Thu 20 Aug 2020 2:48AM

Developing our Good Member Guide

RK Richie Khoo Public Seen by 5

Objective: This guide helps new and existing members know how to best contrbute and be a part of our organisation. It refers to other policies and gives new members especially guidance on how to be 'A good member'.


Grievances fall outside of this policy, refer to 'Grievance Policy'.

This is not the code of conduct, it's a broader more welcoming guide.. what we want.

This guide is not a detailed policy on how to handle members who break our rules.

Open questions:

What does good mean, actually?

What is a bad member?

How do we frame 'feedback' and member to member relations.

What are some examples of effective policies in this space?

Initial discussions

Tyranny of structurelessness leads to emergent structures that include people grabbing power.

Microsolidarity - account for radical exclusivity

But I’ve learned from long exhausting experience that there is no such thing as complete inclusion: the more permissive your entry criteria, the more you include people whose behaviour excludes others. So the question is not “should we exclude people?” but “which people should we exclude?”


Designs for the Pluralverse - A world in which many worlds fit. Rather than diverse people in one dominant culture.

We want to look at diversity and inclusion.

The importance psycological safety and having members contribute to this.

Address Tradgedy of the Commons, frame participants as members/citizens of a commons. Encouage commons building, discourage bad actors and extratractive behaviours intentional or otherwise.

Onboarding - Helping make explicit our domiant cultural norms. Helps people join and be part of and be effective as a citizen of the commons.

Being explicit makes it clear how to best paricipate and also clarifies the conversation for if Im not behaving in a way that is appropriate.

Looking at some examples


Richie Khoo Thu 20 Aug 2020 3:12AM

Examples of 'Good Member Guide' core elements


Richie Khoo Thu 20 Aug 2020 3:14AM

Enspiral Handbook - So what does it mean to be an Enspiral Contributor?

In the automated emails, in week 3.. a framing of

So what does it mean to be an Enspiral Contributor?

Enspiral Contributors are the life of Enspiral. But what are you contributing to and how do you do it? Below is an extended version of our People Agreement which sets out what is required, expected and encouraged from Contributors in being valuable citizens of Enspiral.




The guide has a list under each.



Richie Khoo Thu 20 Aug 2020 3:21AM

Reinventing Work Wiki - Culture & Values

Ground rules for safe space