Thu 18 Feb 2016 7:43AM

Concentrating our efforts

BP Brian Prangle Public Seen by 287

At the moment we're all beavering away individually on our own preferred areas at our own pace. Could we discuss having a mapathon type event one evening in March where we all devote say an hour at the same time? We could publicise it via various online channels or local channels. We could even call it "Night School". We might even devote it to NI.


BC Thu 25 Feb 2016 8:07AM

Hi, it might have already been thought of, but it would be good if the progress map could be updated just prior to the event starting.


RobJN Mon 29 Feb 2016 12:30PM

Just 1 more day to go before this event. There's plenty of mapping guides and help available if you or your friends need it.

Updating the progress map before and after the event would be a task for @robertwhittaker. Hopefully he has some time to do so. We also have the edit tracker at:


Robert Whittaker Mon 29 Feb 2016 4:52PM

Yes, I should be fine to update http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/schools/ before and after the "School Night" even. I'm intending to participate, and should also be able to do a couple of updates during the evening too if that would be useful.


Bogus Zaba Mon 29 Feb 2016 8:08PM

Is there an agreed start time for this activity? Or can we do stuff anytime we like during the 24hrs?


Brian Prangle Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:13AM

Entirely up to you


BC Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:25AM

Is there a place where a question can be asked?
The Beehive (NR14 6EA) (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/52.522495/1.472284) is marked with a blue circle (schools from the official lists that haven't been matched to an OSM object, Rob's map). I have ascertained that this school is to the NE of the blue circle and mapped it accordingly adding the edubase number.
Could the blue circle be resolved?


BC Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:33AM

Further to my previous query regarding blue circles in NR sector. I think all 7 of the blue circles are resolved.


Brian Prangle Tue 1 Mar 2016 9:31PM

Well done - it takes a bit of getting used to- the blue circles are placed on the centroid of the postcode which might be some distance away from the actual school




RobJN Fri 4 Mar 2016 9:26PM