as the affordable housing community, we can also test the viability of launching a MeetUp for RECALL (Real Estate Consumer Alliance).
Fiduciary Duties in Real Estate: Past, Present & Future
In 1986, a member pamphlet published by the National Association of Realtors warned that dual agency was "the professional equivalent of Russian roulette." Over the next three decades, the industry moved away from fiduciary duties to mainstream conflicts of interest. But a recent decision by the CA Supreme Court and Congressional votes to block FCC privacy protections are increasing public awareness of the need for fiduciaries. That could set the stage for an Agency Revival. Let's explore those issues and opportunities in a round table discussion at ImpactHub Boston this Monday night, the 24th anniversary of Ralph Nader's keynote at the Consumer Revolution in Real Estate (Boston 1993).
In person: 7pm, Monday, April 3rd at ImpactHub Boston, 50 Milk St, Boston
Online: Watch for details or email Bill Wendel
[email protected]
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Fiduciary duties in real estate
Scan CA court decision against designated agency
Implications for fiduciary duties in real estate
Need for information fiduciaries
Responding to Congressional vote to block FCC Privacy Protections
Need for Information Fiduciaries
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