Dream Date Tribe Intro Email
Welcome new and veteran Soupsters! And welcome to the Dream Date Tribe! For our 25th year, our tribes are names after a Soup theme from the past, plus a Tree of Life. Rob Orsini and I will be your co-leaders on this adventure.
First, some basic information about Tribes in case this is your first Soup. Tribes are little families within the village that is Soup, a place we can come "home" to connect with a group of friendly familiar fellow fantastic characters. All tribes will gather Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings after breakfast, around 11:00 – 12:00. The gatherings are not mandatory, but they are a sweet way to start the day, check in and develop our creative project together. Rob and I will offer some brief activities for us to share and learn about each other and have FUN! Please suggest good ideas for that time.
Also, some basic info about the Soup schedule and party themes.
· Thursday night party theme: Roots
· Friday Afternoon: Theodore (?)
· Friday night party theme: Enchanted Forest
· Saturday night party theme: Soup 25 Silver Gala
Lets get our creative juices flowing right away and use the weeks leading up to the Soup to begin co-creating this experience so that we can collect and bring any props / costumes that might support a fantastic experience. We are going to co-create an experience for Saturday night’s Silver Gala. Also, we’ll try to devise an appetizer to be served at the Gala. A couple of ideas came up at the Soup Picnic this weekend.
1) Serve Dates filled with dreamy stuff like goat cheese, almond butter, chocolate, whatever else.
2) Give people pieces of paper with a name on one side, that person's Dream Date and something written on the other side about finding their Dream Date and suggestions of what to do with or to their Dream Date when they find them.
3) We came up with some hand gestures and musical sounds indicating Dreamy Dating.
Lots to think about and we'd love to hear your ideas starting... NOW! Please share your thoughts on this thread.
We are going to have a lot of fun at Soup. Dreamy Datey Fun.
ox, Rich & Rob, Dreamy Tribe Leaders
Rich Thu 14 Jun 2018 9:05PM
Hello Dream Daters
I'm getting excited about Soup. I hope you are too.
Now is the time to use Loomio to have an open conversation and make cool, fun things happen.
We use this medium to develop ideas, make plans, commit to do things. Please speak up, like Ann-Marie did above. Way to model Ann-Marie!
Please suggest ideas for us to do at the Saturday Night Gala. An idea that came up at the picnic is serving dates filled with yummy goodness (goat cheese, almond butter, chocolate, whatever else). Thank you Ann-Marie for offering to fill in on that. Who else wants to make dates filled with goodness? Please coordinate with Ann-Marie. It means buying the ingredients in advance and preparing it in advance or preparing it there. If you prepare it there you can probably get help from other Dream Date tribe members. I am pretty sure that expenses for tribe offerings can get reimbursed (I await confirmation on that) so hold on to your receipts.
What other fun stuff can we do? Another idea that came up at the picnic is giving people pieces of paper with Dream Date inspirational ideas on one side and a person's name on the other. We give these pieces of paper to people to find their Dream Date. Who wants to do that?
Ann-Marie suggested a portal of some kind. What can that look like? A romantic table for two? A couch with lots of cushions? Ideas please.
We can create ideas and make amazing things when we get there but then we have to use what we have (which can be great). By planning in advance we can set ourselves up.
What do you think Dream Daters?
Please chime in.
ox, Rich & Rob Dream Date Fearless Tribe Leaders
Being tribe leaders together is kind of a dream date in itself.
Carrie Fri 15 Jun 2018 2:48PM
Hi all, I can bring a delicious date dish :) Carrie
Rich Tue 19 Jun 2018 6:05AM
Hi Carrie
Thank you for offering to bring a delicious date dish. mmm. Rich
Ann-Marie Benz · Thu 14 Jun 2018 6:09PM
Looks like we're supposed to come up with something amazing for one of the nights. Love the date-dishes, and glad to fill in on that. Are we doing a portal of some kind?