Echoes from Sharing the GP

A container for feedback and conversation around feedback from people outside the crew with whom we've shared the GP

Jennifer Damashek Mon 13 Sep 2021 7:53PM
Thank you for these notes. I think I would resonate with Maija. 馃檪 I love so many of the points here. I especially would love to explore this question: how can communication come to include an embodied emotional feeling - deeply related to what we are saying.

Ronen Hirsch Tue 21 Sep 2021 5:15PM
Richard Bartlett
I shared the GP with Richard on Sep 14, 2021. I did not share the money sequences, however I did share with him that they exist.
Richard: "I feel very happy"
Wanting to share it with others.
Appreciated the framing of Microsolidarity as a collective maturity model (complements the individualistic maturity model).
Felt friction with the word "Strangers" - it implies "strangeness", the people that will arrive don't know each other but do have something in common. Richard suggested Kin, People Who Don't Know Each other. I thought about "Familiars."
The word "remote" implies emotionally distant.
Questioned "Limited resources"
There is a feeling of scarcity coming from 4 & 5 & 6.
Early in the welcome process started thinking about money: is the host (welcoming sequence) paid to be available? If so how?
Appreciated the "Inviting Friends" aspect of the welcoming sequence ... who else would you invite, of course your friends!
Hesitant about a limited potential for remote connection - without physical contact. We discussed this and Richard came to see our work (Remote Microsolidarity) as complementary to other explorations taking place in the Microsolidarity space. Remote may help to prepare people for physically coming together.
Change Dweller to Resident?
There was a shift in the felt experience for Richard when we arrived at the Dweller Guide - the generative process started to feel like speculative design.
Is the choice of "Theory before Practice" necessary at this stage? Does this pre-empt or limit what may be possible in the space?
ACTION: Connect with Carl who is creating a 5 day training program for "becoming a community creature" (Richard offered to make an introduction)
ACTION: Connect with Stoa / Rebel wisdom / Future Thinkers (Richard offered to make introductions).
Space/time for informally bumping into other people.
In the Interest Signaling sequence Dweller felt passive - maybe practitioner instead? Instead of Signal Fade -> Signal Decay.
When we do talk to other communities (eg 15 above) consider talking not jus to the "leader" but also to other prominent members who contribute to holding the space.
What it the MVP (minimum viable product)?
ACTION: Connect with Brooks (authentic relating)
Have a look at a Micosolidarity community forming in Pico.
Richard offered us (pointed to whatever website we wish to use)if we want to inhabit that space
Alex Rodriguez Wed 22 Sep 2021 12:57PM
These are all great suggestions. Thank you for sharing this back with us.

Jennifer Damashek Wed 22 Sep 2021 3:06PM
Thank you, Ronen. I find his feedback exciting. Especially the first two points: He felt very happy, and he wants to share it. I felt the same way. Yay! 馃帀
Ronen Hirsch 路 Mon 13 Sep 2021 9:48AM
Following are notes from my sharing of the GP with Maija over two sessions during August/September 2021:
Part 1: Context & Experiencing the Space
Saw an eye shape with threads spreading out from the middle; the center of the eye was pulsating as if changing focus.
Wanted to be able to explore the space freely (and invisibly, as if she wasn't there - a fly on the wall) before she decided if she wanted to join it.
Expressed a wish to protect the joining of the space (and participation in it) from becoming a commercial transaction.
Wondered how dyads and crews come into being.
Is there a relationship between moon cycles and vulnerability modes? What does this imply for women and their cycles?
Deaf communication - how can communication come to include an embodied emotional feeling - deeply related to what we are saying.
Bonding / vehicle / synchronize
Part2: Seeding a Space & Money
The 2nd reading took place while I (Ronen) was sitting outside on the deck and so the ambient sound was different. This time there were sounds of nature (such as birdsong, dogs walking around, etc.) and this affected Maija's experience. Since the GP uses terminology from nature it resonated with the sounds (this did not happen during the first reading when I was indoors). This affected the image that was evoked in her. During the previous reading the imagery that she experienced was hi-tech/sci-fi. During this reading she imagine an outdoor festival in which people were interacting.
She understood but did not resonate with the "How Money?" Sequence.
Value agreements felt technical and transactional.
Giving and receiving evokes a different feeling.
"Agreement" is different from "giving and receiving"
In agreement there is bargaining, in giving&receiving bargaining does not work/apply.
Mentioned the endowment model that is used by universities in the USA.
Appreciation of value
Maija apologized numerous times during the conversation when there was something in her life that disrupted the conversation. I said that she didn't need to apologize. She expressed that in doing so I was denying her self-expression. Maija mentioned that in other (such as Eastern) cultures denying an apology could be outright offensive! We talked about this mutual recognition and the dynamic of making our values conscious and agreed (eg: I understood what she was apologizing for and she could keep apologizing) and a question arose: is it definitively better to make values explicitly known, recognized and agreed? Because this is part of my intention behind value agreements.
Naming a gift affects the nature of the gift.
Bargaining (even in a business environment) about value is an erosion of relationships.
There may need to be an apprenticeship around value and creating value agreements.