[AP closed] 72 HOUR AP! How much should we grow?
Decision made by Fran Ellis 26/11/22
Decision summary: we will cap memberships at 130 adults this year to give us a better chance at finding space for everyone's tent, car, van etc., whilst also keeping space aside for doing not sleeping
AP to decide how many memberships we should sell for this year's burn.
Last year we sold 100. This year we have discussed increasing the number to 150. Although this number has been decided in previous APs, several members have raised concerns that we cannot accommodate 150 people without using all of the existing indoor spaces to sleep. Many people would prefer to allocate at least the yurts as common spaces, so we have places to hang out and do fun things. So, I thought I would do some maths and open a new AP to specifically discuss the total number of memberships.
I propose we sell max. 130 over 16 memberships. Please see my rationale in this Google doc.
This AP will be open for 72 hours only! It will lcose at noon on Friday 25th Nov. Please share your opinions before then!

fox of light Tue 22 Nov 2022 1:11PM
In favour of 130 too, growing but keeping some common spaces. Also, +30% seems like a reasonable growth limit :)
Untipr Tue 22 Nov 2022 2:19PM
Top job Fran :) 130 makes sense and if things change we can always up the numbers at a later date.

Sam B Tue 22 Nov 2022 3:04PM
I think this sounds like a good plan. A lot of the inside spaces are limited by fire safety rules (eg the barn could sleep loads more than 8 if we were allowed to have people sleep on the floor but their fire insurance does not allow it).

Nanna Stofberg Tue 22 Nov 2022 3:07PM
Great plan to not book us out fully if possible. As mentioned other places we need to keep in mind to not overflow on the camp field. :) 130 sounds reasonable.
Emily H · Tue 22 Nov 2022 12:46PM
I've been going on about space on the other threads so it will be no surprise that I am in favour of this idea! We got really lucky with the weather last year. The event being longer raises the chances of encountering bad weather. Keeping at least some of the yurts open for pure activity spaces is a good shout in my opinion!
Growth is exciting and we did discuss that some spaces really had room for more humans in them last year - but we don't need to grow the maximum amount in just one year. I think 30 more humans is great and a good compromise between the space available for sleeping and having more excellent humans on board to do stuff with.